Coping With a Difficult Breakup PART 2. UPDATE - Im Breaking Down Guys.....

hey man sry to hear for what happen bro.
you're going to be find bro. just sucks to hear you gave everything you had and yet she took for granted.
here is a quote man i mean jst read through i hope it helps. its from the movie rocky balboa.

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't carehow tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But itain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's howwinning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointingfingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that! RockyBalboa "
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by kidUFC

to the OP

the dream - I cant wait to hate you.

Info on that song?
Is that a song that he ended up giving to another artist or something?

not sure but I think its in his album.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

Originally Posted by Politics As Usual 22

Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

Swallow your pride & call her.

She isn't drunk anymore so why not?

Tell her everything you're telling us, if you love her, why move on?

I just see this as a simple disagreement, you can't just leave after everyone of those ...

Stick it out.

if she's doing things behind his back and callin dudes baby and hiding it from him then there's no point of stickin it out.. Its just ' waiting to happen for him... To the OP she's probably smashin right now.. Sorry to tell you but you'll be thinkin about this always till you heal... Find a better chick that will respect you. kick rocks or pick rocks my dude.. Remember she's just another grain of sand at the beach..
@ dude telling me to call her and try to make it work.

Self respect.
That's the pride I'm talking about that isn't necessary.

I see why you guys aren't together.

from what I recall they broke up before and tried to make it work the second time.. Look what it got him.. I think there's no point in trying to make it work the third time.. trting to make things work and still having that feeling in your hurt where she constantly lies to you, disrespected you etc.. Just isn't healthy I get where you're coming from blue lambo but sometimes you just have to keep it movin
Yeah, I understand.

I just hate to see people break-up.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by kidUFC

to the OP

the dream - I cant wait to hate you.

Info on that song?
Is that a song that he ended up giving to another artist or something?

not sure but I think its in his album.
Not at all.
Its in neither of his albums. I think he ended up giving it to Mariah.

Thanks anyways.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by kidUFC

to the OP

the dream - I cant wait to hate you.

Info on that song?
Is that a song that he ended up giving to another artist or something?
"Gave" aka Sold it to Mariah's on her new album...Dreams is miles ahead though
Been through something of this nature. All I can say is that time is the only thing that'll help you heal. Keep a small group of support system bc godknows when you let your feelings out that it helps to have people that'll listen and actually care enough to give you good feedback until you're goodagain. Secondly you'd have to accept that breakup as a breakup and open your eyes and realize that it won't ever be the same again so don't eventry to get back together. Once you realize and can come to terms with reality, that's when you can start moving along...
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

putting a restriction on ur girl, then checkin up on her like ur Pops is probably a bad way to go about things.
Yup, probably why she was hooking up with another guy. She's definitely an emotionally unstable person, but your not perfect yourself,remember that. Keep it moving because it sounds like you and this girl really aren't meant to be. I know it might hurt you to face that truth (maybeI'm wrong only you would know), but live your life and don't waste time thinking about her. Also remember she probably already cheated on you, so itprobably won't be a good idea to come back. Like someone said earlier "the best revenge is living well".
yea dude,**** her. i'm hurt because i lost my girl too. i understand you,some girls just don't realize what theiir doing and the worst part is,theywere just a lie and were the stupid ones for believing they loved us..
Originally Posted by mikeJordache23

PAU Im in the same spot as you. All of the answers to your questions are in this thread.
Also see the post ballislife made about motivational quotes, that post is so inspirational and uplifting (big BIG ups ballislife!)
and since I found it I have been reading through it a few times a day.

Just try and stay productive. Stay positive.
its kind of amazing how every sees the her "lying and disrespecting" him but overlooks thats hes controlling and selfish.
been thru this last yr

3 yrs i wasted for that garden tool

this only confirms $$ > {} for me even more...
Time will heal your wounds then when your looking back at it all you'll just laugh.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

simply judging by your responses early in the conversation...doesn't seem like you were the best boyfriend in terms of treating her with respect
a lot of great knowledge in this sure everyone knows it by know im going thru the same takes time...sure you feel depressed but you knowwhat its you whats stopping you to be happy..get out there just keep yourself busy...that's what im doin...the X called this morning and she had carproblems my @!%+$+* helped her even got her a cotton candy to brighten up her day...i felt stupid after and you know what i learn from todays mistake and neverwill pick up her phone call ever again...
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