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Enlighten me young man. How should we go about rectifying the black man's plight in America ?

Through fabricated statistics and encouraging them to contribute to the military industrial complex by running around the globe killing other brown people on a whim, because after all people are going to die regardless.

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Can you do me a favor and pull up the veteran black on black crimes as opposed to the civilian black on black crimes?
That's you my dude.

It's people out here who are dealing with real life issues and y'all have nothing to offer but criticism when they try to right themselves.

no matter how y'all wanna cut it, we all contribute to the wickedness of the world in one way or another. Who are y'all to say your way of dealing with it is better then the next mans? That's willie Lynch and its finest.

I'm out.
Y'all gotta chill with this rhetoric. It took me a minute to understand it, but never let a fellow slave make fun of you for your chains.

It's easy to point at them and say they were dumb, followers etc, but for every service member I'll show you a person whose in debt to college loans, a mortgage etc.

My point is we're all in some form of mental slavery.

I see where your coming from and I can agree on these particular points for sure.
That's not what I said at all. I understand that the psychology of the black male has been emasculated on levels that most people aren't willing to deal with.

Life is a chess game. You have to make moves 6 steps ahead some times. If we're being upfront about it, the only way most black males get honored in the neighborhood is by becoming an entertainer, athlete or drug dealer. For the majority of us that's not realistic.

I'm not advocating for black males to join the military, but if they feel that's a viable option to support their family and themselves then I understand it. Just like I understand a person taking out a student loan who is striving for an education in hopes to support themselves as well.

Our psychology is a product of willie Lynch syndrome. I'm in a point my maturity where I understand that we're all making the best out of it until we get out of it.

Cause peep game my dude, I am a veteran, I went to a service academy, I served both sides enlisted and commissioned, and was in special ops. I spent 4 years of my life being embarrassed about my decision because I didn't have the right template to evaluate myself nor my Psychology.

Going back to life being a chess game, I am able to do things for my community and family that I wouldn't have been able to do with out my military service. I'm well aware I could have done that as a civilian but guess what.... as a vet I'm getting the preference where ever I go over the civilian.

So yea if a black man wants to use that avenue to free him and his family from impoverished conditions in gonna show him the way so he can do so with maintaining his dignity.

Why are people throwing shade at this reply?

He is saying that black men have been displaced in horrible situations without many foreseeable options so he can see how the military can be a viable option to better their situation. And whether you're in the military, entertaining, at a desk or drug dealing you're a slave to the system so how could knock anyone for doing the best with the knowledge and opportunities that they have.

How can anyone be upset about this? I dont know.

Carry on.

Edit: he was trying to make a point about veteren black on black crime as well, and instead of asking him to elaborate yall were "triggered" and were no longer capable of rational discourse. This website has turned into a SJW echo chamber. Shame.
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That's not what I said at all. I understand that the psychology of the black male has been emasculated on levels that most people aren't willing to deal with.

Life is a chess game. You have to make moves 6 steps ahead some times. If we're being upfront about it, the only way most black males get honored in the neighborhood is by becoming an entertainer, athlete or drug dealer. For the majority of us that's not realistic.

I'm not advocating for black males to join the military, but if they feel that's a viable option to support their family and themselves then I understand it. Just like I understand a person taking out a student loan who is striving for an education in hopes to support themselves as well.

Our psychology is a product of willie Lynch syndrome. I'm in a point my maturity where I understand that we're all making the best out of it until we get out of it.

Cause peep game my dude, I am a veteran, I went to a service academy, I served both sides enlisted and commissioned, and was in special ops. I spent 4 years of my life being embarrassed about my decision because I didn't have the right template to evaluate myself nor my Psychology.

Going back to life being a chess game, I am able to do things for my community and family that I wouldn't have been able to do with out my military service. I'm well aware I could have done that as a civilian but guess what.... as a vet I'm getting the preference where ever I go over the civilian.

So yea if a black man wants to use that avenue to free him and his family from impoverished conditions in gonna show him the way so he can do so with maintaining his dignity.

Why are people throwing shade at this reply?

He is saying that black men have been displaced in horrible situations without many foreseeable options so he can see how the military can be a viable option to better their situation. And whether you're in the military, entertaining, at a desk or drug dealing you're a slave to the system so how could knock anyone for doing the best with the knowledge and opportunities that they have.

How can anyone be upset about this? I dont know.

