Congress clears historic health care bill...

Originally Posted by CParkFresh


Do you remember how the stuff you were spewing about the majority of Americans being against the bill?

According to a Gallup/USA Today poll conducted the day after health care legislation passed the House of Representatives, 49 percent of the respondents think the passage of reform is a "good thing," compared to the 40 percent who think it is bad.

"At the same time, most voters (54%) believe that passage of the plan will hurt the quality of care."

"The Congressional Budget Office recently said that the proposed legislation would reduce the deficit, but voters are skeptical of the official government projections. Eighty-one percent (81%) believe the health care plan will cost more than projected. That’s one reason voters overwhelmingly believe passage of the plan will increase the deficit and is likely to mean higher middle class taxes."

"In fact, 55% of voters would rather see Congress scrap the original plan and start all over again."

"When it comes to making health care decisions, 51% fear the federal government more than they fear private insurance companies."

How convenient that your poll comes out just after the bill passes.  Nothing like Gallup/SuperSized McNewspaper putting out more of their fabricated tripe.

Gotta spread the misinformation to the attention-deficit masses.
"In fact, 55% of voters would rather see Congress scrap the original plan and start all over again."
Exactly and I too agree with this but there really is no point when we have idiotic Republicans not compromising on anything.  All they do is moan, cry, complain over and over again and we're stuck with this lame bill.  No compromise... NO NO NO NO NO NO.. that's all the Republicans did. 

So whose to blame if all this goes to crap?

These MORONIC REPUBLICANS!!!  What the hell did they put on the table?  Not one Republican crossed party line and voted yes.  What does that say about the Republican party? 
Obama and the Democrats finally had enough and strong armed Congress to pass this bill. 

Seriously I thought I was done with politics, but I definitely going to campaign against these Republicans come this fall!
Originally Posted by Essential1

Conservative is  is a political and social philosophy that holds that traditional institutions work best and that society should avoid radical change. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others oppose modernism and seek a return to the way things were..

America was a copy of early Roman governments but their tradition was British Government...

Soooooooooooo if American was a conservative idea it would have been under the form of British government....

Where as it wasn't even close.... It was of progressive ideas unheard of at the time, and seen as ridiculous by outsiders......

So maybe learn your history, and your meaning of words because you don't know what the hell you are talking about
You have no Idea what you are talking about. You copy and paste a definition of conservatism and act as if it holds true American Conservatism. While similar they are different.

America took clues from Roman government but owes its ingenuity to many European philosophers who outlined a representative based government with the separation of powers. Those ideas may have been progressive at the time they were first though of, but to compare those ideas with modern liberalism is just ******ed.

America was built on limited government with checks and balances that preserved our natural rights. Over the past years our government has continued to dilute the system of checks and balances and has continually encroached on our rights.

Liberalism as well as neo-conservatism has resulted in an explosion of the executive branch which goes against every thing this country has been built on. If you want to promote progressive ideas keep them within the context of the constitution and have a separation of powers as well as make them state centered.
when we have idiotic Republicans not compromising on anything.  All they do is moan, cry, complain over and over again

That's exactly what I said earlier in this thread
a story broke about how people who passed the bill are getting thretened and are demanding republicans denounce violent acts or own it because their rhetoric fuels the fire

this is part politics part truth

out of all things health care brings this. that's why it's hilarious and these protestors are full of !%#!
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

"In fact, 55% of voters would rather see Congress scrap the original plan and start all over again."
Exactly and I too agree with this but there really is no point when we have idiotic Republicans not compromising on anything.  All they do is moan, cry, complain over and over again and we're stuck with this lame bill.  No compromise... NO NO NO NO NO NO.. that's all the Republicans did. 

So whose to blame if all this goes to crap?

These MORONIC REPUBLICANS!!!  What the hell did they put on the table?  Not one Republican crossed party line and voted yes.  What does that say about the Republican party? 
Obama and the Democrats finally had enough and strong armed Congress to pass this bill. 

Seriously I thought I was done with politics, but I definitely going to campaign against these Republicans come this fall!

Pure myth.  Republicans have health care plans (check Rep. Paul Ryan, for one).  They were not allowed to submit them.  Pelosi shut them out.

