NORTH FLORIDA x SOUTH FLORIDA SUMMIT? at before Hot Import Nights Miami? anyone down?

oh and hi Joe, Will, Kuhl, Mike, Rishi, MattL yada yada yada

Yea, plus its starting to get cooler out... so its the perfect weather =].. Miami miami miami!!! im thinking early december? or mid november? not thanksgiving weekend, people are usually super busy then.
israel Chai.
How about December 16? it's the same day as HIN....we can do the whole summit thing all day and if anyones interested in the evening time we can go to one of the hottest car shows next to NOPI nationals and the Lowrider SuperShow? i mean imma be there the whole week end, weathers gonna be real nice...all you hypebeast can show off your BAPE hoodies! :rofl:


The weekend would be pretty sick....December, sounds cool, I mean what does it get down to like 70 degrees in Miami?

This is great, the Summit has become rejuvinated, went from summit talk, to beef, back to summit talk...nice :pimp:

Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

take off the blazer loosen up the tie step inside the booth superman is alive

Are ya'll ready for round 2?

Amen Rishi, even though im not from Orlando.

What's up, Bana. Good to see post in here.

Anyway, I only have one more thing to say before I'm done with this so called "beef" for good. Let's talk about this kid Aznsoccrstar aka BornIn1985 aka Troy for a second because he was the primary reason (other than Jester) that things fell apart with myself and some of the other Orlando heads.

This kid was dropping information to the Orlando heads with instructions to "don't tell Rishi" because I would come by and buy up everything to resell before they get a chance to. Now let's get some FACTS straight.

1.) Before this kid met me, the only thing he knew about sneakers was from the Nelly AF1 song. I introduced him to the Orlando people at the 2005 Summit. He actually DIDN'T want to be there. But I encouraged him to come even after he refused a few times and he eventually did. Even then he said he would just come for a few hours and then bounce but he ended up staying the whole time and going to the game afterwards. That's the first time he ended up meeting the OG Orlando people.

2.) While I was rocking 3rd series SB's to work, he was stocking up on white/white AF1's. I taught him about SB's, Jordans, etc. etc. I took him to MESH to cop Dela Lows. I took him to Galactic G and Covert JUST to show them where they were because up until that point, he had no idea.

So, considering those two FACTS, why would it be conceivable to believe that I would buy up everything to resell? If I was in it solely (no pun intended) for profit, I wouldn't have invited him to the Summit and I damn sure of wouldn't have showed him where the those spots were. Even going back as far as the Altitude release, I was the one who gave him the Footaction heads up so that his girl's sister would go wait in line and get him a pair. So dead the idea that I wasn't encouraging new shoe heads to the scene or that I was in any way "jealous." The main reason things fell apart in Orlando was this new jack BornIn1985 saying my name and LYING behind my back and the people who believed those lies.

And the REALLY funny thing is this kid is going around trying to befriend everyone by buying them over with F&F discount cards and hook ups while making me out to be a cut throat reseller when HE was chatting to everyone as AznSoccrstar but doing his reselling under the "BornIn1985" name on ISS. You don't have to do much research to find evidence of his "transactions." And it's funny how quick he was to delete his MySpace and Ebay accounts before ratting out people. I just resold stuff on Ebay but this kid also had connections with bulk buyers who were having him reserve shoes for them. (See: vcarter7114) And this kid is in Nike MANAGEMENT! Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Did I resell shoes? Yes. Did I do it behind any of the Orlando people's backs? NO. Everytime I had auctions on Ebay I had links to them in my sig and everyone knew what I had on Ebay at all times. It was no secret. I did my thing but never did I ever say "don't tell so and so about this or that" because I was afraid of losing a profit.

I like to share my collection. Does that give off some kind of shoe head elitist vibe? No, why would it? I like to see other people's collections. Does that mean "I'm better than you" ? Of course not because it's a matter of taste and everyone likes something different. If someone breaks my neck I will damn sure let them know they broke my neck. Value wise my stuff doesn't compare to other people's. Some of my shoes are worthless to other people yet I would break the bank to have them. It's about liking what YOU like and sharing it. That's what this hobby is all about. If it was about "which collection is most valuable" then we are all just better off posting pics of stacks of money.

So in conclusion, I'm not a reselling elitist who hates all of the new jacks. I'm one of the OG heads (among others) who encourage people into the scene and don't like people saying things about me that aren't true. That's what it all boils down to. That's not too much to ask for I don't think. That's it..I'm DONE with this beef.

