> Bronx teenager puts bookbag on BMW, gets slashed by driver

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The kid needs to know... EVERYONE needs to know... that NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME!! Sure, sometimes you'll put your bag on the car of someone who doesn't care, because they like their squeaky clean record. Other times they'll put their bag on the car of someone who will simply step out and remove the bag. And other times, they'll put their bag on the car of someone ready to rearrange their face with a knife. And still OTHER times, they'll put their bag on the car of some crazy idiot who will... point blank, bottom line... shoot them. Bang.

So my lesson to my son would be (and will be, when he's older): "Don't put your bag on ANYONE'S car Then you won't have to worry about whether or not the owner will shoot you, slice you, remove your bag, or just do nothing.'

The heck is he doing tromping around on someone else's lawn?! Even if he goes over to a friend's house, he better not be tromping around on their lawn without the permission of whoever owns the home! Not my kid. Hell no.
you're gonna teach your kid how not to do anything anyone deems remotely offensive? there are the obvious things you will teach your kid like don't talk back, or dont put your bag on someones car but what about the one insignificant thing you forget to warn your kid about like... walking over someones lawn and they carve you kids face up... is it still your kids fault??
This is not an issue of an offensive slur or anything like tha; this is an issue of respect. And as far as that is concerned, so help me God, my son will be as respectful as I was as a kid and I am now. And there's no way on God's green earth I would have even DREAMED of setting my bag on the car of someone I did not know personally, and no way I would have even thought about crossing the lawn of someone I didn't know personally. I never even thought 'Don't set your bag on this car, because you don't know them.' And I'm sure most people on my side of the fence in this thread can say the same thing. We never thought that, because it was already instilled that the car is off-limits to begin with.

Answer this: if the kid never sets his bag on the car, is there a story?

Is there?

If the driver was irate over the kid setting his bag on the car and arguing about it... does the kids face ever get sliced if he minds the car as something that is off-limits?
I think I'm gonna have to just agree to disagree with ya on this... Is your respect other people property to the extreme limited to cars? Whatif your kids steps on someones shoes, sits in somebody's seat, picks up the wrong coat by accident...ect.

Somewhere along the line even your own well-raised, well mannered child is gonna slip up and disrespects someone's property... would you understand if anadult punched (let alone stabbed) your own 16 year old child for accidentally stepping on his shoes?
The kid shouldn't have talked back since he was in the wrong, but that doesn't justify the guys actions. Hope some crazy inmate overreacts when hebumps into them so he knows how it feels.
When will kids learn that some people are just crazy? I have to put this in the same category as that girl who got boxed on by a grown man in McDonald's.YOU DON'T RANDOMLY DISRESPECT STRANGERS!! How hard is that to understand? There's a certain risk in it that is not worth taking. For example: Youmight, I don't know, GET YOUR THROAT SLASHED!!
@ folks acting like crazypeople just suddenly popped up out of nowhere. I'm not saying the slasher is justified. I'm just saying the boy was stupid.

At some of the dudes in this thread.

Nobody was there. Nobody heard what was said. Obviously the driver came out of his car to talk to the kid, and who knows, maybe the kid was trying to tellthe dude that it wasn't that serious. Nobody knows why the kid put the book bag on the car. Maybe he put it there to tie his shoes? To get something outof it? WHO KNOWS.

The bottom line is, this is a terrible incident.

You can talk about respecting your elders, respect people's property, he shoulda knew better, he shoulda never talked back, etc etc.
@ all this 'respect' talk. Maybe the driver should have RESPECTED theSITUATION.

Was it THAT serious to get into it and attempt to murder a SCHOOL BOY?

Over what, really? SMH

Next time somebody steps on my shoes, and not apologize, I'ma slice 'em up. Door bell ditch, and I'll shoot you.

@ these elitist dudes on NT.

The article said he talked back, for all you know he could have said, "oh my bad, i just had to set it down for a sec"

But regardless of what he did or didn't say, some of yall dudes are straight up wilin' when it comes to thinking he deserved it.

Some of you need really go outside and see reality for what it is.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

"I was just leaning on his car," said Gabriel, a sophomore at the Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics. "I apologized, and he started cursing."

Change anyone's perspective????


Of course not.



Like I said, the next time somebody steps on my shoe, accidently, intentionally, whatever, I'ma shoot the person, no questions asked. Person shoulda knewbetter to respect me and my property.

