christian people with tattoos and other body enhancements are hypocrites...

No, I'm advocating that we discuss the context of the verse and should even take a step further and consider the language the verse was written in. The context, language, time, etc. are all important when discussing ancient religious texts. 

You even say here yourself, Tattoos were a Pagan tradition in those days
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The bible for one doesn't say tattoo for one. It says marking your body with cuts and ink. These markings were done for pagan ritual practices. The cuts were probably similar to scarification and the ink was similar to tribal markings. Now that's number one, number two all the laws of the Pentteuch are invalid since Jesus came. Anyone who believes in the law is said to be cursed. Lets be real here, Jesus forgave prostitutes, tax collectors, etc but people with tats and homos would go to hell, that would make no sense. Also one more thing the Bible is supposed to be a guide not a rule book so stop taking everything so literally, it's a really book, so it obviously will have some things that are out of date. One last thing, most Christians focus on the New Testament only in terms of rules. There are obviously hypocrites in religion but stop grouping people together, not everybody takes everything to heart from the Bible and the Bible can be interpreted in different ways.
The bible for one doesn't say tattoo for one. It says marking your body with cuts and ink. These markings were done for pagan ritual practices. The cuts were probably similar to scarification and the ink was similar to tribal markings. Now that's number one, number two all the laws of the Pentteuch are invalid since Jesus came. Anyone who believes in the law is said to be cursed. Lets be real here, Jesus forgave prostitutes, tax collectors, etc but people with tats and homos would go to hell, that would make no sense. Also one more thing the Bible is supposed to be a guide not a rule book so stop taking everything so literally, it's a really book, so it obviously will have some things that are out of date. One last thing, most Christians focus on the New Testament only in terms of rules. There are obviously hypocrites in religion but stop grouping people together, not everybody takes everything to heart from the Bible and the Bible can be interpreted in different ways.

stuff like this is why I dislike talking about interpretations from the Bible :lol: :lol:

"no this is what it means bruh, you aren't getting it" - meanwhile Biblical scholars can't even agree on what the stuff means.

gonna need for someone to break it down into what it actually means so we can stop with the ambiguity.
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I see no one reads or ignores what I posted previously. Having a modern tattoo is not a sin. If you cut or brand yourself it is. If you tattoo, brand or cut yourself to to honour/praise/reach the dead then it is.

You can't explain things to closed minds and haters of Christianity. Only God himself can change you.

It's a shame that something happened to you to make you feel this way. If you opened your hearts you'd all realise that this bickering and fighting doesn't need to happen.

You can't just read the bible. You have to know the history of the times and the context of what was being said.
I see no one reads or ignores what I posted previously. Having a modern tattoo is not a sin. If you cut or brand yourself it is. If you tattoo, brand or cut yourself to to honour/praise/reach the dead then it is.

You can't explain things to closed minds and haters of Christianity. Only God himself can change you.

It's a shame that something happened to you to make you feel this way. If you opened your hearts you'd all realise that this bickering and fighting doesn't need to happen.

You can't just read the bible. You have to know the history of the times and the context of what was being said.


wait so RIP tats are a sin?
so if you get a tattoo then you automatically go against your religion? that is a dumb logic..religion and heaven is what you make it..that's why i sometimes hate religion because it gives you rules on how to believe in something...if you believe in something then its yourself beliveing why should their be rules on that?
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The bible for one doesn't say tattoo for one. It says marking your body with cuts and ink. These markings were done for pagan ritual practices. The cuts were probably similar to scarification and the ink was similar to tribal markings. Now that's number one, number two all the laws of the Pentteuch are invalid since Jesus came. Anyone who believes in the law is said to be cursed. Lets be real here, Jesus forgave prostitutes, tax collectors, etc but people with tats and homos would go to hell, that would make no sense. Also one more thing the Bible is supposed to be a guide not a rule book so stop taking everything so literally, it's a really book, so it obviously will have some things that are out of date. One last thing, most Christians focus on the New Testament only in terms of rules. There are obviously hypocrites in religion but stop grouping people together, not everybody takes everything to heart from the Bible and the Bible can be interpreted in different ways.
stuff like this is why I dislike talking about interpretations from the Bible

"no this is what it means bruh, you aren't getting it" - meanwhile Biblical scholars can't even agree on what the stuff means.

gonna need for someone to break it down into what it actually means so we can stop with the ambiguity.
Exactly. This is why it's difficult to discuss. There's a lot going on in trying to figure out what the hell the Bible is saying. It's not just a matter of reading an English translation and jumping to a conclusion. 
Live and let live.

