christian people with tattoos and other body enhancements are hypocrites...

Damn OP you got a whole lite of posts in less than a year
  i just peeped that
ain't your body some kind of temple though..

i don't think a temple would look to good with graffiti all over it.
That's how they broke it down to us in private school.

Tats are traditionally seen as a way to attach a spirit , entity with flesh.

I've wanted one at times...

I just don't see myself doing something that permanent.
It's all about your inner intention.

If you truly believe and have the intention in your heart to get a tattoo that symbolizes your beliefs, religious or not, I don't see anything wrong with that.

God knows best.
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go ahead, call me LMP, say i rep myself. go for it, you know you want to. Its all you got.

dudes love reaching for that even when its not true, but your post count is there for everyone to see

so there is pure evidence of your lameness.

now sit down (which is probably what you're already doing)
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I'm sure you probably don't care but it's really unfair to group all "Religious People" together because in doing so you're grouping all Religions together.

If you were to really go back through history you would see that most people had body modifications of all sorts and over the years stories have changed to promote a more "Pure" look......... it clearly worked.
It's all about your inner intention.

If you truly believe and have the intention in your heart to get a tattoo that symbolizes your beliefs, religious or not, I don't see anything wrong with that.

God knows best.

That's like saying, Ima do what you don't want me to, to SHOW (vanity) how I love you......
"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous."- 1 John 5:3 If you love Him, you will show it doing what he says. No way around it. Actions >>>>>Symbols
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If you're going to criticize religion at least do so intelligently. Generalizing every person with religious beliefs is beyond foolish.
Pagans got tattoos and piercings (cutting the skin) to worship ancient spirits and ancestors. God didn't want his people doing that.

As long as your tattoos aren't about that you're good. Unless its like "Rip Tony" or something -- you might be screwed in that case
But its in The Bible that you're not supposed to get tattotos

Leviticus 19:28

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Whenever I read verses and it ends with "I am the Lord", I be thinking that's the most gutterest thing ever. Go jump off a bridge, I said so. Like, Ima only says this once, and Ima remind you who saying it so you don't think twice.
reminds me of pulp fiction

Sam Jackson reading the bible verse before he kills people was so hard body
If you heard it, that meant yo a**

But I understand the point here. The only religious tattoos i ever understood was the ones that has a cross with a ribbon wrapped around with the name of a familiy member who died
making them feel like they are not following the rules properly is kind of saying "you're a bad _______ [whatever, christian, muslim, etc]".

this doesn't teach them a thing. just makes them mad. was never productive and dont think it will ever be anytime soon lol. this is just unproductive jimmy rustlage.

you are essentially wishing theyd think for themselves and see that what you really mean is "step back, LOOK, and see how stupid the thing you believe in is, and analyze the fact that there could be a chance that the whole thing isnt even real?". but really if they couldve thought for themselves they would have not been brainwashed/delusonial till this very moment.

lets make the world a better place yall. lets be progressive in building this human race. open your mind and dont be scared to be wrong.
I mean leviticus says a lot of things. We cant eat shrimp, pigs, wear clothes mixed with two different fabrics, other things that we would look at like what the f? I'm pretty neutral on the whole tattoo/religious debate or else everyone would be a hypocrite
I mean leviticus says a lot of things. We cant eat shrimp, pigs, wear clothes mixed with two different fabrics, other things that we would look at like what the f? I'm pretty neutral on the whole tattoo/religious debate or else everyone would be a hypocrite

You know Leviticus also has that famous line about man laying with man and woman laying with woman.

I hope you don't have a problem with homosexuality.
Yeah they are but since the bible contradicts itself it's a good match anyway, no?

I remember hearing those passages read about that kind of stuff and realize most religious ppl choose when to be religious and don't really go all in all the time with w/e rules from their holy book.

So religious ppl with tats are like rappers bragging about their chain crosses and Jesus pieces or the fact that one of the commandments is not making any graven images or likenesses but ppl prop up the cross or the cross with Jesus nailed to it or Catholics making damn near anybody a saint and praying to them so they can pray for them and other bull ****.

It gets to the point the hypocrisy piles up to the point it's the norm and not worth pointing out anymore. Let these ppl stew in their ignorance.
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