Right, Republicans are ALWAYS supposed to cross party lines.  Never the Democrats, tho.  Meet double standard.
And if the health care bill fails (actually, "when"), it's going to be the Republicans fault?  You mean, the 100% Democrat written, controlled, brokered health care bill will be Republicans' fault?!

I'm definitely getting close to hearing it all now.

Have fun this fall.  All across the country, you're going to see election after election coming up GOP.

House is good as gone, possibly Senate.

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Right, Republicans are ALWAYS supposed to cross party lines.  Never the Democrats, tho.  Meet double standard.

um.....all of the changes to the bill were republican ideas....
and dudes were STILL voting against it...

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

"In fact, 55% of voters would rather see Congress scrap the original plan and start all over again."
Exactly and I too agree with this but there really is no point when we have idiotic Republicans not compromising on anything.  All they do is moan, cry, complain over and over again and we're stuck with this lame bill.  No compromise... NO NO NO NO NO NO.. that's all the Republicans did. 

So whose to blame if all this goes to crap?

These MORONIC REPUBLICANS!!!  What the hell did they put on the table?  Not one Republican crossed party line and voted yes.  What does that say about the Republican party? 
Obama and the Democrats finally had enough and strong armed Congress to pass this bill. 

Seriously I thought I was done with politics, but I definitely going to campaign against these Republicans come this fall!

Pure myth.  Republicans have health care plans (check Rep. Paul Ryan, for one).  They were not allowed to submit them.  Pelosi shut them out.

Right, Republicans are ALWAYS supposed to cross party lines.  Never the Democrats, tho.  Meet double standard.

Have fun this fall.  All across the country, you're going to see election after election coming up GOP.

Myth?  Didn't 30 Democrats cross party lines and voted NO on that bill?  Fact or not?

Rep. Paul Ryan?
The idiot that twisted CBO facts? The moron that submitted a budget which got pummeled by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities .

[h1]The Ryan Budget's Radical Priorities
Provides Largest Tax Cuts in History for Wealthy, Raises Middle Class Taxes, Ends Guaranteed Medicare, Privatizes Social Security, Erodes Health Care[/h1]


You don't think voters like myself will be sicken with images such as below and either refuse to vote or vote in anyone other than a Republican? All the Democrats have to do is show images such as below over and over again. So tell me again what the GOP gained by this continuing sentiment of hatred and ignorance? 

See people like me who got tired of Obama are now re-energized because no way in hell do I want a Republican majority in Congress!  I am ready to go back out to Nevada, Utah or wherever the Democrat party sends me to register voters and spread the word!



And if the health care bill fails (actually, "when"), it's going to be the Republicans fault?  You mean, the 100% Democrat written, controlled, brokered health care bill will be Republicans' fault?!

Everyone will be at fault but you better damn believe the Republicans will get their share of blame for doing absolutely NOTHING to compromise with the President. 

And you talk about elections like it's happening tomorrow.  Voters in Nov aren't going to remember what happened in March.  Come on now.

Also guess what happens in 6 months yes in Sept.. 2 months before the election.. Social Security folks get $250 dollars.... thanks to who??? The Democrats!!!   Now seniors make up a pct of how many voters?  CHA CHING!

Young adults up to age 26 are now covered under their parents insurance plans.  Young adults account for how many votes?  CHA CHING!

Oh yah this tax hike.. .when does that happen? 2013? 
That's all the GOP has?  They are going to argue increase in tax .. increase in tax.. which won't even happen until 3 years from now.  Ain't nobody going to care about 2013 in Nov 2010.  Get a clue...
Have fun this fall.  All across the country, you're going to see election after election coming up GOP.

Again, you said this exact same statement in 2008 and you were dead wrong then, why the hell should we believe you this time??
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Right, Republicans are ALWAYS supposed to cross party lines.  Never the Democrats, tho.  Meet double standard.
um.....all of the changes to the bill were republican ideas....
and dudes were STILL voting against it...


You're referring to a token handful of so-called Republican "amendments".

Pelosi allowed them in the bill only to use it as a political tool down the road.  ----> "Republicans are to blame, too."

Make no mistake, the Democrats are going to continually amend this bill and add to it and add to it.

Expect any Republican "ideas" to be expunged.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Have fun this fall.  All across the country, you're going to see election after election coming up GOP.