This is my philosophy as well. As long as something doesn't infringe on another's rights, and it is done between consenting adults, you should be allowed to do it. Just don't try to base laws on religious teachings, and I'm good.
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The bible for one doesn't say tattoo for one. It says marking your body with cuts and ink. These markings were done for pagan ritual practices. The cuts were probably similar to scarification and the ink was similar to tribal markings. Now that's number one, number two all the laws of the Pentteuch are invalid since Jesus came. Anyone who believes in the law is said to be cursed. Lets be real here, Jesus forgave prostitutes, tax collectors, etc but people with tats and homos would go to hell, that would make no sense. Also one more thing the Bible is supposed to be a guide not a rule book so stop taking everything so literally, it's a really book, so it obviously will have some things that are out of date. One last thing, most Christians focus on the New Testament only in terms of rules. There are obviously hypocrites in religion but stop grouping people together, not everybody takes everything to heart from the Bible and the Bible can be interpreted in different ways.
stuff like this is why I dislike talking about interpretations from the Bible

"no this is what it means bruh, you aren't getting it" - meanwhile Biblical scholars can't even agree on what the stuff means.

gonna need for someone to break it down into what it actually means so we can stop with the ambiguity.
Right? Like I'm sure the exact translation from Aramaic is "marking your body with cuts and ink."
The bible for one doesn't say tattoo for one. It says marking your body with cuts and ink. These markings were done for pagan ritual practices. The cuts were probably similar to scarification and the ink was similar to tribal markings. Now that's number one, number two all the laws of the Pentteuch are invalid since Jesus came. Anyone who believes in the law is said to be cursed. Lets be real here, Jesus forgave prostitutes, tax collectors, etc but people with tats and homos would go to hell, that would make no sense. Also one more thing the Bible is supposed to be a guide not a rule book so stop taking everything so literally, it's a really book, so it obviously will have some things that are out of date. One last thing, most Christians focus on the New Testament only in terms of rules. There are obviously hypocrites in religion but stop grouping people together, not everybody takes everything to heart from the Bible and the Bible can be interpreted in different ways.
stuff like this is why I dislike talking about interpretations from the Bible

"no this is what it means bruh, you aren't getting it" - meanwhile Biblical scholars can't even agree on what the stuff means.

gonna need for someone to break it down into what it actually means so we can stop with the ambiguity.
Exactly. This is why it's difficult to discuss. There's a lot going on in trying to figure out what the hell the Bible is saying. It's not just a matter of reading an English translation and jumping to a conclusion. 
It's not that hard tho..

The Bible is split into two, Hebrew scriptures (old testament) and greek (new testament).

The Hebrew scriptures contain laws that were applicable to a unique group of people (Israelites), these laws served to protect the people from heathen practices of surrounding nations...a protection that was neccessary because the christ was to come from this nation.

The Christ comes and establishes the christian congregation, they are no longer under that ceremonial law (including tatoos etc). But:
[h1]1 Corinthians 6:12[/h1][h2]All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.[/h2]
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"Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable."Leviticus 18:22

“‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."Leviticus 20:13

Also, I don't wanna' hear about any of you so called Christians rockin' mixtures of wool and linen, or you are gonna' be down there with the homosexuals also.

"'Keep my decrees. "'Do not mate different kinds of animals. "'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. "'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material." Leviticus 19:19

Also, don't be picking up sticks on the Sabbath:

"While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. 34 They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. 35 And the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the LORD commanded Moses. "

Numbers 15:32-36

Nobody these days follows the Bible. It trips me out how people can claim to be Christians and judge and condemn so many other people, while committing just as many sins themselves.

so i guess the westboro church does have a reason
I just wish people would admit they dont follow the bible and leave it at that.