When I'm on the news, hold it down for me NT.

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Originally Posted by pdot

Off topic but where does the term "buck fifty" come from???

a hundred & fifty stitches.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ..... NO

A box cutter cost a dollar 50... therefore " IM A GIVE U A BUCK 50"
I know this has already been said. Teens have no respect these days. Why put your bookbag on another man's possession? Of course, knifing somebody isabsolutely absurd, but it wouldn't have happened if the kid weren't an idiot in the first place. You never know who you're dealing with.
NT, ++!%, society for that matter is very naive.....I didn't read all 15 pages, so it may havebeen mentioned.....but they story is a sensational one, they lured you in with the mention of a BMW....whether it was a MERCEDES a FORD or a KIA, Iwouldn't want anyone putting anything on my car or doing anything to my car that can cause damage to it...simple - I will talk to a minor an adult, whoeverand let them know how I feel....and whatever retaliation they may have might cause me to do something rash...this is how things happen, not justifying whatoccurred, but I can understand why the dude may have wanted to at least knock the kid out....stabbing/slashing is something totally different...but who knowswhat was exactly said
slicing is a bit extreme an all, but alot of kids these days are bold and swear as if everything revolves around them. sometimes askin kindly isntenough...only thing #%%#%% in the hood respect is force and violence...its sad but its the truth...so i can see how the kid mouthing off pushed duke to thebrink....i mean i woulda just roughed the kid up a bit...probably tap his jaw a couple times but not go Emeril on him...but like i said sometimes you gotta doextreme things to teach dudes a lesson...and it doesnt matter what yr or type pf car it is, thats my %%+# and if you disrespectmy %%+# then u disrespectinme...
Since the kid was a minor, the story was written in a way to attract sympathy for him. Mentioning the car was a BMW most likely had nothing to do with thedrivers anger. I'm almost positive that the kid not only talked back when the driver told him to get off his car but did so in a very disrespectful manor.Its NY; dudes are raised to be confrontational before they even hit double digits in age.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Nah, you have funny PhotoShops.

That's an automatic immunity.

I am completely kidding. You were never warned, because you never called anyone (including me) any names. Simple as that. Late80s did, like we have history or something. I have no idea who she is, so I imagine someone told her 'about me' or something, and she figured something along the lines of 'Psh, if I ever get in a debate with him, I'll tell hims straight up, he's a prick.' I don't know. I'm just guessing. All I know is she was another case of someone who I have never had history with coming out the woodworks acting like we don't like each other. I don't know what her deal was, but she's more than welcome to say, because she wasn't banned (just warned, twice, as you see in the thread).

too many assumptions i dont know who the hell you are either. big @!+ head for no apparent reason.
Originally Posted by Late80s

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Nah, you have funny PhotoShops.

That's an automatic immunity.

I am completely kidding. You were never warned, because you never called anyone (including me) any names. Simple as that. Late80s did, like we have history or something. I have no idea who she is, so I imagine someone told her 'about me' or something, and she figured something along the lines of 'Psh, if I ever get in a debate with him, I'll tell hims straight up, he's a prick.' I don't know. I'm just guessing. All I know is she was another case of someone who I have never had history with coming out the woodworks acting like we don't like each other. I don't know what her deal was, but she's more than welcome to say, because she wasn't banned (just warned, twice, as you see in the thread).

too many assumptions i dont know who the hell you are either. big @!+ head for no apparent reason.

Well umm, we did figure out Ska infact is Kayanne Ferguson.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Stop talking to me like I'm the one in the incident.

I think we've finally gotten to the bottom of this. 23ska909red02 = Kayanne Ferguson. You're maniac. %+*+*%* crazy.


Late80s might be !@*%!@@ crazy as well, but for wholly far more humorous/different reason.

So as is evident I think he's naturally a volatile person.
Originally Posted by GG0tti

Originally Posted by ceelo4

I don't get why the kid would argue back after putting his bookbag on someone elses car. Probably wouldve saved him from all the trouble.
You can not think he was talking back in a bad way. He could have been telling the driver why he did. etc.

Hope this guy goes to jail for a long time.
You guys are jokers. If someone took a number 2 on your cars you guys wouldnt do anything but post it on here talking about you took an "L".
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