christian people with tattoos and other body enhancements are hypocrites...

go ahead, call me LMP, say i rep myself. go for it, you know you want to. Its all you got.
You lame a** self repping wrestling fan. Grown a** man still watching sweaty men rolling over on a mat. :smh:
:lol: Did he or did he not log in to another SN in a thread he was already arguing with ppl in, pretend to be someone else, and question other posters he was arguing with as if he just joined the discussion?

Is that not lameness? I'm glad Meth pointed it out.
I mean leviticus says a lot of things. We cant eat shrimp, pigs, wear clothes mixed with two different fabrics, other things that we would look at like what the f? I'm pretty neutral on the whole tattoo/religious debate or else everyone would be a hypocrite

You know Leviticus also has that famous line about man laying with man and woman laying with woman.

I hope you don't have a problem with homosexuality.

i said i was neutral to the idea of tattoos. I dont care about homosexuality
I know someone that has "Jesus" tatted on their neck
His pops name could be Jesus???
Could be. But he's never turned down on any job interviews. He must've used the tat in a relgious way to get the job.
I know someone that has "Jesus" tatted on their neck
how is Maria doing?
Will keep TAN posted once I'm allowed to post again in 15 days. So many pics to show

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The same book "Christians" use to bash gays is the same book that forbids...tattoos....seafood....polyester....and football

But Im shleep
But its in The Bible that you're not supposed to get tattotos

Leviticus 19:28

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Are you going to completely ignore this part? Do you know what that means? No, no, lets just ignore it so its convenient for your point to be made.

Well that verse is saying you aren't to cut yourself, or brand your self in a sacrificial way. Back in those days it would be considered "branding" yourself showing that you follow a cult who partakes in rituals.
ive seen a bunch of ppl with rosary tatts... even heard ppl call them out and say... "are you catholic?!?! catholics dont even WEAR rosaries!!!" to get the response... "oh yeah? good thing i didnt get this tatt to please you..."

AKA dont worry bout what another man does... thats his business... didnt your mother ever tell you to mind your own business boy?
Rosary tats around the neck are the ones that kill me. Do these people know rosaries around the neck are sacriligious?
I know someone that has "Jesus" tatted on their neck

His pops name could be Jesus???
Could be. But he's never turned down on any job interviews. He must've used the tat in a relgious way to get the job.
I know someone that has "Jesus" tatted on their neck
how is Maria doing?
Will keep TAN posted once I'm allowed to post again in 15 days. So many pics to show >D

Edit: Safe for work content
PM me the pics and I'll post for you :tongue:
Off-topic but religion related. A buddy of mine has started going to a new church recently and has been heavily involved. One night we were chilling with his cousin and they started talking about going to church. My buddy was previously a catholic but never went to mass. Anyways he asked his cousin what church he had gone to and it was a catholic one near by. He then said "Yeah that church is boring I'm glad I am a christian now". His cousin then goes " Yeah I want to be a christian to" . :smh: .... :rofl:

He goes to one similar to this :lol:
And here we go again with people not knowing the context in which that passage was written. The passage, not the single verse, as mentioned, talks about rituals and sacrifices to mourn/praise the dead. It in no way reflects the type of tattoos we have today.

Also, the laws on food/animals and clothing/hair were changed by Jesus when he laid out the new covenant in the New Testament.
I'm not religious or tatted up. But for a believer I'd struggle to think of something more tattoo-worthy than something religious.
Are you going to completely ignore this part? Do you know what that means? No, no, lets just ignore it so its convenient for your point to be made.

Well that verse is saying you aren't to cut yourself, or brand your self in a sacrificial way. Back in those days it would be considered "branding" yourself showing that you follow a cult who partakes in rituals.

Pretty sure 97% of tattoos are of somebody dead...

The whole cross thing is sacrilege being we dont even know what Jesus looked like so yeaaaaaa
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Pretty sure 97% of tattoos are of somebody dead...

The whole cross thing is sacrilege being we dont even know what Jesus looked like so yeaaaaaa
Sigh ... that's not what it talks about. And your figure should probably be about 3%.

It's how the tattoos are done.  That tattoo isn't of the person per say but a pagan ritual FOR the person that included ways like branding, or cutting or the older ways where the ink was just basically put in open skin.

You need to know the history of the time to understand the bible.
And here we go again with people not knowing the context in which that passage was written. The passage, not the single verse, as mentioned, talks about rituals and sacrifices to mourn/praise the dead. It in no way reflects the type of tattoos we have today.

Also, the laws on food/animals and clothing/hair were changed by Jesus when he laid out the new covenant in the New Testament.
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