Craziest thing that happened at your school?

my senior year of high school was pretty crazy..someone set one of the boy's bathrooms on fire, there were a bunch of fights, bomb threats, an english teacher bought some kids alcohol and went to a hotel and had sex with one of them, someone burned "#+!@ bartels" (our principal) onto the football can actually see it on google maps in satellite view
In middle school, this one girl had snuck this high school dude over, and they were smashing, but ol girl mom came home early so dude had to jump out the 2nd or 3rd floor window, and while trying to jump, girl pushes dude and he falls head first.. brain damage, vegetable state, family pulled plug. The whole 8th grade will forever remember her as a bad idea to smash.

In high school, the past two/three years, the seniors have been drawing 8-------'s on the school as their prank. lol.

Also a group of dudes went and slashed alot of peoples tires and its still a case going on about that. crazy amount of money will be spent from whoever did it.
Middle school:

Loooooots and looooooots of good neck being thrown in the hallway and under the staircase (

High school:

teacher got caught naked in the science lab...dolo.....

white boys was going to blow and shoot the school up; they caught buddy with a desert eag. , shotguns, 2 9's and a katana

nothing out the blue foreal
i witnessed all sorts of %#%$ with my bad %$@

i remember back in high school, one of my homies was in ISS with me.   The class was in a portable and instructor was partly deaf and one of those scared of black people type of old white guy so we used to always clown in there. we would always bs and tell friends to come through to drop off "assignments" and end up just kickin it with them.  my homie told the instructor that we were hot and needed the back door open but that was just so he could light up the joint he just rolled

[keep in mind to the entire faculty i was the "trouble making" black kid in a suburban white highschool]

another time the stupid *%#%@ made racist cop and snobby assistant principle pulled me out of class.  they were like "you got something in you car" im like "i have no clue what your talkn about"  [i hotboxd my car everyday to school but never brought kept anything on me or in the car] so they take me outside to another cop and his stupid %$@ dog.  im one of those always play it cool when your around haters type #!+%$#, so i kept calm. they asked me to take them to my car [didnt they know where it was if the dog "sniffed" it out,
]  then the AP starts goin through my bag, finds nothing and i hit her with the 
.  then the dog goes through my car and hops out quickly, that *%#%@ also got a 
.  then the racist cop jumps in my car and goes crazy.  !#$%$#! was tossin everything around cause he couldnt leave empty handed after his prized *%#%@ "sniffed" out my car.  *%#%@ made cop hops out with the biggest smile and said, "what do we have here."  this *%#%@ was holdin a seed in the air like it was a trophy so i hit him with the 
.  then they took me back to the office, suspended me for 3 days and threw me in an alternative school for 20 days.

o well i wasnt trippin, those alternative schools help shape me to the person i am today.  i got to meet all sorts of individuals and wouldnt change it if i could.
people catching dome/ beating in the school auditorium, basement, wrestling room, etc.
I tried catching dome in the cafe. from a female friend
Drunk kids broke into the library late at night, passed out, and woke up to the cops.
Teacher married student. I dnt know when it all started but this econ teacher and chik (a year older than me) had a thing for each other and ended up getting married afta I graduated I think. I saw this teacher out at the bar with his wife haha and he sed it was his 30th bday and I asked him how old his chik was and she was 23. I didn't really care bout him wifing it up cuz chik dsnt look to great and he was one of the youngest, coolest teachers in my h.s. so it was all good I guess
Damn butt cheeks though?
Now that I think back..............there were some crazy moments......
*puts hand on face and stares blankly in the sky to reminisce*
(pardon any grammatical errors or run ons)
Alright so on Christmas eve of 99' a student dies from Heart complications (R.I.P).ALL of this happened between 2000 and 2002......
We lost a student who I think was getting a Gastric Bypass done.He worked so damn hard to lose A LOT of weight before the actual surgery and he ended up dying during the procedure. (R.I.P Lawrence.
I still remember you holding your own in those "dozens" sessions man),we lost a young lady AGAIN due to complications during surgery (R.I.P T),we lost a student who was murdered in cold blood (R.I.P "Milhouse".Everyone used to look at you as a "problem",but I knew better.Unfortunately YOU didn't know better and you never had anyone in your personal life to tell you you could BE better than the dead end activities you participated in on these streets....),we lost what was like my high school's "Geek Squad" guy...............he was robbed,shot and killed for his jacket..................A @%!@*!$ JACKET!!!!(R.I.P)The last one wasn't a teacher nor was it a student,but a teacher's daughter.The date was 9/11/01 and her daughter worked on the top floor of one of the towers.I'll never as long as I live forget the strength she displayed at the moment she found out what was going on.I couldn't imagine finding out that my child could potentially be dead and keep my composure like that.MUCH respect Mrs. Maiello and R.I.P to your daughter.
This happened before I got into HS, but in middle school we had a tour of the HS campus we would be attending and it so happens it was culture day.

