Cd Sales 12-1-09 Vol. Curtis 59k Second week

Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Damn, expected more from RiRi considering she was the "victim"...

Wonder what Breezy's numbers are gonna look like. Smart havin' your RD so close to the holidays, though...
This. If I was an artist my !#%@ wouldn't come out at any other time of the year...
first off,

Who in the flying uck is SUSAN BOYLE?!?!?!!??! from those pictures yall posted on pg.2 and/or pg.2 she looks like the granny from Sylvester The Cat &Tweety Bird cartoon.
those numbers are beyond imagination in the 2009 music industry. props to her most defitnely.

I thought Lady Gaga was going to do 500,000 + with "The Fame (Monster)" (esspecially with the artwork, photos, and locks of hair
) but100-115,000 is very, very nice numbers

Rhianna's first week numbers are disappointing to me, but at the same time; she released her album WAY TOO EARLY . Alot of people stillhavent heard the "Russian Roulette & Wait Your Turn" singles
she should dropped during the Spring of Summer for sure...

at Birdman & Jay Sean's numbers. honestly i thought Birdman was going to do AT LEAST 200,000 + because of the Wayne, Drake& Nicki Minaj features on the album & affiliation.
Jay Sean's numbers are a REAL BIG SURPRISE to me because, he has an international fanbase, and had a single (Down) most demographics canrelate to. So I was thinking 150,000 + first week at least and grow stronger week by week.

Shakira's numbers are pretty accurate, she fell off hard, there are to many females that took her spot, during her downtime.

my early predictions for Chris Brown's numbers (based off of this week's numbers surprise) are between (80,000 & 150,000)

and the Clipse

Originally Posted by kingkb34

Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Damn, expected more from RiRi considering she was the "victim"...

Wonder what Breezy's numbers are gonna look like. Smart havin' your RD so close to the holidays, though...
This. If I was an artist my !#%@ wouldn't come out at any other time of the year...
Idk. During Nelly's run he always did the Summer/Beg of school year and he did numbers
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Im seeing some of the comments in here and certain dudes is flip flopping from what they initially said/thought before
. its all good though

sometimes i wish i cared enough to printscreen...
me 2

on the real even I am
surprised at these second week sales and i wasdefending 50 but i cant with this one. its a Fire album and ill defend that but i aint cosigning these sales. 50 just got to say he lost with this album as faras sales go but the music is very good. He keeps saying it leaked a month early. Everyone loses & that goes for 50 and his fans. Yall lost this one interms of sales but at least yall can say its a hot %!$ album, there really is no room for argument with this.
I'm waiting to see what Waynes rebirth and YM album does cause the buzz birdman album had was higher than 50's IMO
He's sold 220K come on man.. 220 is far from calling it an end.. Maybe 20 rappers can sell 220K in their first 2 weeks. You are just trying to make a deal of nothing..

If this were anybody else besides 50 Cent then your statement would be true. However, given the fact that this is 50 Cent that we're talking about andseeing as how he and a good portion of his fans like to talk about album sales all roads from this point forward lead to a dead end regarding this album for 50and his fans. He's the one rapper that most hip hop fans would say prides himself on album sales. If you or anyone else don't consider these numbersthus far "bad" or a "flop" then your too close to the G-Unit circle. For weeks we've been hearing from certain individuals how BISDwould sell 300K plus in the first week, how it would be Gold within 2 weeks, so on and so forth. Now that's those dreams didn't come true those sameindividuals now all of a sudden have a different mindset on album sales, not saying it's you per say but those folks know who they are, and moreimportantly I know who they are.

what if CB really outsells Rhi Rhi what kinda world...

I wouldn't be surprised.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Im seeing some of the comments in here and certain dudes is flip flopping from what they initially said/thought before
. its all good though

NT in a nutshell.
Cats is forgetting, the ENTIRE time 50 was selling crazy units, YES he put a crazy emphasis on the fact that his success was being translated into Sound Scan#s. And cats would complain and say the #s don't really mean anything, and 50 was only making a big deal cause he was selling @ a rate almost unparalleledby a "Street" artist... & now that the tide MAY have changed, the very same cats that would disregard Sound Scan #s are now staying up extra lateto get the final #s cause now they can point to them and say "50s losing"... But those were the SAME cats that were sayin sales don't meananything just a few years ago... And now that the modern day label structure is on the brink of destruction they can't get enuff of record sales...Trending sales... I mean cats are goin to now... So I guess now sales mean EVERYTHING (how convinient for a 50 hater)

When 50s was doin it, they disregarded sales and said the "albums sucked", now he made another SOLID album... Just so happened to leak about a monthearly (something more or less unprecidented), drops it and the SoundScan don't look like the #s of old...

The Jay Z stans specifically seem to be the most happy about this one... Why exactly?? I don't know... I guess 50 made their idol mad, and I guess he'sready to take credit for this or somethin...

Its 2 weeks in, tho I personally think Interscope should pull the plug on the project, who knows what their future marketing plans are... The same cats thatcomplained about him having 6 or so singles last go round, maybe they try that again... The record is already out there, either they'll market the jointand see what they can get out of it, or just leave it on the shelves to collect dust... A tour wouldn't hurt... Maybe he can have another one of those NY"We Are The World" joints... Raekwon said he'd do it...
Another thing too, I'm seeing all types of excuses for 50's piss poor numbers from him and his fans. "The album leaked a month inadvance", "People were too busy traveling for Thanksgiving" "50's doing the best he can with what he has". At the end of the daythese are all excuses, and they all lead to nowhere. All 50 Cent and some of his fans (particularly some here on NT) had to say was that his gimmicks simplydidn't work this time around and some of the early calculations of his first and second week sales were all lies in order to fool the public, nothing wrongwith telling the truth.
Jay Sean is going to be alright, he has a lot of radio friendly singles

don't worry, I stand by my statements he will still blow up in the US

I see Jay's success much like Lady Gaga, when she debuted she had a huge single but only sold 24,000 in her first week but she kept pumping out hits andnow repackaged her album

I believe that is what they plan to do with him and the I would assume they hit us with a Jay ft Drake single
What gimmick did he use??

