Craziest thing that happened at your school?

There was also a bomb threat at my elementary school...we got locked down and the bomb squad showed up in a big %%% black truck...we also had a bunch of helicopters around...
My university also got locked down...evidently we had a shooter on campus (they never found him/he didnt exist)
Multiple bomb threats throughout middle school and high school.

Hit list in middle school.

Kid got ratted out for having a .22 in his locker in middle school.

Multiple brawls that ended with police involved and spraying mase.

Kids getting caught hymen grinding in classes after school let out.

I know a girl who went out to her car to get something for class and a dude pulled up and flashed her. Observe and Report-esque.

Drug arrests. Brought dogs to our parking lot and ran them up and down the aisles of cars. They arrested like 17 people or something crazy.

College FTW
teachers sleeping with teachers at school in the office

teachers sleeping with kids

a few stabbings

a bomb threat, that some mexican kid said i was his accomplice (kid didnt speak a lick of english, i was the only person whos name he knew. he wanted to go back to mexico)
oakland high school 00-04

water/food fight so crazy they had to get the police.
bomb threat during finals.
hostage sitituation across the street from my school and they had a chopped fly in a sniper to the football field and the school got put on lockdown.
secret service came for two students that said they would shoot bush to a teacher who was a bush supporter.
new girl got caught giving head in the bathroom and the whole school waited after school for her to walk out the front door.
Originally Posted by kiuyt856

There's a married english teacher at my school. She's mormon (
) and has two sons who go there too. Both of them have been in my classes.

Well she's now getting divorced because she was smashing a P.E. teacher and her husband found out.

Even worse, the younger son is in the p.e. teachers weights class, and had to see him for two hours every other day for a whole year.

ps- the
isn't because i have a problem with the religion, its becuase she's a mormon yet would cheat on her husband and put her kids through that
yeah, mormons arent allowed to make mistakes.

just because someone is religous, doesnt make them perfect, or immune to sin.
bomb threat
movie filmed
a ton of crickets let loose (senior prank)
bleach water guns
(clothes sprayed)(senior prank)
a kid beat a teacher with a combination lock
she was an old woman too... so stupid
pregnancys of course cuz these girls gettin loose
NFL star and one girl that went on to act in a few movies, most notably "Hustle & Flow" but her fine ##% was at my high school when I was in elementary

thats all i can think of now. We went to state championship and Lebron got loose on us
a drama teacher of mine was caught being a peeping tom, still got the article here, our teacher was gone for like weeks, which led to easy A

during a emergency code red drill, we all pretend a shooter is on campus and hide in rooms, well i heard some kid had to go take a dump, but they were really strict on this procedure, so he took a dump in the recycle bin in front of the whole class

our whole school was in on this prank, everyone in school got word to bring skittles to school, and have an all out war at lunch
Some dude didnt want this dude to sell XTC to his girlfriend so he told him to stop. Drug dealer laughed. Next day dude came up to him with a baseball bat. I don't know what happen in the scuffle but long story short drug dealer cut dude's finger off.
some kid threw a chair out of the window and it almost took out some kindergarteners
was at the end of the year.. we got new windows that were damn near impossible to open the following year

another kid threw a potato at the principal from across the street.. broke his glasses, he had like 40 stitches on his face
dude didnt get in trouble cause they couldnt prove he did it.. but everyone knew he did it
i still
when i think about it though.. "hey dave watch out for that potato"
ehhh statewide search for missing student at Purdue for maybe a week.
they found him in a utility closet (in the middle of campus) electrocuted to death.

meh thats about it.
We had a full on race war at my highschool. You'd see a mob of Vietnamese kids with pipes and machetes all marching towards a mob of Black kids.
High school:
-Choir teacher got arrested for gettin it in with a girl. What's sad is after dude got out of prison for that, he got arrested AGAIN for the same underage girl +#$!.

-Someone drew a swastika in the parking lot and on the table where the Jewish people hang out. There was sensitivity training given to us. Word is that it's because the English AP teacher favors the Jewish kids in the class and gives them better grades, and someone got real pissed at them. I had that teacher later on and I found it to be very true.
-At 7-11 nearby, during lunch time there'll always be a bunch of Mexican people smoking weed and getting into fights.

-The whole Compton Cookout stuff, and the protests afterwards.
-Bird attacking people passing by the main student area (Price Center).
Bloody fights.. doods bringing guns to campus.. school going on strike, etc. girl who used to go to my school got caught in a sex scandal w/ kobe..
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

during a emergency code red drill, we all pretend a shooter is on campus and hide in rooms, well i heard some kid had to go take a dump, but they were really strict on this procedure, so he took a dump in the recycle bin in front of the whole class
security guards mased an entire floor after a fight between the cool kids and the ignant dominicans
Guy attempted to kill the teacher.

Canceled school during finals. This is at NOVA btw

@ some of these...

Here's a few that I could think of:

-For a grad prank, some dude drove his car and smashed my school's front door, which shattered all the glass...
-Some school threw a dead cow on our turf...
-Some naked dudes wearing masks streaked through our school
-A group of people left behind a bunch of fish in the hallways.. Smelled like crap for the whole week
Originally Posted by Fog Raw


@ some of these...

Here's a few that I could think of:

-For a grad prank, some dude drove his car and smashed my school's front door, which shattered all the glass...
-Some school threw a dead cow on our turf...
-Some naked dudes wearing masks streaked through our school
-A group of people left behind a bunch of fish in the hallways.. Smelled like crap for the whole week

Try again
there was a huge korean vs. black thing during like 7 grade, people got stabbed

and I had no middle school my HS had grades 7-12 all in one building
stayed in school after it closed to
and chill with some friends. we must have triggered the alarm somehow. (silent) Police showed up, flashing lights from the outside of the glass looking in.
Dude spotted me and 2 of my boys, we start running through the halls trying to get out of view, we ended up going out the side doors of the school where there was like 20 -25 people playing B-ball on school grounds
We just run up, pick up a ball and start shooting at the side goal on the court. Different cop comes running through there asking everybody if they had seen anyone out here. to our surprise no one ratted. Just 25 people shaking their head no, and looking confused. Never saw the cop that spotted us, but I no he didn't get a good look at us, Just saw something or someone in the dark school. we were really lucky
Nothing interesting, I fell down the stairs; in attempt to regain footing I grabbed a fat girl booty. The whole stink bomb thing that left the hallways smelling for days. People getting locked up for drugs. O yeah, finding out the girl you like was burning. Ftl
I can tell you what didn't happen also. Bush coming to my school, it was rumored that he was supposed to come and do a speech, but 911 happened.
Independence high school class of 04 had to throw that in there for recognition purposes.
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