Yall keep running the cuts to pagans and tattoos together when it clearly says

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28


Ye shall not make any cuttings nor print any marks upon you in your flesh for the dead,: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28

Just admit you want to have premarital sex and get tatts because you'd rather fit in with societal norms than follow the bible verbatim and everybody could just get along.

Im a southern baptist when I feel like it btw
I just wish people would admit they dont follow the bible and leave it at that.

Yall keep running the cuts to pagans and tattoos together when it clearly says

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28


Ye shall not make any cuttings nor print any marks upon you in your flesh for the dead,: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28

Just admit you want to have premarital sex and get tatts because you'd rather fit in with societal norms than follow the bible verbatim and everybody could just get along.

Im a southern baptist when I feel like it btw

But why place is it in the same verse, could have easily done this.

Leviticus 19:28
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead

Leviticus 19:29
Do not print any marks upon you

One has to do with the other

Premarital sex is a sin.
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But why place is it in the same verse, could have easily done this.

Leviticus 19:28
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead

Leviticus 19:29
Do not print any marks upon you

One has to do with the other

Premarital sex is a sin.

The Bible is a concise summary of libraries and codex that were pillaged, burned, hidden from the masses.

The book you are left with would be totally foreign to the text the bible was drawn from.

It should be obvious that the powers decided to make christianity a religion of convenience.
I just wish people would admit they dont follow the bible and leave it at that.

Yall keep running the cuts to pagans and tattoos together when it clearly says

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28


Ye shall not make any cuttings nor print any marks upon you in your flesh for the dead,: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28

Just admit you want to have premarital sex and get tatts because you'd rather fit in with societal norms than follow the bible verbatim and everybody could just get along.

Im a southern baptist when I feel like it btw

But why place is it in the same verse, could have easily done this.

Leviticus 19:28
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead

Leviticus 19:29
Do not print any marks upon you

One has to do with the other

Premarital sex is a sin.
if you think that scripture gives you a pass to get a tattoo op's work is done. 
But why place is it in the same verse, could have easily done this.

Leviticus 19:28
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead

Leviticus 19:29
Do not print any marks upon you

One has to do with the other

Premarital sex is a sin.

The Bible is a concise summary of libraries and codex that were pillaged, burned, hidden from the masses.

The book you are left with would be totally foreign to the text the bible was drawn from.

It should be obvious that the powers decided to make christianity a religion of convenience.

I'm saying though.

we need a better look into the Vatican.
Just imagine your college is threatened to be sacked by invaders and conquerors.

Some people bury their books for future generations to find.

Some try to retain the rituals and pass them down.

Some would denounce their allegiance to the school and go with invaders.

Imagine what it would be like for the people who lost their knowledge base?

Imagine what it would be like for the conquerors to take all the books, tweets, nt post and facebook information between students and staff written in multitudes of languages to sit down in councils and committees compiling everything into one book?

How would you feel about the bible, the people who believe in the bible and the truth?

I can tell you it creates a personal schism.

I think these conversations can help people waking up into new ideas about old ideas if done objectively with a healing component in mind. (Not this "You believe in invisible spaghetti so you're dumb" tactic people have.

I agree that the bible needs to revised again. It was revised already multiple times and I think there should be a push to include all the things that men in robes wanted to keep away from their followers.

Clearly to me, the direction they took the bible led to the woes we face as a society today from ill treatment of non-members, to sexual hierarchy in societies.

The latest pope I feel is being presented as one who should bring about such changes, but I am always weary of large scale media campaigns to promote people over other people when the reason for doing so is not evident.
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I just wish people would admit they dont follow the bible and leave it at that.

Yall keep running the cuts to pagans and tattoos together when it clearly says

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28


Ye shall not make any cuttings nor print any marks upon you in your flesh for the dead,: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28

Just admit you want to have premarital sex and get tatts because you'd rather fit in with societal norms than follow the bible verbatim and everybody could just get along.

Im a southern baptist when I feel like it btw

Except its still not that simple because that whole passage talks about not eating red meat, wearing linen or whatever. So am I going to hell for not following these rules? No because all these rules were turned invalid when Christ came.
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