> Bronx teenager puts bookbag on BMW, gets slashed by driver

Ska, I get your point of view. I really do understand where you are coming from, and I agree that kids need to be respectful of other people's property.

But you cannot win here. You took the absolute wrong side in this argument, and its not your fault. You aren't trying to justify the man's actions, youare just trying to point out that the kid started the problem. But by arguing against the kid, you come off as on the man's side. The side of a man whoknifed a teenager in the face. I don't care what a kid does to your property, I can never justify something like slashing the kid.

Also, you can't honestly believe you would look at this the same way if it was your kid. Unless you plan on raising Jesus Christ, your kid is going to dosomething like the teenager in the article. He will lean against someone's car. He will mouth off to someone. If someone goes ballistic on him and maimshim, are you really going to tell your kid "well, you asked for it". I can't imagine that you would.
holy crap what happened here

ska, I'm not getting at you, I was just saying you're good at grabbing a debate out of something ,which isnt a bad thing because almost all of the timeyour points are very valid and logical, so iunno if the warning was for me or what

but Imma just go ahead and dip out of here, I think my homework was enough reading for one night
Nah, you have funny PhotoShops.

That's an automatic immunity.

I am completely kidding. You were never warned, because you never called anyone (including me) any names. Simple as that. Late80s did, like we have history orsomething. I have no idea who she is, so I imagine someone told her 'about me' or something, and she figured something along the lines of 'Psh, ifI ever get in a debate with him, I'll tell hims straight up, he's a prick.' I don't know. I'm just guessing. All I know is she was anothercase of someone who I have never had history with coming out the woodworks acting like we don't like each other. I don't know what her deal was, butshe's more than welcome to say, because she wasn't banned (just warned, twice, as you see in the thread).
The Yes Guy:
Ska, I get your point of view. I really do understand where you are coming from, and I agree that kids need to be respectful of other people's property.

But you cannot win here. You took the absolute wrong side in this argument, and its not your fault. You aren't trying to justify the man's actions, you are just trying to point out that the kid started the problem. But by arguing against the kid, you come off as on the man's side. The side of a man who knifed a teenager in the face. I don't care what a kid does to your property, I can never justify something like slashing the kid.

Also, you can't honestly believe you would look at this the same way if it was your kid. Unless you plan on raising Jesus Christ, your kid is going to do something like the teenager in the article. He will lean against someone's car. He will mouth off to someone. If someone goes ballistic on him and maims him, are you really going to tell your kid "well, you asked for it". I can't imagine that you would.
I'm definitely aware of the first part, which is why I said in my very first reply in the thread 'Allow me to play devil's advocatehere'.
But it's good to see someone else point that out aswell, so it's not just a theory in my mind, but also an observation from someone else.

And as far as my son is concerned, I honestly do believe that I would place at least a minimal amount of blame on him if he were in the situation. And ifthat's naive of me to think that, then I can't find it anymore or less naive than someone who thinks that everyone will react peaceably and reasonablyin the face of blatant disregard for their personal property.
So people are getting on the kid who got slashed for being "disrespectful" MORE than the psycho who took it upon himself to nearly kill him??? Peopleare really trying to side with and understand the point of view of a person who would try to end someone's life over something so petty rather than totallysee this as an unjustifiable action? REALLY???

I swear, the opinions of some of the people on NT in situations like these are completely abhorrent and beyond absolution. After reading most of the replies inthis thread, I've figured out that I'm pretty on point with the people I've previously selected to ignore on this site. I feel bad for some of you.I really do.
yea, its like saying women who wear sexy clothes deserve to be raped.

i admit, they are gonna get some unwanted attention maybe, but getting raped is unjustifiable.
To all of those talking about the kid having respect issues,

There is literally no way the kid putting his bag on Ferguson's BMW could have justified Ferguson's reaction. I don't care if the kid took an axeto Ferguson's car. If someone isn't threatening harm to you or someone in your proximity, a violent reaction is unwarranted 95% of the time. Storieslike this make me very sad about human nature in general, but some of the reactions on this board make me feel even worse. ITS A CAR. AN OBJECT. I'm notsaying I don't care about materialistic possessions, but the worst I could imagine myself doing would be punching someone or pushing them away, etc.--andthey would have to destroy something meaningful for me to do that.

If it was really about teaching the kid a lesson, Ferguson could have taken the kid's bag and driven away. That would have shown the kid to not toss yourproperty around, specifically on top of other people's property.

This is one discussion that doesn't need a "devil's advocate."

So people are getting on the kid who got slashed for being "disrespectful" MORE than the psycho who took it upon himself to nearly kill him??? People are really trying to side with and understand the point of view of a person who would try to end someone's life over something so petty rather than totally see this as an unjustifiable action? REALLY???

