Covington Catholic High School mags students racists chants torwards indigenous march

:lol: Most NYers know better than to pay attention to black israelites, but the eventual white tears from some unsuspecting participant is hilarious.
Saturday they had the perfect crowd, march for life kids which were majority white and womens march which was majority white women. Ive never seen them go hard on white women just the men. So i guess the women were on the BI side since majority their beef is with white men as well?

I like Joe Rogan, but his response is pretty much what I expect from “them.” “The red hat is nothing like a white hood, Kanye wore the hat.” Man, what? :lol: If you don’t think the red hat signifies White Supremacy at this point then you are being ignorant. Those kids knew what they were doing, got called out, and now, getting to play the victim card because they were called “unspeakable” things an hour before. Give me a break. Y’all gonna tell me it’s hard to be a white kid in America wearing a “MAGA” hat now? :rolleyes

Erick Erickson wrote this same opinion piece after Charlottesville:



let’s cut through all the distraction and be real. they were clearly mocking the american indians. do they deserve death threats? no. were they innocent kids? no. white arrogance was on full display. give them the appropriate level of negative social feedback they deserve then move on.
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