Again, you said this exact same statement in 2008 and you were dead wrong then, why the hell should we believe you this time??

I did?  Hmm.  I don't know!  Don't... think I did. 

Don't believe me on it, believe the returns on Election Night, Nov, 2.

You're going to see incumbents - Democrat and Republican - getting tossed out on their ears. 

Myth? Didn't 30 Democrats cross party lines and voted NO on that bill? Fact or not?

You're talking of Republicans not having any health care proposals.  I'll let you explain why those 30 Dems voted No.
Rep. Paul Ryan? The idiot that twisted CBO facts? The moron that submitted a budget which got pummeled by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities guy who sonned Obama in person at the Blair House meeting when he laid out the cost of the health care bill?

You don't think voters like myself will be sicken with images such as below and either refuse to vote or vote in anyone other than a Republican? All the Democrats have to do is show images such as below over and over again. So tell me again what the GOP gained by this continuing sentiment of hatred and ignorance?
You're mistaken if you think "voters like yourself" are the majority.  And you're mistaken if you think the anger across this country is only from Republicans. 

The majority of Democrats in Congress proved that they don't care about their constituents' will.  Rahm Emanuel and Nancy Pelosi made sure the health care vote took place before the Easter recess because they knew their H.C. votes would be picked off right and left if the congressmen had to face their people in person.

Tell me: hatred against whom?  Ignorance against whom? 

That's the thing these days.  Any dissent is ridiculed as extremist.  By that rationale, no one would ever have a legitimate grievance.  Don't bring in a picture of a few unsavory signs and present that as mainstream or in any way a representation of voter sentiment out there.

What sickened me as a voter was the "Bush lied, people died" crowd.  The "Government are terrorists" b.s. from 2003 and 2004.  Answer for that.

See people like me who got tired of Obama are now re-energized because no way in hell do I want a Republican majority in Congress! I am ready to go back out to Nevada, Utah or wherever the Democrat party sends me to register voters and spread the word!

Yeah, that's what we need - The Democrat White House and Democrat Congress to become even MORE left wing.  That's wonderful.  No, we don't need any checks and balances of power.  You're right, we definitely need mob rule; not a governance but a ruling class.

What will happen is this:  Republicans will take back the House and Senate, and then refuse to appropriate money for the health care bill (as the funding must be renewed each year) effectively crippling the bill and once Obama's out in 2012, a proper bill that provides health care AND respects individual rights will be installed.

Everyone will be at fault but you better damn believe the Republicans will get their share of blame for doing absolutely NOTHING to compromise with the President. 

And you talk about elections like it's happening tomorrow.  Voters in Nov aren't going to remember what happened in March.  Come on now.

Also guess what happens in 6 months yes in Sept.. 2 months before the election.. Social Security folks get $250 dollars.... thanks to who??? The Democrats!!!   Now seniors make up a pct of how many voters?  CHA CHING!

Young adults up to age 26 are now covered under their parents insurance plans.  Young adults account for how many votes?  CHA CHING!

Oh yah this tax hike.. .when does that happen? 2013? 
That's all the GOP has?  They are going to argue increase in tax .. increase in tax.. which won't even happen until 3 years from now.  Ain't nobody going to care about 2013 in Nov 2010.  Get a clue...

Like hell they will.  The Dems didn't compromise any major anchors of this bill.  Even the fake executive order Obama drew up for Stupak's abortion non-funding was magically not signed when he signed the h.c. bill into law.  Hmm!  How interesting.  Democrats own this bill.  I will give them this - they are extremely brave to go down with the ship.

People have been mad since last summer.  It's only going to get more intense in this, an election year.

You're banking on $250 to buy off seniors when their health care has just been shredded?  You cannot be serious.

Hey, don't know where you're getting your info from but taxing begins by the beginning of 2011. 

Democrat pollsters were already predicting the House being lost BEFORE this bill.  Wake up and put down the kool-aid.  Denial only leads to a rude awakening.

Do you really believe petty scraps are going to buy votes?  Then again, you're a Democrat, the party of election fraud and buying votes.
What sickened me as a voter was the "Bush lied, people died" crowd.  The "Government are terrorists" b.s. from 2003 and 2004.  Answer for that.
 What is there to answer...

Karl Rove in his brand new book... stated...