Carry on.

Edit: he was trying to make a point about veteren black on black crime as well, and instead of asking him to elaborate yall were "triggered" and were no longer capable of rational discourse. This website has turned into a SJW echo chamber. Shame.

Someone always with this ****. :rolleyes

Like fighting for social justice, especially for black Americans, is a bad thing.
Social justice isn't a bad thing at all.

A SJW is completely different, though, as far as I understand it. Im referring to these types:

And sorry to say, general forum is turning to an echo chamber of these whiney, entitled, irrational, baseless folks.
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Why are people throwing shade at this reply?

He is saying that black men have been displaced in horrible situations without many foreseeable options so he can see how the military can be a viable option to better their situation. And whether you're in the military, entertaining, at a desk or drug dealing you're a slave to the system so how could knock anyone for doing the best with the knowledge and opportunities that they have.

How can anyone be upset about this? I dont know.

Carry on.

Edit: he was trying to make a point about veteren black on black crime as well, and instead of asking him to elaborate yall were "triggered" and were no longer capable of rational discourse. This website has turned into a SJW echo chamber. Shame.

he's a buffoon
Social justice isn't a bad thing at all.

A SJW is completely different, though, as far as I understand it. These types:

And the black posters being upset about the lack of justice for black Americans is on the level of this woman?


Do the implication of that is completely ridiculous to me.

If you find some posters responses annoying, find, but this "SJW" came is nonsense. Especially given some of your previous antics on NT
Social justice isn't a bad thing at all.

A SJW is completely different, though, as far as I understand it. Im referring to these types:

And sorry to say, general forum is turning to an echo chamber of these whiney, entitled, irrational, baseless folks.
Can you post some of these examples please ? Because I know your talking out of ***'re upset because there a ton of threads regarding black issues and you don't want to hear it you wanna hide in you're bubble and pretend racism in America doesn't exist and it's just minority's complaining
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anybody have more background info on why Kap wore the Castro shirt... what could have been his angle there?

I hear folks saying it was a bad look for the obvious reasons with Castro being a dictator and how he has treated people. But what point could Kap have been trying to make that would complement his position and not be at odds?
And the black posters being upset about the lack of justice for black Americans is on the level of this woman?

Absolutely not. But thats not what happened in this situation with hallywood. I think my comment about SJW's fit perfect with the responses to hallywoods posts.

You said NT, that implies all of NT, not just this exchange in the last page. But this entire thread, and all the other post regarding the injustices facing black people.

And even in that situation, not is doesn't imo
You said NT, that implies all of NT, not just this exchange in the last page. But this entire thread, and all the other post regarding the injustices facing black people.

And even in that situation, not is doesn't imo

Agree to disagree.

Im making an observation. Im not bout to go through the thread and pick out all the posts that fit the SJW criteria.
I'm never gonna knock a brother hat joins the military to better his life, especially one coming from a world of poverty and despair. You got one go around in this life, and I if a brother is really looking for a way out and feels the military will give him that then that's cool with me. I'm not gonna demand he be martyr for the cause by finding a way out that I'm more comfortable with.

However, just as a more general statement, black people should not be joining the military in force.

May we remember the last time America was hailed as heroes worldwide after WW2, tons of black men went overseas to fight for their country.

When they got home, America was entering a new era of economic growth, growth that expanded the middle class and added tons of wealth to the white community.

Veterans got even more programs to take advantage of on top of that too

You know how America repaid those black vets? Discriminated against them like crazy, not allowing to get "repaid" for their service, and then the black community had to worry about fighting for their Civil Rights.

So anyone arguing that joining the military, to go terrorize other brown people overseas, is a good way to escape white supremacy (or to make the dominant society respect you more) is not a solution in any way. Black vets would still have to face injustice when they get back

If black people flooded the military, the country would get really war hungry, really quickly, because black lives would be on the line. When those boxes start coming back from overseas, with dead soldiers, it would be easier to swallow. Same way black lives overdosing from crack were worthless, but now white folk is dying in the burbs, even conservatives have found their bleeding heart again.

It is an inherently a cornball suggestion t tell young black men that the alternative to get the bodies snatched off the street and thrown in prison to line the pockets of rich white men, is to go fight pointless wars overseas to line the pockets of rich white men.

Maybe if the military really gets only about national defense, peace keeping, and humanitarian work, then maybe I can back that idea.

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