Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Fear of black choice and the fear of acknowledging the level of **** this country is wading in.

Basically, it's slightly crazy to me a lot of Black people don't know the history of this country. Also pretty
interesting to hear all the boos while Kap was playing. These morons are linking his statement and not
standing to the military..:smh: Like what the hell does that have to do with the military, nice deflect people.

Remind me to never chill in southern Cali longer than a week.
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Kevin Acee @sdutKevinAcee

Colin Kaepernick standing and applauding as military, veterans in crowd are honored during break in play.
10:55 PM - 1 Sep 2016

934 934 Retweets
Too bad people aren't outraged by the crap treatment of vets when they get back home. Poor mental health resources and other resources that vets should get. But we stand with the military.
Fear because they're waiting on the day when black people return the favor for all the atrocities that we've suffered at the hands of them. Hell, the white South Africans should be worshiping Mandela's grave because he's the only reason it didn't get real over there after Apartheid
Too bad people aren't outraged by the crap treatment of vets when they get back home. Poor mental health resources and other resources that vets should get. But we stand with the military.

Interesting how that works right?

How come these conservatives only care about the military when it furthers their white nationalist agenda?

How come they support the NFL full stop but never question the league on why they make the military pay millions for their "support"?
Why do (some) white people get so offended though? If he's crazy and talking out of his ***, ignore it.

It's the fact that it's an NFL player who gets paid millions of dollars, thus some feel he's not in a position to 'complain' as 99.99% of the planet has it worse.

Too bad people aren't outraged by the crap treatment of vets when they get back home. Poor mental health resources and other resources that vets should get. But we stand with the military.

Interesting how that works right?

How come these conservatives only care about the military when it furthers their white nationalist agenda?

How come they support the NFL full stop but never question the league on why they make the military pay millions for their "support"?

US Army uses the NFL and its fanbase for recruiting young men. Goes very well with the whole team mentality, star player (army of one) tantalizing bs etc. It's very sinister if you think about it.

Again those some people who feel he doesn't have the right to complain because he's  and NFL player that has made millions are just showing they haven't listened to an actual word coming out of  his mouth and are just looking for excuses not to take what he is saying seriously. He has already said he is NOT doing this for himself.
 There have been situations where I feel like I’ve been ill-treated, yes. This stand wasn’t for me. This stand wasn’t because I feel like I’m being put down in any kind of way. This is because I’m seeing things happen to people that don’t have a voice, people that don’t have a platform to talk and have their voices heard, and effect change. So I’m in the position where I can do that and I’m going to do that for people that can’t.
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Why do (some) white people get so offended though? If he's crazy and talking out of his ***, ignore it.

It's the fact that it's an NFL player who gets paid millions of dollars, thus some feel he's not in a position to 'complain' as 99.99% of the planet has it worse.

If that were true then they wouldn't be angry when regular people participate in BLM protests or speak out against white supremacy in anyway.

Those people aren't getting paid millions, yet you hear the same bull they've been spewing at Kaep.

Gotta face the facts that a lot of these people do not want to hear the truth no matter who it comes from. Rich pro athlete or poor non-pro athlete.
teamjordan79 teamjordan79 be talking real slick on the low.....

Once people put Kaep and "complain" in the same sentence.....I already know what type of time they are on.

Standing up for injustice and drawing attention to institutional racism is not "complaining".

A lot of white people for some reason can't grasp the recency of systemic racism. That sht did NOT stop in 1865. Or even as recently as 1965. Once people begin to acknowledge it, and it's affects...only then can we begin progress.

But "they" keep wanting to hide around "what about black on black crime" or "Chicago" or other bs talking points....not understanding, or even attempting to understand WHY things are the way they are.

There is a much larger conversation to he had here....and that is what Kaep is trying to draw attention to.
Jesse Williams and Colin Kaepernick. What's up with light-skinned/half-white people trying to be more black than black people? 
modern day 49ers team is trash. but i want a kaep jersey.

salute young man for using your power beyond the sport (even though he trash as a qb)
teamjordan79 teamjordan79 be talking real slick on the low.....

Once people put Kaep and "complain" in the same sentence.....I already know what type of time they are on.

Standing up for injustice and drawing attention to institutional racism is not "complaining".

A lot of white people for some reason can't grasp the recency of systemic racism. That sht did NOT stop in 1865. Or even as recently as 1965. Once people begin to acknowledge it, and it's affects...only then can we begin progress.

But "they" keep wanting to hide around "what about black on black crime" or "Chicago" or other bs talking points....not understanding, or even attempting to understand WHY things are the way they are.

There is a much larger conversation to he had here....and that is what Kaep is trying to draw attention to.

Systematic racism has worked in white peoples favor since this country was founded, why do you think they want to change that, even in 2016?

The real problem with race relations in this country is that the white people in power have molded the path to power in their image.

Those small few hundred at the highest level who affect the lives and jobs of millions are part of the "good ol' boy" network and continue to further those ideals, no matter how antiquated or morally/racially unsound.

Really, poor white people should be the biggest supporter of BLM besides black people themselves but alas. They are so manipulated and poorly educated that they somehow believe that blacks are the problem when they are being oppressed by their own people.
To keep it funky what this country did and continues to do is no better than Nazi Germany. Shot,lynched,gassed for
no reason..choose one.
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it is on "some" white people to "fix" racism

its not for black people to do anything to not be hated

That's the most ****** up part though.

It is one white people to fix white supremacy but all you have to do is look at that sentence to see the problem.

Why would white people want to fix what's working for them?

So many white people live in areas in this country where the only engagement they have with black people is through a screen or a transaction.

How/why would they ever become knowledgable on the complexities of the system they benefit from at our detriment?

That's why, as ****** up as I think it is, black people have to do something very drastic that effects the balance of our nation to really get what's necessary.

Just don't know exactly what that is.
it is on "some" white people to "fix" racism

its not for black people to do anything to not be hated

That's the most ****** up part though.

It is one white people to fix white supremacy but all you have to do is look at that sentence to see the problem.

Why would white people want to fix what's working for them?

So many white people live in areas in this country where the only engagement they have with black people is through a screen or a transaction.

How/why would they ever become knowledgable on the complexities of the system they benefit from at our detriment?

That's why, as ****** up as I think it is, black people have to do something very drastic that effects the balance of our nation to really get what's necessary.

Just don't know exactly what that is.

Don't use US dollars.
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