Covington Catholic High School mags students racists chants torwards indigenous march

My country, the Bahamas, is to this day pretty homophobic and sexist.. the Bible is oft referenced conveniently, as it is by the Republican Party and way too many Americans, when trying to perpetrate/justify hatred

Organized religion is the devil. Mother Nature gonna **** around and get sick of us soon. I give humanity another 5k years, max.

Religion is just another decent concept that humans took and completely f'd up.

These religious nuts are not capable of taking the "good" lessons and preserving them in their teachings; and simultaneously removing the immoral views that haven't aged well (or weren't ethical to begin with) and eradicating them completely.

People can't adapt or think for themselves. Religion would be a good tool if they could. There should be several hundred "new editions" of the bible and other religious texts that account for societal changes.
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I like Joe Rogan, but his response is pretty much what I expect from “them.” “The red hat is nothing like a white hood, Kanye wore the hat.” Man, what? :lol: If you don’t think the red hat signifies White Supremacy at this point then you are being ignorant. Those kids knew what they were doing, got called out, and now, getting to play the victim card because they were called “unspeakable” things an hour before. Give me a break. Y’all gonna tell me it’s hard to be a white kid in America wearing a “MAGA” hat now? :rolleyes

I like Joe Rogan, but his response is pretty much what I expect from “them.” “The red hat is nothing like a white hood, Kanye wore the hat.” Man, what? :lol: If you don’t think the red hat signifies White Supremacy at this point then you are being ignorant.

I agree with Rogan only because as black man from Houston at on point I was stationed in both Chicago and So Cal. I have been harrassed by law enforcement for wearing a Astros hat. When asked why I’m being questioned they respond with “we saw the hat and they know I’m a gang member”! Because of my hat, I was instantly labeled something I was not and I somehow gave them the right to harass me!

I live I dc, I was riding my bicyle and this dude ran out in front of me and I go over my bars and knocked unconscious for hot second. I wake up on the side wall and surrounded by cats in mags hats. They were asking if I was ok and if I need an ambulance. A white chick in a red hat, is telling me she was a nurse asking me if I could move my head, fingers, legs and ect.

Not going to lie still get lil uptight when I see a maga hat but I remember gun being drawn on me for a Astros cap and the folks that helped me on the side of the road. A cap doesn’t make a gang member or a racist. Your words and actions make you a racist or gang member
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To those talking about the catholic schools not going, or whatever, I can tell you that this is a big, BIG thing in the NKY/Cincinnati area. Having taught in the area since the early 2000's, most of the high schools send a group to this thing every year.
To those talking about the catholic schools not going, or whatever, I can tell you that this is a big, BIG thing in the NKY/Cincinnati area. Having taught in the area since the early 2000's, most of the high schools send a group to this thing every year.
My cousin went to a private catholic school and they go for class credit. He had no interest in the march but excited to come to dc since he was Houston and said he got his first bj on oneof the trips.
A hat itself is just a piece of clothing...but it can be a symbol, depending on what a large group of ppl who wear it do/say/act...thats just how it is

So if you rocking a MAGA hat in 2019, based on whats been going on the past couple years ppl will correctly assume that you racist or cool with other ppl being racist
MAGA hat is cool just like a KKK hood is cool. “It’s just a ______”. You getting it for a baseball hat is wrong but NOT the same. You don’t throw on a nazi biker helmet and claim they’re wrongfully stereotyping. If this needs to be explained any further then I just feel bad for whoever is asking
Twitter suspends account that helped ignite controversy over viral encounter
By Donie O'Sullivan, CNN Business

Updated 3:31 AM ET, Tue January 22, 2019


New York (CNN Business)Twitter suspended an account on Monday afternoon that helped spread a controversial encounter between a Native American elder and a group of high school students wearing Make America Great Again hats.

