Congress clears historic health care bill...

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by TyrekeEvans

my only concern about this bill is that the quality of healthcare will probably diminish

Its a good thing that healthcare will be accessible to more people.

But, there are many shortages in the healthcare field, and this bill will probably discourage many from attending medical school

maybe the money hungry doctors.
This is true, but medical school is no easy task. 
Not only is it difficult and time consuming, it is also expensive. If the compensation is decreased, there should also be reform on educating physicians. ( i.e. making it less expensive or shortening the education of a doctor by allowing students to specialize in the medical field from day 1 of college)   
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by CWrite78

can somebody explain this.

-You will be required to have health insurance or be fined either $750 or 2% of your income. A compromise package, passed at the same time as the Senate bill, would change those numbers to $695 or 2.5% of your income.
is this a "yearly" fine "monthly" fine "weekly fine" why are we getting fined again?
would assume yearly..

If it is monthly it would come out to about $8,400.... That is 10%,20%, maybe even 30% of income  if you assume the income of most people without health care insurance make less than 50k. Which is a large majority..

The reason there is a fine.. Is because a person without health insurance hasn't effect on everyone.. If a person without insurance gets sick they go to the emergency room which increases costs for everyone.. This is to make people have insurance so they go to emergency room for emergency only so it doesn't drive up costs for everyone.

To go to car insurance if you get into a crash with someone without insurance everyone is screwed.. It is kind of the same premise for health care insurance

This mandate is going to be tied up in court for a while. I fully expect an injunction and supreme court case over this mandate. This stuff is gonna keep dragging on and on and we'll get more supreme court/white house friction before (my guess) it is struck down as unconstitutional 5-4 along ideological lines.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

While I may not be in the position to pay that much right now, in the future I will be, and I won't mind because I know that my money will be going to someones health care and to someones education.
Super Antigen,

Im a little confused as to what exactly you are comparing my borrowing 250K for med school with? Surely you are not comparing it to an entitlement program with no expectation of repayment. Also it is not someone's hard earned tax dollars being used to support me for them to never see the money again. so for my sake please elaborate on what you are comparing it too? You could say then that anyone who ever borrows money is receiving AID then. Hell if you use credit cards in your example then you are receiving AID from the banks. There is a difference from a loan and handout.

Also if the loans werent available there wouldnt be any physicians b/c only those who came from wealthy families could afford for their children to attend medical school.
Originally Posted by curt2121

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by CWrite78

can somebody explain this.

-You will be required to have health insurance or be fined either $750 or 2% of your income. A compromise package, passed at the same time as the Senate bill, would change those numbers to $695 or 2.5% of your income.
is this a "yearly" fine "monthly" fine "weekly fine" why are we getting fined again?
would assume yearly..

If it is monthly it would come out to about $8,400.... That is 10%,20%, maybe even 30% of income  if you assume the income of most people without health care insurance make less than 50k. Which is a large majority..

The reason there is a fine.. Is because a person without health insurance hasn't effect on everyone.. If a person without insurance gets sick they go to the emergency room which increases costs for everyone.. This is to make people have insurance so they go to emergency room for emergency only so it doesn't drive up costs for everyone.

To go to car insurance if you get into a crash with someone without insurance everyone is screwed.. It is kind of the same premise for health care insurance

This mandate is going to be tied up in court for a while. I fully expect an injunction and supreme court case over this mandate. This stuff is gonna keep dragging on and on and we'll get more supreme court/white house friction before (my guess) it is struck down as unconstitutional 5-4 along ideological lines.
mandatory health insurance? oh hellz nah ....yo im not a car 
this sucks for doctors and future doctors.

more work, less pay.
what doctors wont even make 6 figures now?
Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

Originally Posted by dyzzle

this sucks for doctors and future doctors.

more work, less pay.
what doctors wont even make 6 figures now?

i honestly believe that being a doctor shouldn't make that much money, i mean you SAVE  life because its a right thing to do not because the money. American doctors are greedy as hell, thats why we are the only powerful country without a health plan yet. All these doctors around the world is making NOTHING compare to the U.S. doctors. Back in the days Doctors are one of the lower working class.

