Calipari to Kentucky.

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by akf0dy7

so what happens to all the dudes that committed to Memphis? if they no longer want to play there being that the coach is leaving would they still have to sit out a season?
Cousins and Wall are verbals. They'll be fine. Henry wrote his LOI, but he can get out of it if Memphis lets him.

Memphis has no say in it... Him and Dennis can be released from their LOI if Cal does indeed go to UK it was a clause put in the his signing. Which means Calcan potentially bring the #1,2,3 and 47 prospect to the blue grass with him... The Opposite of Handsom... EARLY.
Originally Posted by RellNye

Originally Posted by MessiahChild

Damn Memphis just went from Tournaments Locks Every Year to Automatic Bid ONLY status in the span of 72 hours....

Somebody has to be in the know about Kentucky's Scholarship status???

"Hypothetically Speaking" wouldn't it be crazy if UK had about 3 McD's AA as walks on next year.....With Fafsa paying their tuitions...
Do you know what FAFSA is? It doesn't pay any tuition. Its a financial aid form that determines need and from there the school determines how much you have to pay.
Yea I definitely worded that wrong, I was more so trying to say that Fafsa guidelines will determined that they wont have to pay tuitions, thus mycomment.

But you knew exactly what I meant...
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Memphis has no say in it... Him and Dennis can be released from their LOI if Cal does indeed go to UK it was a clause put in the his signing. Which means Cal can potentially bring the #1,2,3 and 47 prospect to the blue grass with him... The Opposite of Handsom... EARLY.
And he'd be adding the #1, #2, #3, and #47 ranked players to the #22 and #32 ranked players
I can only imagine how salty some of these other coaches will be if Cal pulls off getting all that talent.
Flordia, Tenn, and w/e other SEC teams that were thinking they were going to be competing, well you'll be competing, for 2nd place in the SEC for the nextcouple of years. He might not win the Championship, but he'll be winning the conference more than likely.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

so what round will cal have KY choking in for the next few years?

lol, no kidding. You can have all the shady dealings in the world to pull in five-star recruits, but you still need to coach those recruits
Originally Posted by jumpmantwenty3

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

so what round will cal have KY choking in for the next few years?

lol, no kidding. You can have all the shady dealings in the world to pull in five-star recruits, but you still need to coach those recruits
KY has been a non factor the last few years , any thing would be appreciated up there
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

so what round will cal have KY choking in for the next few years?
wasn't he in the NC last year? they did choke, but you can't really hate on that.

*for the record, i don't even think Calipari is that amazing of a coach.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk


This is so crazy... The hell was Memphis thinking? So he gets to take all of them to UK and he'll probably keep Orton/Hood...

Wall, Orton, Hood, Henry, Dennis, Cousins...

u see what happend when UAB wouldnt give cousins that same deal with Mike davis? he wouldnt sign there, i dont see anything wrong with what mempis did
what a day...i finally got to my comp. i got some catching up to do...

but i just caught the local news, they said that a deal is being finalized and they showed a vid of Xavier Henry's brother talking about the meetingbetween Cal and the players.

i think a press conference will be early tomorrow to make the official announcement.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

what a day...i finally got to my comp. i got some catching up to do...

but i just caught the local news, they said that a deal is being finalized and they showed a vid of Xavier Henry's brother talking about the meeting between Cal and the players.

i think a press conference will be early tomorrow to make the official announcement.

you will soon get the feeling of high class recruits (you know #1,2,and 3 on rivals ),winning, and possible championships

Memphis on the other hand, hopefully the school isn't too cheap to get Tim Floyd
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

just posted by Andy Katz:

John Calipari decided late Monday night to sleep on Kentucky's offer to become its next basketball coach, a source close to the situation said.
Orly, thought this was done deal today

i think hes gone though

Just hate Witherspoon and Sallie will have to sit out a year if it does happen and they transfer
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

what kind of offer can memphis come up with to try and keep him?

he's only owed like 2.8 M or so, i guess more money or higher raises per year

He must want one more crack at a national title ; if he can't get it done next year , retire
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Sleeping on offer = No Dice.

Sorry wildcat...
maybe...who knows really? lol, don't be sorry for me tho...i told y'all i wasn't going to get too excited about any of it...buty'all making it hard not to.

i'm just glad that Barnhart is swinging for the fence. If Cal doesn't accept, he's a *+%!%#% is Billy Donovan.

it really can't be stressed enough how PERFECT he is for the job.
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