Black People Don't Tip Documentary

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i generally overtip when i go out to eat because i don't want this stereotype associated with me. i also worked in the food industry in high school so i know how it is.

This. But honestly I've noticed service towards me has constantly gotten worse for initial visits and I rarely repeat restaurants often enough in a short span to warrant familiarity, so I'm losing faith in restaurants on general.

This is why i also try to be really friendly and make jokes and smile early on, so they see that i want an enjoyable experience
i generally overtip when i go out to eat because i don't want this stereotype associated with me. i also worked in the food industry in high school so i know how it is.

This. But honestly I've noticed service towards me has constantly gotten worse for initial visits and I rarely repeat restaurants often enough in a short span to warrant familiarity, so I'm losing faith in restaurants on general.

I feel you on this. Customer service is real bad in every industry these days. I try to stick to the same restaurants where they know me.

Wont even watch that stereotypical titled video smh

I know one thing, just went to lunch yesterday at Brio's, very nice/fancyish. Bill was roughly 56$, gave her 80 and got 5$ back. When my service is superb, my tip is too. I still tip something even with bad service. I'm in Vegas so Cab drivers get tipped too. So many panhandlers/bums asking for money, I usually look out for them too. So F that video.....

I would never give a bum a penny unless they were missing their legs. Straight up.
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i feel you JC, but Karma works. And I dont give to get good karma. But I feel when I have an abundance and see someone who really looks like they're struggling. I give'em some change, maybe a few dollars. Or even a meal. We all were dealt hands differently, and not to give them an excuse of their mishap. I just know first hand of having it all, and then having it all taken away with nothing but the clothes on my back, 
I have a confession...

Black people tipped so rarely at the restaurant I bussed at, when they did leave a tip I'd steal it, because I knew no one would miss it...

Get it how you live *shrug*

OT: i work at a concert place and when its a rapper performing or a hiphop performer everyone already knows what the deal is with the tips
. just everyone ordering lots of food and no tipping. im not racist fyi lol
I wonder how many times have the cheapskates in this thread tried the ol' pluck my hair and say there's hair in my food trick.

I hate eating in groups cause usually there's one or two that only pay for their food and not the tip, leaving the rest to have to pony up a bit more and leave the restaurant in shame.

Don't you feel embarrassed and ashamed as a man when you tip poorly? Even if the service is bad which isn't as often as some of you make it seem.
Going back to the post about how you were raised. I'd also have to agree with that. As a kid, I'd go out with my dad, and everywhere we went, they knew his name. I asked him how, and he said when you take care of people, they take notice. We'd get appetizers for free, free deserts, etc. It's stuck with me.

First time it happened to me was in high school. After my games, me and my girl would always go to the steak and shake and I'd grab a Frisco melt dinner and she'd get a shake. The first night we went, the waitress was the sweet old lady. Asked me how the game went, cracked a couple jokes, and was always smiling. I enjoyed the service, so I dropped her a $20 tip for a bill that was ~$10. Every week after that, we'd get the same order, but she'd make me a to go order with a copy of my meal and an extra sandwich or tenders thrown in. I'd leave it in the coaches office during Saturday morning practice/film and heat it up and smash afterwards. :smokin
I wonder how many times have the cheapskates in this thread tried the ol' pluck my hair and say there's hair in my food trick.

I hate eating in groups cause usually there's one or two that only pay for their food and not the tip, leaving the rest to have to pony up a bit more and leave the restaurant in shame.

Don't you feel embarrassed and ashamed as a man when you tip poorly? Even if the service is bad which isn't as often as some of you make it seem.

Just don't invite those type of friends out to restaurants and the problem is solved
Insert Asian in the thread title and this thread never existed + permaban to OP and everybody who posted before deletion.
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It has to do with what kind of parents you had, and how they raised you. It's the honest truth.

Some kids think it's cool to talk with their mouth full, to drink from the jugs, etc ... and they stay stubborn in their ways cause it's too late to teach them.

99% positive the people proud of not tipping either had very little parental guidance, their parents never took them out to eat in an establishment bigger than red lobster, or simply never tipped themselves.