You guys throw that word around way too much on here... He made an album and put it out, he didn't use a Rick Ross beef to propel this project... Hementioned him once on the album that I noticed... And he addressed his issues with Game & Buck...

A lot of yall Ns don't know what your talking about... (but what else is new), you guys wanna pit 50 against Jay Z for your own personal reasons, Jay wasthe one that came out and made an out-of-pocket comment about 50 the week after HIS album came out... You guys are acting as if 50s the one that rehashedwhatever animosity those 2 had to support your ******ed agenda...
Harlem On The Rise wrote:
What gimmick did he use??

You guys throw that word around way too much on here... He made an album and put it out, he didn't use a Rick Ross beef to propel this project... He mentioned him once on the album that I noticed... And he addressed his issues with Game & Buck...

A lot of yall Ns don't know what your talking about... (but what else is new), you guys wanna pit 50 against Jay Z for your own personal reasons, Jay was the one that came out and made an out-of-pocket comment about 50 the week after HIS album came out... You guys are acting as if 50s the one that rehashed whatever animosity those 2 had to support your ******ed agenda...
He used the Rick Ross beef...

How did you forget this picture that dropped a few days before his album

Rick Ross barley sold 400K... With 2 seperate projects How exactly would that beef benefit 50?? Or HIS Soundscans??

And furthermore, if that's what he was goin after why not make an actual diss record to him on the album... That would make sense... Unless those picturesare in the liner notes...

He was gonna go to Floyd Maywheather's house regardless... & snap pictures, just so happen Tia and lil man decided to tag along... But beef recordsdon't really propel record sales... Being that 50 has 12 top 10 hits as of today, and none are diss records...

In the history of hip hop, prolly the ONLY diss record to perform well on the charts was "Dre Day" about 17 years ago... (unless you count"Obsessed")
The thing about the whole 50 Cent & Jay-Z situation is that, Jay-Z never had a point where h had to re-invent himself, or a point where he"already" reached his prime.

Jay-Z has peaked for 14 years now. (or maybe 12 years.)

50 Cent's peak was arguably between "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" & "The Massacre". Ever since then 50 Cent had so much pressure& stuggle with creating more & more singles.

"I Get Money" is 50 Cent's last nation-wide smash. I feel as though now with "Before I Self Destruct" in this date & time. 50 Centmight be heading down the Nelly road

Jay-Z album sales have been just about consistent. and 50 Cent's well.. we all know
What gimmick did he use??

We can start with the half-!*$ attempts to beef with Wayne in order to create a buzz for his album to drop this past summer only for that to go nowhere.

A lot of yall Ns don't know what your talking about...

you guys wanna pit 50 against Jay Z for your own personal reasons

You are the only individual up to this point that has even brought up this "so called" debate between 50 Cent and Jay. This is just another attemptby you to shift attention off the topic at hand from 50's piss poor numbers, nice try champ but we're not going to fall for that one. At the end ofthe day there truly is no competition between 50 and Jay, and that's for obvious reasons.

Jay was the one that came out and made an out-of-pocket comment about 50 the week after HIS album came out...
Jay said "No one is scared of 50 Cent", nothing more. You call that being out-of-pocket??
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Jay Sean is going to be alright, he has a lot of radio friendly singles

don't worry, I stand by my statements he will still blow up in the US

I see Jay's success much like Lady Gaga, when she debuted she had a huge single but only sold 24,000 in her first week but she kept pumping out hits and now repackaged her album

I believe that is what they plan to do with him and the I would assume they hit us with a Jay ft Drake single

Nah, they should have put his album out when "Slumdog Millionaire" was all over the US....he missed his time, nobody listening to that
Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Jay Sean is going to be alright, he has a lot of radio friendly singles

don't worry, I stand by my statements he will still blow up in the US

I see Jay's success much like Lady Gaga, when she debuted she had a huge single but only sold 24,000 in her first week but she kept pumping out hits and now repackaged her album

I believe that is what they plan to do with him and the I would assume they hit us with a Jay ft Drake single

Nah, they should have put his album out when "Slumdog Millionaire" was all over the US....he missed his time, nobody listening to that
that's not racist
I know Jay's claims to be from the streets and all... Not sure the validity of that... But on the street you don't say "no ones scared of personA" and expect to be taken serious... If your not scared of person (A), you say it TO person (A), not somebody else... Cause that proves nothing, and itmakes your statement worthless

But anyway, I said it before, and I'll say it again, from Feb 4th 2003 to today, 50 has made all around better music than Jay Z (IMO)... I broke it down inthe LAST thread about this exact same subject... (didn't see anything refuting that stament that was worth takin into consideration) I also broke downclose to 11 years worth of "gimmicks" Jay Z has used that for some reason doesn't seem to upset people the way 50's so called"gimmicks" have, which makes NO sense...
If certain people would just admit they were wrong, this thread would die quickly.....

Dudes be in threads actin like their OPINION is fact, and telling everybody they dont know what theyre talkin about.

Now that theyve been proven wrong, the bag of EXCUSES is being used.

Just take your L and move on.

* "Real N's know" *
I guess they dont...
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