Blackout Drunk Unappreciation


woke up with a big #*$ cut on my chin with blood all over... still got the scar

x smh
I've passed out from drinkin but never took it to the next level to where I blackout. My roomate would be straight blackout at bars, it was hella funny. He'd always be pissin in our fireplace
I've passed out from drinkin but never took it to the next level to where I blackout. My roomate would be straight blackout at bars, it was hella funny. He'd always be pissin in our fireplace
i used to never black out...then i did study abroad in australia...and now it happens way too easy
I used to be a blackout pro.

From what I've been told I have:
Got naked and tried to sleep on a kitchen counter
Had a chocolate cupcake fight in an apartment building lobby
Walked into a Jewish frat party and taught Jewish kids how to dance

Worst time I blacked out was about a year ago. Was pre-gaming with Bud Light and 1800 silver at the apt.
Then we headed to the bar where I decided to do 2 shots of 151 right off the bat. Next thing I know...
It's 10:01am and my roommate busts in my room like "DUDE YOU HAVE TO BE AT WORK AT 10!!!"
And I had to open the store that day (was Assistant Man. @ Sherwin-Williams).

From abt 11p-3am we were at the bar. Apparently I was mackin on hella chicks but was too blasted to get numbers
I was going up to people's tables and just taking their drinks and drinking them.
I fell over multiple times, then they say I disappeared. They found me at closing time puking in a corner with cops abt to take me to jail.
As we are leaving the bar some dudes started static w/ my boy who was in the Navy so he pulled out his glock and was abt to unload.
Then the guys went to their trunk and started to get whatev they had but our DD forced us all in the truck and sped off.
My boy had to carry me upstairs to the bed, then my friends proceeded to take pictures of my *@*...
I get home from work with a massive hangover and there's a 100 picture album on FB with pictures of the whole night.
I dont remember anything...apparently had a great time though.

Last time I blacked out was last Sept. in Vegas. Thought it was a good idea to drink a 1/5 of 151 before going to LAX...

Calmed it down since then and only drink Ciroc now.
I used to be a blackout pro.

From what I've been told I have:
Got naked and tried to sleep on a kitchen counter
Had a chocolate cupcake fight in an apartment building lobby
Walked into a Jewish frat party and taught Jewish kids how to dance

Worst time I blacked out was about a year ago. Was pre-gaming with Bud Light and 1800 silver at the apt.
Then we headed to the bar where I decided to do 2 shots of 151 right off the bat. Next thing I know...
It's 10:01am and my roommate busts in my room like "DUDE YOU HAVE TO BE AT WORK AT 10!!!"
And I had to open the store that day (was Assistant Man. @ Sherwin-Williams).

From abt 11p-3am we were at the bar. Apparently I was mackin on hella chicks but was too blasted to get numbers
I was going up to people's tables and just taking their drinks and drinking them.
I fell over multiple times, then they say I disappeared. They found me at closing time puking in a corner with cops abt to take me to jail.
As we are leaving the bar some dudes started static w/ my boy who was in the Navy so he pulled out his glock and was abt to unload.
Then the guys went to their trunk and started to get whatev they had but our DD forced us all in the truck and sped off.
My boy had to carry me upstairs to the bed, then my friends proceeded to take pictures of my *@*...
I get home from work with a massive hangover and there's a 100 picture album on FB with pictures of the whole night.
I dont remember anything...apparently had a great time though.

Last time I blacked out was last Sept. in Vegas. Thought it was a good idea to drink a 1/5 of 151 before going to LAX...

Calmed it down since then and only drink Ciroc now.
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

I used to be a blackout pro.

From what I've been told I have:
Got naked and tried to sleep on a kitchen counter
Had a chocolate cupcake fight in an apartment building lobby
Walked into a Jewish frat party and taught Jewish kids how to dance

Worst time I blacked out was about a year ago. Was pre-gaming with Bud Light and 1800 silver at the apt.
Then we headed to the bar where I decided to do 2 shots of 151 right off the bat. Next thing I know...
It's 10:01am and my roommate busts in my room like "DUDE YOU HAVE TO BE AT WORK AT 10!!!"
And I had to open the store that day (was Assistant Man. @ Sherwin-Williams).