Yup. Straight up. When I'm out with friends and someone either doesn't tip well, or chews with their mouth open, and they're American, (a lot of my foreign friends have what I would consider poor table manners, but having eaten in their homes I know that's just how their culture does it) I automatically assume they weren't raised properly.

Another thing... if you double dip at the table in an appetizer that was ordered communally... I want you dead. I got no problems with someone double dipping in something they ordered, but if it's an item that the group is sharing, that's terrible manners.

Last weekend I had dinner at a Mexican restaurant with my mom and brother. My brother pulled the salsa bowl over to him, ate his chip directly over the bowl and then double dipped.

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Mom dukes looked at him like, "I know damn well I did not raise you to behave like that."

Sorry I got kinda' off topic.
Oh this a black thing now? Guess I need to show this to my other black friends who ask why I don't tip.

Anyway, as usual I'll just say it isn't my concern or obligation to pay your wage. You chose a job that pays poorly, no reason that you should get extra money because your incompetence in job choices. What you need to do is form a union and strike til you get paid adequately. If you're income is reliant on tips you're on the same level as panhandlers, prostitutes ore even above you.


Oh I see now we're on that you must've not been raised properly explanation for ppl who don't tip. It's always something in new in these threads.

I see the same hypocrites steady talking about the non-tippers character and in the same breath condoning and outright advocating tampering with a customers food. Yall nothing but scumbags.

Insert Asian in the thread title and this thread never existed + permaban to OP and everybody who posted before deletion.
forgot to add this haha. this wouldnt go 4 posts if it was about asians
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Oh this a black thing now? Guess I need to show this to my other black friends who ask why I don't tip.

Anyway, as usual I'll just say it isn't my concern or obligation to pay your wage. You chose a job that pays poorly, no reason that you should get extra money because your incompetence in job choices. What you need to do is form a union and strike til you get paid adequately. If you're income is reliant on tips you're on the same level as panhandlers, prostitutes ore even above you.


Oh I see now we're on that you must've not been raised properly explanation for ppl who don't tip. It's always something in new in these threads.

I see the same hypocrites steady talking about the non-tippers character and in the same breath condoning and outright advocating tampering with a customers food. Yall nothing but scumbags.

Lol again why are you concerned with their wage? Why can't you just worry about the service they gave you and tip accordingly? If a server made $16 or $2 it shouldn't matter. A tip is based on performance and service not to make up their low wages. Lol I swear some of yal try so hard to justify your cheapness.
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i feel you JC, but Karma works. And I dont give to get good karma. But I feel when I have an abundance and see someone who really looks like they're struggling. I give'em some change, maybe a few dollars. Or even a meal. We all were dealt hands differently, and not to give them an excuse of their mishap. I just know first hand of having it all, and then having it all taken away with nothing but the clothes on my back, 

I understand, and there is nothing wrong with buying someone a meal, but most of those dudes out there are straight up scam artist drug addicts. Give that extra dough to a respectable, non profit charity like Ronald McDonald House or St Judes.
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Research on race differences in tipping suggests that (a) Blacks leave smaller
average restaurant tips than do Whites, (b)Black-White differences in tipping persist
after controlling for socio-economic status, (c) Blacks tip less than Whites even when
provided comparable levels of service, (d)Blacks tip less than Whites even when the
server is black, and (e) Blacks are much less likely than Whites to know that it is
customary/expected to tip 15 to 20 percent of the bill size in U.S. restaurants. The
practical implications of these findings for restaurant managers, restaurant industry
organizations, and restaurant chains are discussed. In general, those implications center
on the need to educate Blacks about the 15 to 20 percent tipping norm
Well, well, what do we have here. Blacks don't tell as much as Whites?!?! OH NOES. Seeing as there are a greater number of whites than blacks, and also a greater number of economically higher whites than blacks, this should be obvious.

