Cheating in School Exams are No More! Vol: Teacher is a genius!

Originally Posted by ajrocka

I had a teacher in high school who made a multiple choice test. That all the answers were C with three of them being B. I was sweating bullets in denial thinking this cant be right. I second guess myself the whole test.

Haha that would drive me crazy. I would sometimes question myself on tests if there were 5 or more answers in a row that were the same letter. It's crazy how there is cheating at all levels of education though. I didn't go for my MBA but did anyone who did, notice cheating? Or are the tests mostly long answered based where cheating is extermely difficult?
Originally Posted by ajrocka

I had a teacher in high school who made a multiple choice test. That all the answers were C with three of them being B. I was sweating bullets in denial thinking this cant be right. I second guess myself the whole test.

Haha that would drive me crazy. I would sometimes question myself on tests if there were 5 or more answers in a row that were the same letter. It's crazy how there is cheating at all levels of education though. I didn't go for my MBA but did anyone who did, notice cheating? Or are the tests mostly long answered based where cheating is extermely difficult?
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