Why do you say doctor's will make less?  I admit to knowing very little about the reform and close to nothing as to how it'll affect a health care professional's future salary.  It's something I have a vested interest in so hopefully someone can kick some knowledge my way.
Just thinking out loud: a lot of rich and powerful people stand to lose a lot and usually they don't let that happen. 
bad bill?  why? 
health care is mandatory massachusetts and it is failing there
how do they plan on making it better or work on a larger scale?

Just finished reading through this whole thread, here are my observations and personal opinions.

1. America is screwed because it's not united. America is so use to war that we're at war with ourselves on the low. Republican vs Democrat, Rich vs Poor, White vs Black, etc It's really disgusting and pathetic. They are all different ways to divide American people so they can't unify and fix our country.

2. The whole Robin Hood mentality is wrong. Poor people choose to be poor and rich people choose to be rich by their thoughts and actions. Successful people don't blame their circumstances for their failure, they make the best of them. If even one person from similar circumstances to you has made it out, you had the same ability. Taking from people who have earned more to give to people with less is criminal. Of course, people without money will love more free handouts because they don't want to dedicate themselves to changing their futures.

3. America's government does not have the best interest of it's citizens at heart. This has nothing to do with Democrat vs Republican etc. America is basically a corporation being run by Gold, Oil, and Drugs. The biggest companies in America have a way of making sure things work out in their favor regardless of the circumstances. Americans are allowed to smoke cigarettes which kill people every day. On the other hand, they aren't allowed to use recreational Marijuana. This is hypocrisy at it's finest.

4. I haven't read the bill, I have no intention to read the bill, but due to America's government not having it's citizens interests at heart I have NO trust that it will be beneficial for citizens. From what I'm seeing this bill forces people to buy health insurance; that's really not a good idea. People don't have health insurance because they can't afford it. Forcing them to purchase it will not actually help this situation.

5. People are going to disagree with me, but ANYBODY who wants to can make a fortune in America. Anybody can getting paid by taking the simplest ideas and taking ACTION where other people would make excuses and complain. If you aren't where you want to be in life, IT IS YOUR FAULT.
PS... The people who are truly wealthy in this country are just going to find a way out of paying whatever tax they put on them whether it's legal, illegal, or in a grey area.  They WILL find a way to beat the system and not pay millions of dollars in excess tax.  There is ALWAYS a loophole 

O yeah, I'm young, black, and don't want health care from the government.  
Nothing worse than a bunch of Republicans/Conservatives crying and complaining because they didn't get their way.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Nothing worse than a bunch of Republicans/Conservatives crying and complaining because they didn't get their way.
Not only that, but I am willing to bet a majority of the people in here are just recycling what their folks have said. It's crazy how misinformed people are who speak out against Health Care Reform. It's the Insurance Companies that are out of control and the public is paying the price for it. Some of these comments in here are so off the wall I don't know if I should

Originally Posted by chozin87

Just finished reading through this whole thread, here are my observations and personal opinions.

1. America is screwed because it's not united. America is so use to war that we're at war with ourselves on the low. Republican vs Democrat, Rich vs Poor, White vs Black, etc It's really disgusting and pathetic. They are all different ways to divide American people so they can't unify and fix our country.

2. The whole Robin Hood mentality is wrong. Poor people choose to be poor and rich people choose to be rich by their thoughts and actions. Successful people don't blame their circumstances for their failure, they make the best of them. If even one person from similar circumstances to you has made it out, you had the same ability. Taking from people who have earned more to give to people with less is criminal. Of course, people without money will love more free handouts because they don't want to dedicate themselves to changing their futures.

3. America's government does not have the best interest of it's citizens at heart. This has nothing to do with Democrat vs Republican etc. America is basically a corporation being run by Gold, Oil, and Drugs. The biggest companies in America have a way of making sure things work out in their favor regardless of the circumstances. Americans are allowed to smoke cigarettes which kill people every day. On the other hand, they aren't allowed to use recreational Marijuana. This is hypocrisy at it's finest.