The account claimed to belong to a California schoolteacher. Its profile photo was not of a schoolteacher, but of a blogger based in Brazil, CNN Business found. Twitter suspended the account soon after CNN Business asked about it.
The account, with the username @2020fight, was set up in December 2016 and appeared to be the tweets of a woman named Talia living in California. "Teacher & Advocate. Fighting for 2020," its Twitter bio read. Since the beginning of this year, the account had tweeted on average 130 times a day and had more than 40,000 followers.
Late on Friday, the account posted a minute-long video showing the now-iconic confrontation between a Native American elder and the high school students, with the caption, "This MAGA loser gleefully bothering a Native American protester at the Indigenous Peoples March."

That version of the video was viewed at least 2.5 million times and was retweeted at least 14,400 times, according to a cached version of the tweet seen by CNN Business.

A new video shows a different side of the encounter between a Native American elder and teens in MAGA hats

The video shared by @2020fight did not show what preceded the confrontation between the Native American elder and the high school students.

The video had been posted earlier on Instagram by someone who was at the event, but it was @2020fight's caption that helped frame the news cycle.
Rob McDonagh, an assistant editor at Storyful, a service that vets content online, was monitoring Twitter activity on Saturday morning and said the @2020fight video was the main version of the incident being shared on social media.
In one indicator of the @2020fight's video's virality, multiple newsrooms, including some national American outlets, reached out to the user asking them directly about the video.
McDonagh said he found the account suspicious due to its "high follower count, highly polarized and yet inconsistent political messaging, the unusually high rate of tweets, and the use of someone else's image in the profile photo."
Molly McKew, an information warfare researcher who saw the tweet and shared it herself on Saturday, said she later realized that a network of anonymous accounts were working to amplify the video.

Opinion: The tricky lesson of MAGA hat confrontation

Speaking about the nature of fake accounts on social media, McKew told CNN Business, "This is the new landscape: where bad actors monitor us and appropriate content that fits their needs. They know how to get it where they need to go so it amplifies naturally. And at this point, we are all conditioned to react and engage or deny in specific ways. And we all did."
Twitter's rules forbid users from creating "fake and misleading accounts," and shortly after CNN Business asked Twitter about the account, it was suspended.

A spokesperson for Twitter told CNN Business, "Deliberate attempts to manipulate the public conversation on Twitter by using misleading account information is a violation of the Twitter Rules."
CNN Business was unable to reach the person, or people, behind the account, to ask if they were indeed a California schoolteacher that chose to use someone else's picture. Soon after we pointed out on Twitter that the account was using a different woman's profile picture, the account blocked this reporter.
Russia strikes again yet people will still ignore it again even it though could have just gone really bad for them.
I agree with Rogan only because as black man from Houston at on point I was stationed in both Chicago and So Cal. I have been harrassed by law enforcement for wearing a Astros hat. When asked why I’m being questioned they respond with “we saw the hat and they know I’m a gang member”! Because of my hat, I was instantly labeled something I was not and I somehow gave them the right to harass me!

I live I dc, I was riding my bicyle and this dude ran out in front of me and I go over my bars and knocked unconscious for hot second. I wake up on the side wall and surrounded by cats in mags hats. They were asking if I was ok and if I need an ambulance. A white chick in a red hat, is telling me she was a nurse asking me if I could move my head, fingers, legs and ect.

Not going to lie still get lil uptight when I see a maga hat but I remember gun being drawn on me for a Astros cap and the folks that helped me on the side of the road. A cap doesn’t make a gang member or a racist. Your words and actions make you a racist or gang member

This ain't quite the same but I understand where you are coming from.

The difference is that Astros hat has an original purpose outside of any potential gang affiliation. The MAGA was created specifically for a racist and bigoted agenda.
That's why it's different.
This ain't quite the same but I understand where you are coming from.

The difference is that Astros hat has an original purpose outside of any potential gang affiliation. The MAGA was created specifically for a racist and bigoted agenda.
That's why it's different.
Don’t know why these needs to be explained but bingo. Y’all gotta think deeper sometimes
The problem with christianity is that it is taught to Black people and other people of color differently, than it is taught to whites. Black people are taught to turn the other cheek, be like King, Jesus. White people, like those boys from Covington, are taught to force their views and beliefs upon others. They take advantage of the fact that they know that Black christians and those of color, will sit there and take punishment as taught. Black christianity is toxic to free thought, free will. White christianity is about ruling the world.
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