BREAKING NEWS: Michael Vick is officially a free man

my dude vick
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

^ i dont get it either.

One of the most over-rated QBs its ridiculous.


How many QBs have you seen do that?

Please don't act as if dude was just a regular ol football player.

You have to admit he was a special, one of a kind freak.

He DID carry his team to the NFC Championship game with average passing ability and average WRs.

If that's the case he should be a RB, what does a play like that have to do with being a great QB the way some of ya'll make him out to be?

Is one of those guys who revolutionized his position (like Donovan)? Sure....but he isn't half the quarterback Donovan is all around when healthy.

I could care less how fast he is when it comes to playing QUARTERBACK.


Because he can do both.
Vick is a winner and Romo isn't? What trophy has Vick brought to Atlanta that Romo hasn't to Dallas? You don't care that Vick's action screwedhis team for a whole year and had the likes of Joey Harrington at QB? Clearly wasting my time.
Originally Posted by jumpman23000

Dudes on here stay slurrpin this avg. at best qb. He's fun to watch sometimes but has few to none passing skills. As far as the oh look at your avy, this thread isn't about Romo and secondly, playoff games were a loosing effort from the Dallas Cowboys, not Tony Romo. Please refrain from commenting if you don't know what your talking about.
Looks at avy.

Vick wasn't a great QB hell he wasn't a good QB. His lack of accuracy when throwing the ball kept him from being an elite QB in the league. Itdidn't help that his receivers couldn't catch the ball during his stay in Atlanta.
Gotta love NT once everyone jumps the bandwagon with an athlete.

It all goes downhill from here.

We know the guy can run, but if you want to be labeled as a GREAT QB, you need to be a GREAT PASSER as well.

2002 was his best overall passing season with 16 TDs and 8 INT (rating of 81.6) with a 54% completion percentage.

2003 4TD/3 INT (inured- 5 games)

2004 14 TD/ 12 INT 78 rating) 56% completion rating

2005 15 TD/ 13 INT (73 rating) 55% completion rating

2006 20 TD/ 13 INT (75 rating) 52% completion rating.........solid season

There is nothing GREAT about those numbers.

Vick wasn't a great QB hell he wasn't a good QB. His lack of accuracy when throwing the ball kept him from being an elite QB in the league. It didn't help that his receivers couldn't catch the ball during his stay in Atlanta.

I agree, but I've seen many times Vick would just run out of the pocket and throw at someone's feet one too many times.
thank you for posting those numbers. I don't know why people are talking about Romo like I came in here to say he's great, I'm not saying he'sgreat just responding to idiotic comments.
mike vick ... 67 starts ... 52 interceptions ... 55 fumbles 54% completion percentage ...

tony romo ... 39 starts ... 46 interceptions ... 32 fumbles ... 64% completion percentage ...

vick fumbles more because he runs more, romo throws more ints because he throws more ... they are both risk reward, piss poor franchise quarterbacks ... onlyplus side to romo is he can learn to protect the ball in the pocket and learn not to make so many bad throws and ints ... vick was consistently horrible evenafter 5 years ... as you can see vick had about 2 years more playing experience than romo so theres still slim hope for tony ...
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Gotta love NT once everyone jumps the bandwagon with an athlete.

It all goes downhill from here.

We know the guy can run, but if you want to be labeled as a GREAT QB, you need to be a GREAT PASSER as well.

2002 was his best overall passing season with 16 TDs and 8 INT (rating of 81.6) with a 54% completion percentage.

2003 4TD/3 INT (inured- 5 games)

2004 14 TD/ 12 INT 78 rating) 56% completion rating

2005 15 TD/ 13 INT (73 rating) 55% completion rating

2006 20 TD/ 13 INT (75 rating) 52% completion rating.........solid season

There is nothing GREAT about those numbers.

Vick wasn't a great QB hell he wasn't a good QB. His lack of accuracy when throwing the ball kept him from being an elite QB in the league. It didn't help that his receivers couldn't catch the ball during his stay in Atlanta.

I agree, but I've seen many times Vick would just run out of the pocket and throw at someone's feet one too many times.


being adept at scrambling is a small portion of what makes a COMPLETE QB. There are so many other nuances (like being able to pass) that go with the label ofa QB being "great," or even "good" for that matter. There are a slew of scrambling QB's who have come and gone thru the NFL over can look at the likes of Steve Young, John Elway, Donovan McNabb, Randall Cunningham, Mark Brunell, etc etc....all of whom (later in their careers)weren't nearly as good on their feet in their 30's as they were earlier in their careers. However, what seperates them from Vick is the fact that allof them were better passers.

Not to take anything away from Vick, but he is what he is as a QB. Like I said before, he is in a class of his own, and one of the most dynamic athletes theNFL has ever seen. He was insanely overrated as a QB. He had problems making some of the most routine throws...what helped him was the fact that his legswould constantly bail him and the Falcons out of tough spots over the course of a game.

Who knows what the future hold for him in his attempt to get back into the NFL. The best fit for him would be a team that could utilize him in the wildcatformation. If he's your starting QB in a year or two years from now, good luck.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Gotta love NT once everyone jumps the bandwagon with an athlete.

It all goes downhill from here.

We know the guy can run, but if you want to be labeled as a GREAT QB, you need to be a GREAT PASSER as well.