4. I haven't read the bill, I have no intention to read the bill, but due to America's government not having it's citizens interests at heart I have NO trust that it will be beneficial for citizens. From what I'm seeing this bill forces people to buy health insurance; that's really not a good idea. People don't have health insurance because they can't afford it. Forcing them to purchase it will not actually help this situation.

5. People are going to disagree with me, but ANYBODY who wants to can make a fortune in America. Anybody can getting paid by taking the simplest ideas and taking ACTION where other people would make excuses and complain. If you aren't where you want to be in life, IT IS YOUR FAULT.
PS... The people who are truly wealthy in this country are just going to find a way out of paying whatever tax they put on them whether it's legal, illegal, or in a grey area.  They WILL find a way to beat the system and not pay millions of dollars in excess tax.  There is ALWAYS a loophole 

O yeah, I'm young, black, and don't want health care from the government.  
If america is that bad to you.......why are you still here???
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

those who pay for your own insurance....get ready for your premiums to go up.

what's new? my wife's premiums have doubled in 4 years and she just turned 30.
Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

Originally Posted by dyzzle

this sucks for doctors and future doctors.

more work, less pay.
what doctors wont even make 6 figures now?

i honestly believe that being a doctor shouldn't make that much money, i mean you SAVE  life because its a right thing to do not because the money. American doctors are greedy as hell, thats why we are the only powerful country without a health plan yet. All these doctors around the world is making NOTHING compare to the U.S. doctors. Back in the days Doctors are one of the lower working class.

Why do you say doctor's will make less?  I admit to knowing very little about the reform and close to nothing as to how it'll affect a health care professional's future salary.  It's something I have a vested interest in so hopefully someone can kick some knowledge my way.
Just thinking out loud: a lot of rich and powerful people stand to lose a lot and usually they don't let that happen. 
F-ing FALSE.

Why take away the pay from the people who work DAMN HARD. 99% of the population has no FRIGGING idea how much these people WORK and WORK to get there. Not only are they in the top percent of 1% of intellectual capability, they are incredibly specialized and trained to do what NO ONE can do. There MUST be a way to reward those who devote their LIVES to helping others. You may combat this with, well they run up unnecessary tests, they're greedy, they need to make THAT much? HELL the F YES!. Tell me you're going to spend 11+ years of your live AFTER undergrad to become a neurosurgeon, run up a debt of close to 300k, work ~70 hours a week for nearly the rest of your life and devote THAT life to continued education, rigorous testing, and stress. You don't have a damn clue dude. Taking pay away from the people on the FRONT LINES does not solve anything. I don't want to hear that crap about being compared to other countries and "way back when" either. THere is a reason we have the best damn doctors. Financial incentive or not, you're affect the only people in this world who ultimately have a chance be called to look at you on that cold hard examining table.

This is from a "democrat" and black male himself...

I swear NT thinks making money is a bad thing. Reward those who deserve it.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

Originally Posted by dyzzle

this sucks for doctors and future doctors.

more work, less pay.
what doctors wont even make 6 figures now?

i honestly believe that being a doctor shouldn't make that much money, i mean you SAVE  life because its a right thing to do not because the money. American doctors are greedy as hell, thats why we are the only powerful country without a health plan yet. All these doctors around the world is making NOTHING compare to the U.S. doctors. Back in the days Doctors are one of the lower working class.

Why do you say doctor's will make less?  I admit to knowing very little about the reform and close to nothing as to how it'll affect a health care professional's future salary.  It's something I have a vested interest in so hopefully someone can kick some knowledge my way.
Just thinking out loud: a lot of rich and powerful people stand to lose a lot and usually they don't let that happen. 
F-ing FALSE.

Why take away the pay from the people who work DAMN HARD. 99% of the population has no FRIGGING idea how much these people WORK and WORK to get there. Not only are they in the top percent of 1% of intellectual capability, they are incredibly specialized and trained to do what NO ONE can do. There MUST be a way to reward those who devote their LIVES to helping others. You may combat this with, well they run up unnecessary tests, they're greedy, they need to make THAT much? HELL the F YES!. Tell me you're going to spend 11+ years of your live AFTER undergrad to become a neurosurgeon, run up a debt of close to 300k, work ~70 hours a week for nearly the rest of your life and devote THAT life to continued education, rigorous testing, and stress. You don't have a damn clue dude. Taking pay away from the people on the FRONT LINES does not solve anything. I don't want to hear that crap about being compared to other countries and "way back when" either. THere is a reason we have the best damn doctors. Financial incentive or not, you're affect the only people in this world who ultimately have a chance be called to look at you on that cold hard examining table.