From abt 11p-3am we were at the bar. Apparently I was mackin on hella chicks but was too blasted to get numbers
I was going up to people's tables and just taking their drinks and drinking them.
I fell over multiple times, then they say I disappeared. They found me at closing time puking in a corner with cops abt to take me to jail.
As we are leaving the bar some dudes started static w/ my boy who was in the Navy so he pulled out his glock and was abt to unload.
Then the guys went to their trunk and started to get whatev they had but our DD forced us all in the truck and sped off.
My boy had to carry me upstairs to the bed, then my friends proceeded to take pictures of my *@*...
I get home from work with a massive hangover and there's a 100 picture album on FB with pictures of the whole night.
I dont remember anything...apparently had a great time though.

Last time I blacked out was last Sept. in Vegas. Thought it was a good idea to drink a 1/5 of 151 before going to LAX...

Calmed it down since then and only drink Ciroc now.
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

I used to be a blackout pro.

From what I've been told I have:
Got naked and tried to sleep on a kitchen counter
Had a chocolate cupcake fight in an apartment building lobby
Walked into a Jewish frat party and taught Jewish kids how to dance

Worst time I blacked out was about a year ago. Was pre-gaming with Bud Light and 1800 silver at the apt.
Then we headed to the bar where I decided to do 2 shots of 151 right off the bat. Next thing I know...
It's 10:01am and my roommate busts in my room like "DUDE YOU HAVE TO BE AT WORK AT 10!!!"
And I had to open the store that day (was Assistant Man. @ Sherwin-Williams).

From abt 11p-3am we were at the bar. Apparently I was mackin on hella chicks but was too blasted to get numbers
I was going up to people's tables and just taking their drinks and drinking them.
I fell over multiple times, then they say I disappeared. They found me at closing time puking in a corner with cops abt to take me to jail.
As we are leaving the bar some dudes started static w/ my boy who was in the Navy so he pulled out his glock and was abt to unload.
Then the guys went to their trunk and started to get whatev they had but our DD forced us all in the truck and sped off.
My boy had to carry me upstairs to the bed, then my friends proceeded to take pictures of my *@*...
I get home from work with a massive hangover and there's a 100 picture album on FB with pictures of the whole night.
I dont remember anything...apparently had a great time though.

Last time I blacked out was last Sept. in Vegas. Thought it was a good idea to drink a 1/5 of 151 before going to LAX...

Calmed it down since then and only drink Ciroc now.
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

I used to be a blackout pro.

From what I've been told I have:
Got naked and tried to sleep on a kitchen counter
Had a chocolate cupcake fight in an apartment building lobby
Walked into a Jewish frat party and taught Jewish kids how to dance

Worst time I blacked out was about a year ago. Was pre-gaming with Bud Light and 1800 silver at the apt.
Then we headed to the bar where I decided to do 2 shots of 151 right off the bat. Next thing I know...
It's 10:01am and my roommate busts in my room like "DUDE YOU HAVE TO BE AT WORK AT 10!!!"
And I had to open the store that day (was Assistant Man. @ Sherwin-Williams).

From abt 11p-3am we were at the bar. Apparently I was mackin on hella chicks but was too blasted to get numbers
I was going up to people's tables and just taking their drinks and drinking them.
I fell over multiple times, then they say I disappeared. They found me at closing time puking in a corner with cops abt to take me to jail.
As we are leaving the bar some dudes started static w/ my boy who was in the Navy so he pulled out his glock and was abt to unload.
Then the guys went to their trunk and started to get whatev they had but our DD forced us all in the truck and sped off.
My boy had to carry me upstairs to the bed, then my friends proceeded to take pictures of my *@*...
I get home from work with a massive hangover and there's a 100 picture album on FB with pictures of the whole night.
I dont remember anything...apparently had a great time though.

Last time I blacked out was last Sept. in Vegas. Thought it was a good idea to drink a 1/5 of 151 before going to LAX...