Many waiters and waitresses in the United States believe that African
Americans leave tips smaller than thoseleft by Caucasians (Caudill, 2004; Lynn,
2005; Noll & Arnold, 2004). This belief creates a number of challenges for
restaurateurs. For example, anecdotal evidence suggests that this belief leads many restaurant servers to resist serving
on Black customers, to deliver inferior service to Black guests on whom they must wait, and to avoid or quit positions
in restaurants with a predominately Black clientele (see Amer, 2002). The following remarks drawn from a discussion board at and
quoted at greater length in an article by Lynn (2004a) illustrate common server reactions.

Now this, is the problem with tipping. How dare a waiter refuse to deliver quality service just on the basis of whether they get a TIP or not. It's mind boggling how this system is STILL in place in the US, and how restaurants are still allowed to get over by putting the shift/blame on consumers rather than paying a regular wage.

Tipping creates stereotypes and advocates racism. It needs to be done away with. Hell, we dont have to even do away with it, but make these restaurants pay there employees properly.

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**** here with that crap.

you are morally on the same level as a rock

and it definately isnt true that black people dont tip well.

and i tell you what,

white trash people are the worst!
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To the people that don't tip at all regardless of the circumstances, would you still eat out at sit down restaurants if they all started charging a gratuity fee on the bill?
Oh this a black thing now? Guess I need to show this to my other black friends who ask why I don't tip.

Anyway, as usual I'll just say it isn't my concern or obligation to pay your wage. You chose a job that pays poorly, no reason that you should get extra money because your incompetence in job choices. What you need to do is form a union and strike til you get paid adequately. If you're income is reliant on tips you're on the same level as panhandlers, prostitutes ore even above you.


Oh I see now we're on that you must've not been raised properly explanation for ppl who don't tip. It's always something in new in these threads.

I see the same hypocrites steady talking about the non-tippers character and in the same breath condoning and outright advocating tampering with a customers food. Yall nothing but scumbags.

You part of the reason the stereotype exists tho...

Show me one post where someone advocated tampering with someone's food. Ya'll startin' to make me think its somewhat true, because I keep hearing the exact same argument for why ya'll don't tip.
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I'm black and tip but the one thing people can't shame me into tipping more because of some stereotype thats for sure. You can tell who a sucker just by admiting you let people strong arm you cause of a stereotype. I really would rather the food just cost what it cost and I didn't have to pay a tip cause these dudes honestly for the most part don't do jack spit. They bring you your food and me and my friends for the most part don't even ask for refills since most of us keep the drink until we finish eating and then drink it. I really feel some type of way about that so I'm all for just adding the price to the food and no tip.
Oh this a black thing now? Guess I need to show this to my other black friends who ask why I don't tip.

Anyway, as usual I'll just say it isn't my concern or obligation to pay your wage. You chose a job that pays poorly, no reason that you should get extra money because your incompetence in job choices. What you need to do is form a union and strike til you get paid adequately. If you're income is reliant on tips you're on the same level as panhandlers, prostitutes ore even above you.


Oh I see now we're on that you must've not been raised properly explanation for ppl who don't tip. It's always something in new in these threads.

I see the same hypocrites steady talking about the non-tippers character and in the same breath condoning and outright advocating tampering with a customers food. Yall nothing but scumbags.

Lol again why are you concerned with their wage? Why can't you just worry about the service they gave you and tip accordingly? If a server made $16 or $2 it shouldn't matter. Lol I swear some of yal try so hard to justify your cheapness.

But waiters admit they automatically assume black people aren't going to tip so they give them ****** service, then complain they didn't get a good tip? You don't see the problem? Kats saying they tip big even for bad service just so they can get on waitstaff's good side. You tipped for bad service, so what was the tip for? That's not how positive reinforcement works

What is so special about the refill drinks and carry plate industry anyways?

