CAPCOM Appreciation Thread Update PG1

where has steez been anyways?

dude is gonna flip when he sees the thread got locked

poor guy
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by Rafool

Uhhhh what happened to the Capcom thread.......?
I'm guessing that all the teams started just today was the tip of the iceberg for the mods. Hahah. All teams have been locked except for the Harry Potter team somehow.

Stupid Team Tool Time..
not to mention Team Team....
Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by Rafool

Uhhhh what happened to the Capcom thread.......?
I'm guessing that all the teams started just today was the tip of the iceberg for the mods. Hahah. All teams have been locked except for the Harry Potter team somehow.

Stupid Team Tool Time..
lol to mention Team Team....
Okami is hands down one of the best games I've ever played.
Capcom is appreciated but.....Here's what Terry Bogard has to say about SF
By the way, I think it's safe to say all Marvel members are welcome here to share their love for the various Capcom games.

We won't shoo you back to your own thread like this is some Little Rascal's boys only club. That would be absurd!

Brilliant Overlord
Terry Bogard

I guess Team Pokemon is still alive too.

Mister916 you can have Jericho now
Yes The Deek is correct, ANYONE from ANYWHERE is allowed to come here and share your appreciation for Capcom Games
"I wanna take you for a ride"

is that what the song says? LOL wow I spent my whole childhood trying to decifer that #@%%
You know, I never understood WHY Capcom would play such chill jazzy music in MvC2 when all this nonsense is going on with a 3 on 3
I mean just listen to the Clock Tower stage
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

"I wanna take you for a ride"

is that what the song says? LOL wow I spent my whole childhood trying to decifer that #@%%
yea i didn't know those were the words until my friendsang it randomly one day. i was like "wut??"
Originally Posted by djaward

when is mvc comming out for xbox and ps3???

according to IGN, july 22nd. but there are rumors sayin it might get bumped back a week.
IGN says its 7/29


Capcom's Twitter just updated with the following announcement: "Alright already! Marvel VS Capcom 2 offically goes live on XBLA on July 29. PSN date to be announced soon." They've also given it a price: 1200

This is the first time an official date has been mentioned, so I'd expect Capcom to hit their mark. They say that a PSN date is going to be announced, but with the XBLA version hitting on the 29th (a Wednesday) it would be likely that the PSN release would be on the following day. Expect that to be official a little later today.

Be sure to check back for Gamervision's review right around that time, but you likely already know what you're getting into. You're going to make Spider-Man fight Strider over and over again and laugh hysterically. Planning on picking it up?

Some still speculate that PS3 is the same day.
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