"Would the Iraq War have occurred without W.M.D., I doubt it," Rove writes. "Congress was very unlikely to have supported the use-of-force resolution without the W.M.D. threat. The Bush administration itself would probably have sought other ways to constrain Saddam, bring about regime change and deal with Iraq's horrendous human rights violations."
 What part of "Bush lied People Died" wasn't true?  Was it not a modern day genocide of Iraqis? 100,000 dead Iraqis based on a false pretense that Iraq had WMDS? 

Americans had every right to show their hatred of GW Bush during that time.  Putting this country into war.  Taking away our friends and family to fight in a war that had no conclusion.  Fathers/sons/brothers/cousins coming home in caskets filled with bricks because there were not enough body parts to cover the weight of a human being. 

Compare that tragedy to this.  A freaking health care bill?  Give me a break!
People have been mad since last summer.  It's only going to get more intense in this, an election year.

You're banking on $250 to buy off seniors when their health care has just been shredded?  You cannot be serious.

Hey, don't know where you're getting your info from but taxing begins by the beginning of 2011. 

Democrat pollsters were already predicting the House being lost BEFORE this bill.  Wake up and put down the kool-aid.  Denial only leads to a rude awakening.

Do you really believe petty scraps are going to buy votes?  Then again, you're a Democrat, the party of election fraud and buying votes.
Well you have your strategy.. and we have ours!  

Can't wait to see the faces of Republicans yet again in November 2010 just like in 2008...

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

What sickened me as a voter was the "Bush lied, people died" crowd.  The "Government are terrorists" b.s. from 2003 and 2004.  Answer for that.
 What is there to answer...

Karl Rove in his brand new book... stated...

"Would the Iraq War have occurred without W.M.D., I doubt it," Rove writes. "Congress was very unlikely to have supported the use-of-force resolution without the W.M.D. threat. The Bush administration itself would probably have sought other ways to constrain Saddam, bring about regime change and deal with Iraq's horrendous human rights violations."
 What part of "Bush lied People Died" wasn't true?  Was it not a modern day genocide of Iraqis? 100,000 dead Iraqis based on a false pretense that Iraq had WMDS? 

Americans had every right to show their hatred of GW Bush during that time.  Putting this country into war.  Taking away our friends and family to fight in a war that had no conclusion.  Fathers/sons/brothers/cousins coming home in caskets filled with bricks because there were not enough body parts to cover the weight of a human being. 

Compare that tragedy to this.  A freaking health care bill?  Give me a break!

Come on.  People believing Bush purposely got soldiers and civilians killed based off of a lie is just as crazy as people thinking Obama's a foreign-born muslim.

Hatred of W?  Well, you're seeing people having "every right to show their hatred" of Obama and Congress now.  No one "took away your friends and family".  Volunteer military, bud.

Don't want to be ready to be called into battle at any moment, don't enlist. 

And hey, what's the point of our soldiers fighting to protect our freedoms when our own president and congress is slowly but surely reducing them.
SMH @ the Democratic elected officials being targeted with death threats and bodily harm.

These enraged white people wildin now
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Burns is extremely asspained right now no point in even acknowledging him. sharing his point of view like everyone else and just because some %%+$*+@* don't like it, they keep on attacking but never answering for their own side.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

People have been mad since last summer.  It's only going to get more intense in this, an election year.

You're banking on $250 to buy off seniors when their health care has just been shredded?  You cannot be serious.

Hey, don't know where you're getting your info from but taxing begins by the beginning of 2011. 

Democrat pollsters were already predicting the House being lost BEFORE this bill.  Wake up and put down the kool-aid.  Denial only leads to a rude awakening.

Do you really believe petty scraps are going to buy votes?  Then again, you're a Democrat, the party of election fraud and buying votes.
Well you have your strategy.. and we have ours!  

Can't wait to see the faces of Republicans yet again in November 2010 just like in 2008...

You live in denial.  People have no reason to vote Democrat this fall.  None.

I truly wonder sometimes if some liberals are literally crazy.  It can only explain the manic denial.

Like I said, go look up some Democrat pollsters on the elections this fall.


"This bill remains very unpopular in very significant segments of the country. In big swaths of the country people are angry, they're upset, they're anxious, they're worried about the deficit." - David Gergen, CNN Senior Political Analyst
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