This is from a "democrat" and black male himself...

I swear NT thinks making money is a bad thing. Reward those who deserve it.

But if you believe this, you're whining, complaining, sheltered, spoiled, etc. 
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Originally Posted by chozin87

Just finished reading through this whole thread, here are my observations and personal opinions.

1. America is screwed because it's not united. America is so use to war that we're at war with ourselves on the low. Republican vs Democrat, Rich vs Poor, White vs Black, etc It's really disgusting and pathetic. They are all different ways to divide American people so they can't unify and fix our country.

2. The whole Robin Hood mentality is wrong. Poor people choose to be poor and rich people choose to be rich by their thoughts and actions. Successful people don't blame their circumstances for their failure, they make the best of them. If even one person from similar circumstances to you has made it out, you had the same ability. Taking from people who have earned more to give to people with less is criminal. Of course, people without money will love more free handouts because they don't want to dedicate themselves to changing their futures.

3. America's government does not have the best interest of it's citizens at heart. This has nothing to do with Democrat vs Republican etc. America is basically a corporation being run by Gold, Oil, and Drugs. The biggest companies in America have a way of making sure things work out in their favor regardless of the circumstances. Americans are allowed to smoke cigarettes which kill people every day. On the other hand, they aren't allowed to use recreational Marijuana. This is hypocrisy at it's finest.

4. I haven't read the bill, I have no intention to read the bill, but due to America's government not having it's citizens interests at heart I have NO trust that it will be beneficial for citizens. From what I'm seeing this bill forces people to buy health insurance; that's really not a good idea. People don't have health insurance because they can't afford it. Forcing them to purchase it will not actually help this situation.

5. People are going to disagree with me, but ANYBODY who wants to can make a fortune in America. Anybody can getting paid by taking the simplest ideas and taking ACTION where other people would make excuses and complain. If you aren't where you want to be in life, IT IS YOUR FAULT.
PS... The people who are truly wealthy in this country are just going to find a way out of paying whatever tax they put on them whether it's legal, illegal, or in a grey area.  They WILL find a way to beat the system and not pay millions of dollars in excess tax.  There is ALWAYS a loophole 

O yeah, I'm young, black, and don't want health care from the government.  
If america is that bad to you.......why are you still here???
See bold text.  
America isn't a terrible place, most Americans are just blinded by their arrogance.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

those who pay for your own insurance....get ready for your premiums to go up.
really?!?!?! because premiums haven't been going up.

I absolutely APPLAUD the democrats who voted for this bill, took absolute courage when the media--Fox News &Talk Radio mostly depicted supporting this bill as suicidal which I think is highly overstated but you know what that shows me, they put PEOPLE before POLITICS. For the past year ALL the Republicans have done is political posturing and oppose every major legislation all in the name of being fiscal conservatives.. Its so astoundingly hypocritical its disgusting. Dems gave us New Deal policies, Civil Rights Act, SS Act of 1965 that gave us Medicaid/Medicare and now this Health Care Legislation... why is it that Republicans are NEVER pivotal in Landmark legislation. Its disgusting that not 1 Republican voted for this bill of all the historic landmark votes is US History this is the first bill to not garner any Republican support.. sad. Glenn Beck/Limbaugh/Levin and etc have Republicans by the balls, they serve entertainers and fanatics instead of the damn people.
Originally Posted by chozin87

Just finished reading through this whole thread, here are my observations and personal opinions.

1. America is screwed because it's not united. America is so use to war that we're at war with ourselves on the low. Republican vs Democrat, Rich vs Poor, White vs Black, etc It's really disgusting and pathetic. They are all different ways to divide American people so they can't unify and fix our country.