Calmed it down since then and only drink Ciroc now.

team blackout 
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

I used to be a blackout pro.

From what I've been told I have:
Got naked and tried to sleep on a kitchen counter
Had a chocolate cupcake fight in an apartment building lobby
Walked into a Jewish frat party and taught Jewish kids how to dance

Worst time I blacked out was about a year ago. Was pre-gaming with Bud Light and 1800 silver at the apt.
Then we headed to the bar where I decided to do 2 shots of 151 right off the bat. Next thing I know...
It's 10:01am and my roommate busts in my room like "DUDE YOU HAVE TO BE AT WORK AT 10!!!"
And I had to open the store that day (was Assistant Man. @ Sherwin-Williams).

From abt 11p-3am we were at the bar. Apparently I was mackin on hella chicks but was too blasted to get numbers
I was going up to people's tables and just taking their drinks and drinking them.
I fell over multiple times, then they say I disappeared. They found me at closing time puking in a corner with cops abt to take me to jail.
As we are leaving the bar some dudes started static w/ my boy who was in the Navy so he pulled out his glock and was abt to unload.
Then the guys went to their trunk and started to get whatev they had but our DD forced us all in the truck and sped off.
My boy had to carry me upstairs to the bed, then my friends proceeded to take pictures of my *@*...
I get home from work with a massive hangover and there's a 100 picture album on FB with pictures of the whole night.
I dont remember anything...apparently had a great time though.

Last time I blacked out was last Sept. in Vegas. Thought it was a good idea to drink a 1/5 of 151 before going to LAX...

Calmed it down since then and only drink Ciroc now.

team blackout 
One night this girl stole my wallet, jewelry and shoes
but i then did go to her room later when I sobered up and took her uggs, jewelry and stuff. Had an equal exchange at the end too

Than one night, I drank 3 4lokos in less than 30 mins. I was gone. Went to sleep, threw up all over my bed and floor. Luckily my roommate cleaned it all up and put my sheets in the wash and all but then fire alarms go off and we have to evacuate the building, but I was to drunk and didn't want to go so I was in the bathroom hugging the toilet. They than find out it was a false alarm. Woke up and I had ruined my Nike Sb November Rains

The last time I blacked out was a month ago at an abc(anything but clothes party) and I wore a toga and drank half a bottle of Brugal and then went to the party where there was Smirnoff vodka but when I poured it in my cup and started drinking it, I couldn't taste it so I keep on pouring more and drinking more
Found out I got lost, went into a bunch of peoples different room and preached to one dude about violence and then left to go back to the party, couldn't find it so I fell asleep in the hallway. My buddies then found me and carried me to my room and put me down to sleep

So much fun and apparently, I'll say anything to a pretty girl when I'm blacked out haha. I meet new people when I'm drunk haha
One night this girl stole my wallet, jewelry and shoes
but i then did go to her room later when I sobered up and took her uggs, jewelry and stuff. Had an equal exchange at the end too

Than one night, I drank 3 4lokos in less than 30 mins. I was gone. Went to sleep, threw up all over my bed and floor. Luckily my roommate cleaned it all up and put my sheets in the wash and all but then fire alarms go off and we have to evacuate the building, but I was to drunk and didn't want to go so I was in the bathroom hugging the toilet. They than find out it was a false alarm. Woke up and I had ruined my Nike Sb November Rains

The last time I blacked out was a month ago at an abc(anything but clothes party) and I wore a toga and drank half a bottle of Brugal and then went to the party where there was Smirnoff vodka but when I poured it in my cup and started drinking it, I couldn't taste it so I keep on pouring more and drinking more
Found out I got lost, went into a bunch of peoples different room and preached to one dude about violence and then left to go back to the party, couldn't find it so I fell asleep in the hallway. My buddies then found me and carried me to my room and put me down to sleep

