Covington Catholic High School mags students racists chants torwards indigenous march

Was in philly a few years back and some BI's were preaching right outside of my hotel. I was walking with my wife and daughter, and they called me their hispanic brother.


was my reaction :lol:

“hispanic brother”..........sounds like they were trying to recruit you champ.
let’s cut through all the distraction and be real. they were clearly mocking the american indians

clearly that wasn't what happened as was da earlier protrayal of da shorter clip.

hence why everyone doing about faces and deleting articles condeming da kids.
The "don't believe what your eyes are telling you" defense

Bold move.. wonder if Rudy came up with that one
"Catholic" would tell you...

I was born and raised in the Catholic Church, Roman Catholic to be exact

Until I went to the US for high school in my freshman year, I had taken a religion class every single year of my eduction to that point.. along with attending church regularly and going through 'sunday' school on Saturdays once I was done whatever morning practice I had for whatever sport I had at the time

I have zero recollection of abortion as a religious talking point until I was old enough to get what they were talking about in US elections

My country, the Bahamas, is to this day pretty homophobic and sexist.. the Bible is oft referenced conveniently, as it is by the Republican Party and way too many Americans, when trying to perpetrate/justify hatred
Anyone ask why a school is taking underage high school students to a anti-abortion march as a field trip?

Talk about brainwashing them early
I had this discussion with my girl over the weekend.

I hate how so many of these schools co-opt and influence these kids to taking an active role in a debate they have no real part in and can't even fully understand.

It's foul, but religion has been doing it for centuries. You're indoctrinated before you can talk.:smh:

My girl is a lifelong catholic, so the discussion definitely got a little spicy.:lol:
I went to a catholic school in the DMV and we never went down by the mall to support or protest any cause. I don't even remember talking about abortion and such.

It's weird to send kids to protest especially when you know things could pop off at any moment.
I went to a catholic school in the DMV and we never went down by the mall to support or protest any cause. I don't even remember talking about abortion and such.

It's weird to send kids to protest especially when you know things could pop off at any moment.
Schools usuallly remain completely unbiased despite the underlined support.
I went to a catholic school in the DMV and we never went down by the mall to support or protest any cause. I don't even remember talking about abortion and such.

It's weird to send kids to protest especially when you know things could pop off at any moment.

Protests probably weren’t popping off like that back then. I read there’s at least one protest every day somewhere in America.
I was born and raised in the Catholic Church, Roman Catholic to be exact

Until I went to the US for high school in my freshman year, I had taken a religion class every single year of my eduction to that point.. along with attending church regularly and going through 'sunday' school on Saturdays once I was done whatever morning practice I had for whatever sport I had at the time

I have zero recollection of abortion as a religious talking point until I was old enough to get what they were talking about in US elections

My country, the Bahamas, is to this day pretty homophobic and sexist.. the Bible is oft referenced conveniently, as it is by the Republican Party and way too many Americans, when trying to perpetrate/justify hatred

I had this discussion with my girl over the weekend.

I hate how so many of these schools co-opt and influence these kids to taking an active role in a debate they have no real part in and can't even fully understand.

It's foul, but religion has been doing it for centuries. You're indoctrinated before you can talk.:smh:

My girl is a lifelong catholic, so the discussion definitely got a little spicy.:lol:

I went to a catholic school in the DMV and we never went down by the mall to support or protest any cause. I don't even remember talking about abortion and such.

It's weird to send kids to protest especially when you know things could pop off at any moment.

People don't see how problematic it is, until it's something they don't agree with.

Just like their parents saw no problems with their kids wear MAGA hats. Not thinking people would react negatively towards it.

A lot of people live in their little isolated bubble.
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