I swear, the opinions of some of the people on NT in situations like these are completely abhorrent and beyond absolution. After reading most of the replies in this thread, I've figured out that I'm pretty on point with the people I've previously selected to ignore on this site. I feel bad for some of you. I really do.

yea, its like saying women who wear sexy clothes deserve to be raped.

i admit, they are gonna get some unwanted attention maybe, but getting raped is unjustifiable.
AGREED 100%.
Originally Posted by jvhoop22

AGREED 100%.

so what do you say to someone who wears that type of stuff..."dont do that cause you KNOW whats gonna happen." right?? shorty know what he was doingwas wrongso when something does happen, eat it. no one said people were just gonna curse you out in life
So people are getting on the kid who got slashed for being "disrespectful" MORE than the psycho who took it upon himself to nearly kill him??? People are really trying to side with and understand the point of view of a person who would try to end someone's life over something so petty rather than totally see this as an unjustifiable action? REALLY???

I swear, the opinions of some of the people on NT in situations like these are completely abhorrent and beyond absolution. After reading most of the replies in this thread, I've figured out that I'm pretty on point with the people I've previously selected to ignore on this site. I feel bad for some of you. I really do.
More implicit, subtle disrespect from someone inadvertently expressing discomfort with opinions who differ from his own.


WIthout knowing which side of the fence you're on, which argument you're siding with, or which people you're talking about that you've chosento ignore, I already know the answers to both.

Yeah, people are getting on the kid more than the psycho. Right.

It worries me that some of you are allowed to walk without supervision.
I really mean that.
Rose colored glasses are dangerous. Itcan't be healthy thinking that you live in a world that should be a certain way instead of coming to grips with the actual world you live in.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by ceelo4

I don't get why the kid would argue back after putting his bookbag on someone elses car. Probably wouldve saved him from all the trouble.
Agreed x 10.

Either way, dude didn't deserve to get slashed.
H4ppyTime Harry:
yea, its like saying women who wear sexy clothes deserve to be raped.

i admit, they are gonna get some unwanted attention maybe, but getting raped is unjustifiable.

And I'm not justifying the knifer's actions.


Good grief.

That is not justifying the knifer's actions. What is it? It's not allowing the kid to be ONE-HUNDRED PERCENT INNOCENT in the situation, something youall INSIST on providing him (100% innocence). Hell no. He is absolutely NOT one-hundred percent innocent.

There are people who are victims of things they had ZERO contribution towards; HE IS NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE.

There are people who get blitzed in ways they could NOT have prevented at all: he is NOT one of those people.

There are people who get wronged despite doing NOTHING to provoke anything: he is NOT one of those people.

He did have a contribution, he could have prevented the entire incident, andhe did provoke the wrath of a maniac.

You all want to look at the SECOND incident and act like that's where it all began? Right on. Keep thinking that way; it's your face, not mine.
Ska I think you need to realize as I've said a million times, the kids actions were a mistake, a lapse in judgment. I understand "Respect Peoplesstuff" perfectly valid point. But the fact that people can't make mistakes without having their stuff slashed is unreasonable the fact that the kidtalked back is just a reaction to what he saw as a threat, if your a humanist and I'm assuming at one point was a teenager, you have to understand that hisego got in his way, and for that he deserves any bodily harm? not in my eyes, but if you feel the need for repercussions for mistakes,lapse in judgment andbeing a dumb kid then by all means do you as for me and mine I prefer to take the more Socratic role.

Once again the kid made an absent minded kid mistake and re attacked as a child from his background(minority growing up in NY) would act, should he have doneit no but at the same time you have to establish that violence is never a justifiable or logical reaction.
no the kid isnt innocent, but what kid is? kids do stupid things. they are young and stupid. thats what being a kid is about.

honestly throughout your lifetime you have never rested up on someone elses car?
IMO ....this is less about the fact that he put his bag on the car, it's more about what probably happened immediately afterwards, and how he responded tobeing confronted.

Everyone has leaned on a car, everyone has done something that could be perceived as disrespectful. But not everyone acts like a tough guy right after. Like Isaid earlier... kid should've just left it alone after that. Had the guy come at him with a knife after the kid just picked up his bag and tried to walkaway.... then I GUARANTEE no one would even be the "devil's advocate", because there would be no logical way to argue for what he would'vedone. But when you open your mouth, things escalate, and you never know just how crazy the other ##%%@%!!%#@! is.

This is similar to the situation posted a while back, of the girl that cut the dude in line in Burger King.
that's horrible. just a kid man... something psychologically wrong about a person if they react in that way.
Why'd he put the bookbag on the car though? I don't agree with cutting the kid but it could've all been avoided.
Ahh there's no sense in arguing with douchebags who can't see the fault of their own rationale and who think they're always correct about things.
stabbing is OD but dude definitely should have got punched in the face for putting his bag up and then talking %$#+ to the car owner.
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