That whole "well it's cheaper because you're supposed to tip" argument could be used anywhere. Southwest could charge less for flights if we tipped the pilot, the hospital could charge less for health care if they weren't accounting for wages in their valuations of services and we tipped our doctors, ditto for any other industry.
and we really and i mean

REEEEEEEEEAAAAALLLLY need a negative rep button,

not saying it should have conequences, but it should at least be kept track of
Well, well, what do we have here. Blacks don't tell as much as Whites?!?! OH NOES. Seeing as there are a greater number of whites than blacks, and also a greater number of economically higher whites than blacks, this should be obvious.
Now this, is the problem with tipping. How dare a waiter refuse to deliver quality service just on the basis of whether they get a TIP or not. It's mind boggling how this system is STILL in place in the US, and how restaurants are still allowed to get over by putting the shift/blame on consumers rather than paying a regular wage.

Tipping creates stereotypes and advocates racism. It needs to be done away with. Hell, we dont have to even do away with it, but make these restaurants pay there employees properly.


Quality service is a luxury. A server really doesn't have to do anymore then the minimum job requirements. A good server will do more and put a better effort in to provide the customers with a good overall expierence though.

No individual regardless of their race should get minimal service off the bat regardless of their race or any perceived stereotypes.

However as I said before, if I were the server and I was attending to two different tables of customers I served before, if one tipped me and the other didn't, the customer that tipped me would get service above and beyond my job requirements, while the non tipper would receive the bare minimum average that's asked of me. The tipping table would be a priority while the non tipping table would be attended to after I took care of everyone else
:smh: @ some of the comments in this thread... Telling servers to get a "real" job. Many servers are right out of high school and working to gain good work ethics in the job force, and others are relying on their tips as their income to live and survive - Don't judge anyone's situation.

I think we all know when you receive great service and is over your ordinary, as opposed to getting a "standard" service or bad service.
I have heard about Black people in general not being good tippers, but am surprised to see a documentary on it.

Personally, I always appreciate exceptional service - If I am at a steakhouse or subway you should always appreciate good service.
When you receive good service and don't tip you're going to earn a reputation for being cheap. When you receive good service and you tip well it is appreciated.

I would love to see more in depth into this documentary - I imagine many of the people who don't feel it necessary to tip also treat waitstaff sub par and in return probably don't receive above-and-beyond service (This would apply to any individual returning customer, and not specifically a race/gender/etc.)... I don't know many people in any job that want to bust their butt and give it 100% without any recognition or appreciation.
Oh this a black thing now? Guess I need to show this to my other black friends who ask why I don't tip.

Anyway, as usual I'll just say it isn't my concern or obligation to pay your wage. You chose a job that pays poorly, no reason that you should get extra money because your incompetence in job choices. What you need to do is form a union and strike til you get paid adequately. If you're income is reliant on tips you're on the same level as panhandlers, prostitutes ore even above you.


Oh I see now we're on that you must've not been raised properly explanation for ppl who don't tip. It's always something in new in these threads.

I see the same hypocrites steady talking about the non-tippers character and in the same breath condoning and outright advocating tampering with a customers food. Yall nothing but scumbags.

Lol again why are you concerned with their wage? Why can't you just worry about the service they gave you and tip accordingly? If a server made $16 or $2 it shouldn't matter. Lol I swear some of yal try so hard to justify your cheapness.

But waiters admit they automatically assume black people aren't going to tip so they give them ****** service, then complain they didn't get a good tip? You don't see the problem? Kats saying they tip big even for bad service just so they can get on waitstaff's good side. You tipped for bad service, so what was the tip for? That's not how positive reinforcement works

What is so special about the refill drinks and carry plate industry anyways?

That whole "well it's cheaper because you're supposed to tip" argument could be used anywhere. Southwest could charge less for flights if we tipped the pilot, the hospital could charge less for health care if they weren't accounting for wages in their valuations of services and we tipped our doctors, ditto for any other industry.

I said earlier in the thread that maybe it's a self fulfilling prophecy, where the servers don't think they gonna' tip, so give 'em bad service, and then get a bad tip. I don't think that's the case now though, because I see black cats in here sayin' they still tip. Then I see other's postin in here about "they shouldn't have that job", or "why should I pay extra for that?". I think we can settle it like this; It's not a black thing, its a ratchet, bad mannered, poorly raised,scrubby broke ghetto thing.
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