Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Didn’t jones not even wanna keep dak
As the starter
Jones must make some great buttered biscuits
Wonder what music he be rap dancing too

Dak is slowly challenging Scam Newton for the top spot. Pretty soon he'll be crying during the anthem while the biscuit crumbs fall from the sky.

Challenging? Dak been had the crown, he just been going under the radar.

"I grew up in Haughton, Louisiana," Prescott told USA TODAY. "I go to my white grandparents' house, and then I cross the railroad tracks and hang out with my black grandma. We have English teachers on my white side. My grandpa is a principal. And then you go to the other side and people have been in jail.

"I was put in all those different situations. I've been in situations where I was the only black guy. We're in a time now where nobody wants to see that. But it still happens. Depending on where you come from, it happens. To be able to wipe that clean and see and live both sides, it's just who I am. Being mixed allows me to connect with everyone "

He's one of these mixed, play both sides, all lives matter types.
Challenging? Dak been had the crown, he just been going under the radar.

"I grew up in Haughton, Louisiana," Prescott told USA TODAY. "I go to my white grandparents' house, and then I cross the railroad tracks and hang out with my black grandma. We have English teachers on my white side. My grandpa is a principal. And then you go to the other side and people have been in jail.

"I was put in all those different situations. I've been in situations where I was the only black guy. We're in a time now where nobody wants to see that. But it still happens. Depending on where you come from, it happens. To be able to wipe that clean and see and live both sides, it's just who I am. Being mixed allows me to connect with everyone "

He's one of these mixed, play both sides, all lives matter types.

He positioning himself to be the next Raymond Lewis without the murder. What is this clown saying? "See both sides" what does that mean? That interview was an embarrassment. You got teachers on the right side and criminals on the other. Is that what Dak is saying? Idiot.
Dak must have a white father and a black mother. Those are usually the mixed black people that be on the biscuit train. When the father is black and mom is white they usually ride with black people.
Dak will always stand at attention when the Papa Johns commercials come on. Him and Jerry love the bigot ingredients too much.
Dak must have a white father and a black mother. Those are usually the mixed black people that be on the biscuit train. When the father is black and mom is white they usually ride with black people.

His momma white. I've noticed with mixed people it's almost a 50/50 chance they're gonna ride with black people or they're one of those "I see both sides" "I don't see color" types. Kaep is also mixed, raised by his white mother AND adopted white family but we see where his heart is.

Look at Drake he's fully into black culture but he runs from race questions and when he actually does speak on race it's "We don't have racism in canada, I don't see color". Then look at J Cole who also has a white mother, he doesn't hesitate to talk real about racism and put it in his music.
His momma white. I've noticed with mixed people it's almost a 50/50 chance they're gonna ride with black people or they're one of those "I see both sides" "I don't see color" types. Kaep is also mixed, raised by his white mother AND adopted white family but we see where his heart is.

Look at Drake he's fully into black culture but he runs from race questions and when he actually does speak on race it's "We don't have racism in canada, I don't see color". Then look at J Cole who also has a white mother, he doesn't hesitate to talk real about racism and put it in his music.

Basically going to come down to if at least one of their parents taught them about black history and empowerment and to embrace that side of their genetics. Whether it's the black parent or the white parent is "woke" enough to do so if the black parent isn't present. If neither one of those parents is about teaching them anything constructive in regards to black culture, well then we get the Daks, Sage Steele's, and all the other all lives matter mixed people who thank the maker that their black mom/dad hooked up with white mommy/white daddy (paraphrasing Sage Steele).
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