Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Thread - "Margate Sands" SEASON FINALE

After signing over the land to the Church, she's lucky her and her brat kids aren't out on the streets.
She did it out of her own guilt and the Church own all of it. The broad picks the perfect time to develop a conscious considering she smutted herself out as soon as her husband was killed. The hospital doesn't tie into it. Nucky is still bamboozling the public into believing that he's a good doer.

Nucky can't get rid of her because then she can then turn state's evidence and all his charges return

Her guilt played a role but so did Nucky blatantly lying about his late clearing of the air with Jimmy. She was hoping marriage would change the lying, it didn't and we all know hell has no fury like a woman scorned
Nucky can't get rid of her because then she can then turn state's evidence and all his charges return
Her guilt played a role but so did Nucky blatantly lying about his late clearing of the air with Jimmy. She was hoping marriage would change the lying, it didn't and we all know hell has no fury like a woman scorned

You can't teach an old dog new tricks and she should have known that. It was more of her guilt (how she got her living situation, forgetting where she came from, cheating with Owen Slater) than him lying. She's always been about herself and it was most evident with the ledger.
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Richard has been my favorite character since he was introduced.
Last night was one of the best episodes in the 2.1 seasons of BE. Great pacing and story telling and I like the way they introduced Rosetti.
Very excited to see his character develop and cause trouble.
I agree. I definitely liked Season 2, but a part of me felt like it came close to jumping the shark down the stretch, but they wrapped everything up well in the final 2 eps. The flow of the premier felt more season 1ish to me, which was welcomed.

Think Gillian's message to Harrow implying to stop dwelling on the past was a message to viewers more than anything (in regards to Jimmy). Long term, wonder exactly what role she & Harrow will play into the overall plot, b/c they were only really relevant cuz they were tied to Jimmy.

What happened to Manny reminded me of what happened to Meth in the last episode of The Wire. And I reacted the same way both times
....had it comin.
Felt bad for Van Alden when he missed the deadline for the contest. Dude was super happy when he made 24 sales with O'Banion. Obviously from the preview of the next episode, Rosetti is going to be a problem, dude snaps quickly when he doesn't have his way. Great episode.

My dude Harrow though :pimp:
I didnt notice in the episode but is Emily still unable to walk?
Great opening to this third season. The new characters are :pimp:. Can't Wait.
Just picked up the season one boxset and watched the first episode. I have a feeling I'll be hooked. Also, I had no idea some of the characters would be based off real people.
I STILL cant believe that broad did that. The nerve...after everything Nucky has done for her.

Pretty much "forced" Nucky to turn into a philanthropist. LOL.

Also...Toine, there were crutches leaned up against the chair that Margaret's daughter was sitting on.
Nucky signs them over to Margaret so that if he is convicted they won't be able to take the properties...

Margaret was feeling guilty about her new lifestyle and feels it may be the cause of her daughters illness

she feel that if she made a sizeable donation to the church her sins will be forgiven
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I'm curious to know how he reacted when he found out she did it. (The deed bidness)

I'm sure they'll revisit that in a flashback or something.
Nucky signs them over to Margaret so that if he is convicted they won't be able to take the properties...
Margaret was feeling guilty about her new lifestyle and feels it may be the cause of her daughters illness
she feel that if she made a sizeable donation to the church her sins will be forgiven
:smh: >: Arrrgghhhh such a dumb *****.

This **** gets me so frustrated when I dwell on it :x :stoneface:
Did Lucy leave?
I don't really get the whole land deed thing, either.
Yes. Lucy left. She wanted to act. The crappy diaper on the record player was the "Dear John" letter for Van Alden.

The land deed being signed over to the Church is clear as day.
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To expand on the land deed thing for those with a hazy memory. Nucky was being charged for corruption, murder, etc. More charges were definitely coming if convicted. Had he lost they would've took everything from him so when he got out he'd have nothing BUT if he got married and signed over the rights like the land (which was his most valuable legal asset) they could not take it from his wife.

Margaret took advantage of that after feeling guilty and her daughter getting polio cuz she thought GOD was punishing her. Along with that sniveling priest in her ear she was completely guilted in to giving money and the deed to the church. She felt she was in the right given Nucky was ordering murders at that point (I think she already got past the alcohol bootlegging). She's pretty insecure but daring and hopeful given the times so she took that chance for several reasons.
Any chance we didn't see Eli in the last episode because he was serving his year or whatever Nucky and him talked about last season on Eli's porch?
I'm also interested to see where Gilian and Harrow's characters go from here.
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