Covington Catholic High School mags students racists chants torwards indigenous march

Let it also be known that a MAGA hat is already a sign of hostility. Literally the point of wearing the hat. I’m sure idiots will deny that just like they deny walking around with an AR at a Walmart being abnormal. “Well he has a permit?!??”
I live in DC and was down there with my daughter for the womens march after we went to the Lincoln Memorial. There were those black guys that stand on the corner and yell how white people are devils, and ect. Im a black guy but these guys rehtoric reminds me of what you would here from very extreme white supremacist. White folks were walking around and thdy were legit trying to provoke a fight with them. I was out there a hot minute watching these cats then those kids walked up in there maga hats and these were grown men provoking high schoolers.

The kids were mocking the native americans but more the black would yell the more the would mock the natives. The black dudes were looking for smoke, the kids didnt want the smoke so they mocked the natives performance.

I didnt know this made nt and news until my daughter told me. Im for free speech but when you start calling folks out individually, people will get tight.

The kids were wrong and their chaperone should have controlled them. Some would say they werent doing anything more than what you would see at a Florida Seminole game. Chant was similar!
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I live in DC and was down there with my daughter for the womens march after we went to the Lincoln Memorial. There were those black guys that stand on the corner and yell how white people are devils, and ect. Im a black guy but these guys rehtoric reminds me of what you would here from very extreme white supremacist. White folks were walking around and thdy were legit trying to provoke a fight with them. I was out there a hot minute watching these cats then those kids walked up in there maga hats and these were grown men provoking high schoolers.

The kids were mocking the native americans but more the black would yell the more the would mock the natives. The black dudes were looking for smoke, the kids didnt want the smoke so they mocked the natives performance.

I didnt know this made nt and news until my daughter told me. Im for free speech but when you start calling folks out individually, people will get tight.

The kids were wrong and their chaperone should have controlled them.

The Black Hebrew Israelites were in DuPont and a scene as well my neighbors were telling me.
Just do it.

this x100
My barber in Harlem who is in his late sixties, told be about how the NOI used to be around Uptown in the early sixties. He told me how White people were deathly afraid of the FOI when Malcolm or another one of the ministers were speaking on the street corners. They weren't speaking from the Bible, so whites were not familiar with Islam, nor the version of Islam that Elijah created. He said that when they'd call white people, the police as well, white devils to their faces, all sorts of emotions used to flow from whites. Many didn't want to venture uptown back in those days. The mafia used to control construction back then as well, and when they began to build the State office building on 125th, the mafia had to ask permission of the NOI in order to get it done. I wish I could have witnessed that.
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