So yea...Miami sounds awesome! If we do it on the Saturday the 16th we can go to the Heat vs. Memphis game. I'm down for that.

take off the blazer loosen up the tie step inside the booth superman is alive

King of New York, New York...not only NYC, I'm hip-hop's savior, so after this flow you might owe me a favor...

Flash Gordon with recordin, spark the light in the dark
Peter Park, Spiderman, all I do is climb charts...


Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

Wait, whoa.. where have I been? I never knew that those 2 names were both Troys.. Eh, who cares!?

Yall orlando peeps are grimey...

WITH THAT SAID, come on down to the 305 =]
israel Chai.
.Quite frankly I don't care what you post, because if that were the case Id come straight back at you with quick responses or jabs and let it go back and forth until things just got worse than they are now. I honestly dont even need to defend myself because whether I look bad to you or the person next door doesnt really matter as I am who I choose to be and wouldnt change it otherwise. With that said I will just state where I stand on the whole issue, take it for what its worth. The internet is funny in which we dont know what tones to take but my approach is cool and calm for the attitude readers.

To Rishi, I am not mad at you, nor am I angry at you. I just dont like the person you are TRYING so hard to be. I hold no grudges with the situation at hand. With regards to the Mike situation, I wasnt involved therefore I wont be. Instead I will talk about my own situation. Well, I think that what you are trying to accomplish is simply childish so Ill let you do what you please, say what you want, and go to sleep at night feeling however you feel about yourself. It is childish that we are all arguing over a few shoes here and there. That is on your chest as to whether you think that you are perfect in your facts and that all you say is the right answer.

In my opinion, you got some things right, you got some things wrong, but fact or opinion in the end it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks as they were never involved really. Talk to whom you please, say what you please. In the long run it won't make up for your mistakes that you made. My myspace is not deleted, and I didn't scramble but for a reason to start over and bring things to truth to get a clean state. See we dont always learn from our own mistakes, but sometimes from those around us. I never ratted you out, and regardless of what you think, I defended you. I even gave you a heads up and help. I tried to get things to the status quo, but you continued to hold that grudge you still hold to this very day. If you think about it and if I were making mistakes, I wouldn't want to rat you out, since it would've just caused me trouble.

You are right you taught me a lot about kicks. You taught me what this and that was, you taught me old and new stuff, but even bigger you taught me about life. You taught me to definitely watch those in front of you, beside you, and especially behind you. You also taught me that regardless of whom you are or what you stand for, in the long run only you yourself know the truth and the reason why you stand for what you do. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has their bad days, basically no one is perfect. I appreciate the life lessons you have taught me and I am sorry of the circumstance they had to be learned. All over some shoes I wish you the best in your future and I hope that since one door closed you walked into one of the others that opened. You are a cool guy and have a lot of great knowledge on your shoulders; maybe if your grudge that you hold wasnt so strong, would have a lot more going for you. Stop being so stingy and accept the matter. One thing you have yet to learn is that the past is the past. Does it make you more of a man to try and justify yourself by dropping useless information on a web forum where some people believe that the next best thing in life is getting their size in the next release. To me it has become more than that it has become a drug, something that has brought me to spend, spend, and spend again. An addiction that has ruin parts of my life left unsaid. It is something that I have thought a lot about and changed. I am sorry that I was never and never will be an OG HEAD like yourself and all those around you. For those looking in from the outside, I am sorry that every perception you have of me is negative. I can be cocky, but in the long run I can be a pretty descent human being, which shoes aside is all that matters in life. I feel fine with myself and wouldnt change it otherwise.

As the days progress every word you write doesnt make you a better person, or a bigger man. People dont like you any more than they did the last day. If you think I am such a snake then what does that make you in terms of what you have been saying all along or what you are trying to do or say here and now. I have definitely made my mistakes in the past and I have definitely regretted many things I have done, but in the latest months from the time you left, I have learned so much more. I have learned what there so is much more than this game as we all likes to call it. I am growing as a person by working hard at doing what I do. Professionalism is the key to success. I havent but done my part to make a business run and give it the respect it is needed.