So much fun and apparently, I'll say anything to a pretty girl when I'm blacked out haha. I meet new people when I'm drunk haha
Too many experiences, vowed to always turn my phone off before getting wasted.
  I either would spaz on some shorty I was talking to or hit up some random joint with some game I never knew I had.
Too many experiences, vowed to always turn my phone off before getting wasted.
  I either would spaz on some shorty I was talking to or hit up some random joint with some game I never knew I had.
Originally Posted by yankeesking92

One night this girl stole my wallet, jewelry and shoes
but i then did go to her room later when I sobered up and took her uggs, jewelry and stuff. Had an equal exchange at the end too

Than one night, I drank 3 4lokos in less than 30 mins. I was gone. Went to sleep, threw up all over my bed and floor. Luckily my roommate cleaned it all up and put my sheets in the wash and all but then fire alarms go off and we have to evacuate the building, but I was to drunk and didn't want to go so I was in the bathroom hugging the toilet. They than find out it was a false alarm. Woke up and I had ruined my Nike Sb November Rains

The last time I blacked out was a month ago at an abc(anything but clothes party) and I wore a toga and drank half a bottle of Brugal and then went to the party where there was Smirnoff vodka but when I poured it in my cup and started drinking it, I couldn't taste it so I keep on pouring more and drinking more
Found out I got lost, went into a bunch of peoples different room and preached to one dude about violence and then left to go back to the party, couldn't find it so I fell asleep in the hallway. My buddies then found me and carried me to my room and put me down to sleep

So much fun and apparently, I'll say anything to a pretty girl when I'm blacked out haha. I meet new people when I'm drunk haha

Originally Posted by yankeesking92

One night this girl stole my wallet, jewelry and shoes
but i then did go to her room later when I sobered up and took her uggs, jewelry and stuff. Had an equal exchange at the end too

Than one night, I drank 3 4lokos in less than 30 mins. I was gone. Went to sleep, threw up all over my bed and floor. Luckily my roommate cleaned it all up and put my sheets in the wash and all but then fire alarms go off and we have to evacuate the building, but I was to drunk and didn't want to go so I was in the bathroom hugging the toilet. They than find out it was a false alarm. Woke up and I had ruined my Nike Sb November Rains

The last time I blacked out was a month ago at an abc(anything but clothes party) and I wore a toga and drank half a bottle of Brugal and then went to the party where there was Smirnoff vodka but when I poured it in my cup and started drinking it, I couldn't taste it so I keep on pouring more and drinking more
Found out I got lost, went into a bunch of peoples different room and preached to one dude about violence and then left to go back to the party, couldn't find it so I fell asleep in the hallway. My buddies then found me and carried me to my room and put me down to sleep

So much fun and apparently, I'll say anything to a pretty girl when I'm blacked out haha. I meet new people when I'm drunk haha

man i hate blackin out, i always make a fool of myself & i dont even know wat i did. ive woken up in the womens restroom at the club wit nuthin on but my beater & my boxer briefs, ive been in the club wit my pants fallin off & me fallin on the floor wit chicks & club security laughin at me, ive tried to smash a stripper raw(& possibly eat the pie from wat i hear) at a stripper party at my homeboy house, i %*!$$@ one of the ugliest chicks at the school, i smashed a ugly *%$#+ in college too just cause she bought the liquor & got drunk in my room wit me. now i dont drink liquor anymore, just beer
man i hate blackin out, i always make a fool of myself & i dont even know wat i did. ive woken up in the womens restroom at the club wit nuthin on but my beater & my boxer briefs, ive been in the club wit my pants fallin off & me fallin on the floor wit chicks & club security laughin at me, ive tried to smash a stripper raw(& possibly eat the pie from wat i hear) at a stripper party at my homeboy house, i %*!$$@ one of the ugliest chicks at the school, i smashed a ugly *%$#+ in college too just cause she bought the liquor & got drunk in my room wit me. now i dont drink liquor anymore, just beer
I used to blackout on the regular when I was a freshman in college. I never had a drop until I joined the navy and went to college. Everyone I kicked it with were heavy drinkers.

But since school, I can only remember one time that I blacked out. Dont ever drink moonshine with rednecks. And dont ever chase that moonshine with patron anejo. Worst day ever the next day.
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