2. The whole Robin Hood mentality is wrong. Poor people choose to be poor and rich people choose to be rich by their thoughts and actions. Successful people don't blame their circumstances for their failure, they make the best of them. If even one person from similar circumstances to you has made it out, you had the same ability. Taking from people who have earned more to give to people with less is criminal. Of course, people without money will love more free handouts because they don't want to dedicate themselves to changing their futures.

3. America's government does not have the best interest of it's citizens at heart. This has nothing to do with Democrat vs Republican etc. America is basically a corporation being run by Gold, Oil, and Drugs. The biggest companies in America have a way of making sure things work out in their favor regardless of the circumstances. Americans are allowed to smoke cigarettes which kill people every day. On the other hand, they aren't allowed to use recreational Marijuana. This is hypocrisy at it's finest.

4. I haven't read the bill, I have no intention to read the bill, but due to America's government not having it's citizens interests at heart I have NO trust that it will be beneficial for citizens. From what I'm seeing this bill forces people to buy health insurance; that's really not a good idea. People don't have health insurance because they can't afford it. Forcing them to purchase it will not actually help this situation.

5. People are going to disagree with me, but ANYBODY who wants to can make a fortune in America. Anybody can getting paid by taking the simplest ideas and taking ACTION where other people would make excuses and complain. If you aren't where you want to be in life, IT IS YOUR FAULT.
PS... The people who are truly wealthy in this country are just going to find a way out of paying whatever tax they put on them whether it's legal, illegal, or in a grey area.  They WILL find a way to beat the system and not pay millions of dollars in excess tax.  There is ALWAYS a loophole 

O yeah, I'm young, black, and don't want health care from the government.  
i agree with dude. oh yea im young, white and i just dont give a *++% nor do i want health care from the govt
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

Originally Posted by dyzzle

this sucks for doctors and future doctors.

more work, less pay.
what doctors wont even make 6 figures now?

i honestly believe that being a doctor shouldn't make that much money, i mean you SAVE  life because its a right thing to do not because the money. American doctors are greedy as hell, thats why we are the only powerful country without a health plan yet. All these doctors around the world is making NOTHING compare to the U.S. doctors. Back in the days Doctors are one of the lower working class.

Why do you say doctor's will make less?  I admit to knowing very little about the reform and close to nothing as to how it'll affect a health care professional's future salary.  It's something I have a vested interest in so hopefully someone can kick some knowledge my way.
Just thinking out loud: a lot of rich and powerful people stand to lose a lot and usually they don't let that happen. 
F-ing FALSE.

Why take away the pay from the people who work DAMN HARD. 99% of the population has no FRIGGING idea how much these people WORK and WORK to get there. Not only are they in the top percent of 1% of intellectual capability, they are incredibly specialized and trained to do what NO ONE can do. There MUST be a way to reward those who devote their LIVES to helping others. You may combat this with, well they run up unnecessary tests, they're greedy, they need to make THAT much? HELL the F YES!. Tell me you're going to spend 11+ years of your live AFTER undergrad to become a neurosurgeon, run up a debt of close to 300k, work ~70 hours a week for nearly the rest of your life and devote THAT life to continued education, rigorous testing, and stress. You don't have a damn clue dude. Taking pay away from the people on the FRONT LINES does not solve anything. I don't want to hear that crap about being compared to other countries and "way back when" either. THere is a reason we have the best damn doctors. Financial incentive or not, you're affect the only people in this world who ultimately have a chance be called to look at you on that cold hard examining table.

This is from a "democrat" and black male himself...

I swear NT thinks making money is a bad thing. Reward those who deserve it.
Optimus... coming from a second year medical student who just pulled an all nighter for an OB-GYN Midterm, I commend you. 
I worked damn hard to get where I am.  Am I a little butt hurt that I won't be making as much bank? why yes.. yes I am. Did something (anything) need to be done about the state of healthcare before the bill? a big resounding HELL YEAAAAAH. So I'm 50/50. I think its a step in the right direction, but there should be better way.
the cost on things are always going to go up. change is good.
people should either read the bill or not say much about it until they see the results of the bill being passed.
im looking forward to these next few years in the states. i see america changing for the better if people begin to see things from different aspects instead of their own.
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