It is really funny that at one point i did think you were COOL for wearing those 3rd series SBs, but now I have grown to learn more about it. I would always ask you worth or meaning behind a lot of shoes. It was a rush to learn something new something different each and every day. Whether it is about shoes, school, or life, I would always search to learn something new. I am pretty sure you werent born with so much knowledge that you didnt have to ask anybody anything in life growing up. I am sure you werent always a shoe head. We all start out at the bottom and try to make our way up in life. Some of us as we pass people by we try to pull them down only to get ourselves higher. It may get us higher, but we still arent better than the next person.

All in all, I apologize for any harm I might have caused you. I apologize for things that you think I did or think I said. If I did say it, it was probably my way of "pulling you down". If I didnt say it, and you think I did, maybe we should really evaluate it and talk it out, it wouldnt hurt. I dont think myself to be better than anyone else, but I do think that I will be someone better. I hope things within the situation can be resolved as to have enemies over what we wear on our feet, just doesnt make any sense. With that said I hope for the best in all this is to come

oh by the way, no @#%$

By the way Bana, I have never had beef with you, I just hear the wrong things about you from the wrong people most likely, and like most people I believe it. I bet you are a great person and wouldnt know otherwise unless I actually met you face to face and had a chat. Plain and simple I am sorry for the bad vibe I was given by others about you. I apologize for things said that may have come off wrong in the way they were said. I am sorry for any bad views you have on me.
I say everyone calm down, :lol:
. Let's get a summit into play. I say early December, anytime after PS3 release because I must camp and get my 2nd. December 9th is a Saturday, sounds pretty good, my schedule is free since I don't have a job or work anymore, :lol:
. Let's figure something out. :pimp:

Professionalism is the key to success. I havent but done my part to make a business run and give it the respect it is needed

First of all, this made me LOL. You are the last person that knows anything about professionalism. Up until the time you were an Admin. at the outlet you stayed kissing @#%$. Ask anyone who worked with you at that time and they will say the same thing.

Even when we were going up for positions at Nike and you got them over me, I always remained civil and kept the peace. I always took the high road and opted to remain cool with you even though YOU were acting childish about the whole thing. Is that the grudge that I hold? No. I gave you a lot of chances but you chose to still talk @#%$ behind my back to people I was down with. Straight @#%$ move on your part. Like I said, that's the main reason I was done with you. And I couldn't see myself chillin' with anyone who you hung out with.

As for your ratting me out, you know what you did. It's not a coincidence you deleted your Ebay account RIGHT before it happened. I know more about what REALLY happened than you probably think but I won't get into any details here. Just know that I know how it went down and leave it at that.

So yea, we were cool at one point but this has gone beyond the point of forgiveness. I did enough of that in the past and I played the the part of the "nice guy" too many times. You can come in here and be as apologetic as you like but if someone is grimey once and given multiple chances to redeem themselves and they still are grimey then that's just the way it is. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

You said I taught you a lot about life, so take that with you and move on and "start over" somewhere else. I've already turned my back on you. That's all I have to say about it.

faceeee- it was completely sarcastic.. hence why i said COME TO MIAMI with a big smiley face =] shouts to you!! take care of felicia, i miss her <3 =(
israel Chai.
Yes everyone needs to calm down. I think it was sort of uneccessary to come back with that last jab Ghenges...I mean, with all due respect, just stop man, foreal, you're making yourself look bad, and I'm not trying to start beefs, just dead this @#%$ right now. No need to keep explaining every beef you have, just let it go and put it behind you cuz we had enough negativity in this thread already.
oh well....everybody just "CHIILLLL".
I say the 16th sounded like the best idea, we could hit the HEAT game up or go to HIN, either way, I would be comin for the weekend.

Yall orlando peeps are grimey...

you looking at like 3 people having beefs, not all of us Central Floridians... :D

edit: nvm, i see the sarcasm....
Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

lol everyone took that comment SO seriously. i have no beef with any of you guys, lmao.. im friend with everyone who has posted in this thread, GEEEZZ. ehh minus mike but i dont know if he knows that yet??.. hmppf.

anywayyy.. lets make these plans =]
israel Chai.
Avitale, I don't know how you have a say without knowing anything about it. Why be in the Kool-Aid when you don't know the flavor? Regardless, I said my piece and I'm over it.

On a side note, is anyone elses page layout screwed up? All of the frames are not proportioned correctly. Crazy annoying.

I'm down for HIN or the game. Doesn't matter.
aint no fists touching no FACE's Sikwitit haha....btw...down to put away a case of Heiney's before HIN? LOL

I think it might be the HTML in Cdubb33's sig.
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