2002 was his best overall passing season with 16 TDs and 8 INT (rating of 81.6) with a 54% completion percentage.

2003 4TD/3 INT (inured- 5 games)

2004 14 TD/ 12 INT 78 rating) 56% completion rating

2005 15 TD/ 13 INT (73 rating) 55% completion rating

2006 20 TD/ 13 INT (75 rating) 52% completion rating.........solid season

There is nothing GREAT about those numbers.

Vick wasn't a great QB hell he wasn't a good QB. His lack of accuracy when throwing the ball kept him from being an elite QB in the league. It didn't help that his receivers couldn't catch the ball during his stay in Atlanta.

I agree, but I've seen many times Vick would just run out of the pocket and throw at someone's feet one too many times.

I was waiting for someone to post numbers. And as was said when he played, number don't even begin to tell the story. And Mez Vicks passes were alwaysHIGH. Its McNabb who throws at someones feet. Not to mention Vicks Falcons always were close leading the league in drops.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

He DID carry his team to the NFC Championship game with average passing ability and average WRs.
This is just false, dude was an awful passer for the most part. He didn't have much receiving help ever but still, dude could not throw an accurate pass for his life.

Yea, you DEFINATLY didn't watch any Falcons games. Shut up and move along now.
I heard you commited a B & E just do Vick could tear your little ++* up in jail. Hop off dudes meat seriously, his career passer rating is75.7 besides '02, his only really good year dude, never passed for more than 2,500. I think Vick can play QB in the league but dude is anywhere close tobeing a good passer.
Umm he was a QB and when he comes back I wanna see him as a QB, eff all this HB/RB/WR talk.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Gotta love NT once everyone jumps the bandwagon with an athlete.

It all goes downhill from here.

We know the guy can run, but if you want to be labeled as a GREAT QB, you need to be a GREAT PASSER as well.

2002 was his best overall passing season with 16 TDs and 8 INT (rating of 81.6) with a 54% completion percentage.

2003 4TD/3 INT (inured- 5 games)

2004 14 TD/ 12 INT 78 rating) 56% completion rating

2005 15 TD/ 13 INT (73 rating) 55% completion rating

2006 20 TD/ 13 INT (75 rating) 52% completion rating.........solid season

There is nothing GREAT about those numbers.

Vick wasn't a great QB hell he wasn't a good QB. His lack of accuracy when throwing the ball kept him from being an elite QB in the league. It didn't help that his receivers couldn't catch the ball during his stay in Atlanta.

I agree, but I've seen many times Vick would just run out of the pocket and throw at someone's feet one too many times.

I was waiting for someone to post numbers. And as was said when he played, number don't even begin to tell the story. And Mez Vicks passes were always HIGH. Its McNabb who throws at someones feet. Not to mention Vicks Falcons always were close leading the league in drops.

I know dude's impact on the field is a good thing because his running ability leaves defenses confused more often than not, but if he were amore accurate passer he would be on a whole 'nother level.

Till then I can't say he is a GREAT QB, he's just a good one (and physically gifted).

What season was it when the Falcons recievers lead the league in dropped passes?
that dude throws one of the most uncatchable balls in history ... ive tried to catch dudes passes and he is buns ... theres something to be said when you cancome out of your break and expect the ball in a window and get it somewhere else ...
I'm just happy he's free. Let the man live.

P.S. I've been a dog owner for over 15 years.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

He DID carry his team to the NFC Championship game with average passing ability and average WRs.
This is just false, dude was an awful passer for the most part. He didn't have much receiving help ever but still, dude could not throw an accurate pass for his life.

Yea, you DEFINATLY didn't watch any Falcons games. Shut up and move along now.
I heard you commited a B & E just do Vick could tear your little ++* up in jail. Hop off dudes meat seriously, his career passer rating is 75.7 besides '02, his only really good year dude, never passed for more than 2,500. I think Vick can play QB in the league but dude is anywhere close to being a good passer.
Your so pathetic. Seriously.

2002 Michael Vick 2,936 passing yards 16 TD 8 INT

Continue to shut up now.

that dude throws one of the most uncatchable balls in history ... ive tried to catch dudes passes and he is buns ... theres something to be said when you can come out of your break and expect the ball in a window and get it somewhere else ...
And you are?
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

And you are?
nobody important lol ... just worked out with him and his brother at different times as my family coaches out in virginia ... to put it intoperpective, i caught balls from weinke when i was much younger and had an easier time with him than vick ... id say out of 10 balls vick would throw 5 wherethey were supposed to be and 3 that i would consider catchable ... the other would flap their wings or be severly overthrown ...
Regardless of all the haters he has. Those same people will be watching him play football. Maybe not in the NFL, but i'm pulling for him to still be one ofthe best.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

nobody important lol ... just worked out with him and his brother at different times as my family coaches out in virginia ... to put it into perpective, i caught balls from weinke when i was much younger and had an easier time with him than vick ... id say out of 10 balls vick would throw 5 where they were supposed to be and 3 that i would consider catchable ... the other would flap their wings or be severly overthrown ...
Originally Posted by jumpman23000

Posting 2,936 passing yards 16 TD 8 INT numbers is never a good look when defending a QB in any argument.

Your right, neither is this.. 0

Oh, im sorry - thats the amount of Playoff wins Romo has.
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