A huge riot broke out and all Tongans were just beating dudes with their "Dance/War sticks"

No one could stop that mess either cause all these Tongans were like 6'4" and up plus like a good 300 lbs. Even teachers, campus pd, and campus security was getting caught with sticks.

IDK how it ended though cause we left before it got resolved
7th. grade
-During a fight I threw the guy off the bleachers
8th grade.
-A Mexican gang was trying to act all hard NO ONE liked them,so during summer school bloods got together and straight laid out all of them.
-Next day they were trying to jump some black dude me and two of my friends jumped in to help him, dude didn't stop thanking us
-I saw one of the Mexican guys get slammed and they took his belt and wrapped it around their fist and started beating dudes face in.
9th grade.
-Katrina evacuees
-Houston vs. NO....I kicked alot of heads that day
-Last day of school also my birthday, almost got jumped by 3 dudes for no reason, they were beating everyone up who was walking home
10th grade.
-Fell down a flight of stairs no one helped, everyone laughed....I was in mad pain and I %@#@%$ up my ankle and wrist

-Plies came to the school, had to leave early because they were gonna jump him.

Nothing else really,my high school just got stricter and stricter every year after that
-Mexicans vs. Blacks fights every other day it seemed (Worst was the day before homecoming. About 15-20 black dudes jumped a Mexican dude on the bus ramp. We (the football team, we were practicing and had a clear view) saw the whole thing. Homecoming dance was canceled
and the homecoming game was moved from Friday night to Monday right after school
-11th grade this chick brought a knife to school during lunch. They cleared out the cafeteria and we were on lock down for about 45 minutes while they arrested her
-7th grade one of my homegirls was pissed (as usual) and a teacher (overweight white lady) told her to take off her hat or something. Apparently the teacher accidentally touched her. Homegirl snapped and started stomping the teacher
This was in October, so she was expelled from school and had to go to night school. Eventually she dropped out freshman year
Originally Posted by ErickM713

7th. grade
-During a fight I threw the guy off the bleachers
8th grade.
-A Mexican gang was trying to act all hard NO ONE liked them,so during summer school bloods got together and straight laid out all of them.
-Next day they were trying to jump some black dude me and two of my friends jumped in to help him, dude didn't stop thanking us
-I saw one of the Mexican guys get slammed and they took his belt and wrapped it around their fist and started beating dudes face in.
9th grade.
-Katrina evacuees
-Houston vs. NO....I kicked alot of heads that day
-Last day of school also my birthday, almost got jumped by 3 dudes for no reason, they were beating everyone up who was walking home
10th grade.
-Fell down a flight of stairs no one helped, everyone laughed....I was in mad pain and I %@#@%$ up my ankle and wrist

-Plies came to the school, had to leave early because they were gonna jump him.

Nothing else really,my high school just got stricter and stricter every year after that
-Two of my best buddies staged a $1,000 single hand of Texas hold'em in about 2006 on the stairs at my school, near the lockers. They each brought $500 and put everything on the line. There were at least 30 kids crowded around the steps, someone was video taping it too I think. My dude (Mr. Half N from HT if you remember his pics
) won the hand and the other kid spazzed, started screaming and ended up crying.

Turns out the whole thing was staged, the kid that won gave back the cash to the other kid a few hours later. I was in awe of the superb acting
These two kids also used to stage fights that looked mad realistic.

The same kid that won the fake poker hand almost got expelled a few months later for putting posters all over the school saying this dude Andy was gay
the school admin. was talking about how it was sexual harassment and he could get kicked out. Andy didn't really care though and dude got off with nothing more than a detention.
Middle School
-Two guys I knew got in a fight and the next morning the guy who lost step-father came to school and said to kid " listen punk if you touch my son again i'm @%$+ you up do you understand" and it was in front of damn near the whole school"
-I saw someone get hit by a metro bus then hop right on it

High School
-I had just left when I heard the schools power went off for 3 hrs...i heard admins were gettin dropped and everyone was gettin it in in the back stairwells
-One of the admis got caught messing with a student
-Someone got caught having a three-some in a bathroom
-A lot of football players (including myself) got in trouble for drinking at a school dance....they tried to say I sexaually assulted an admin but all I did was put my arm around her and ask her how she was doing...rumors were goin around saying I was feeling on her breast
(Funny thing is nothing happened to me cause I never got in serious trouble before)
Before I went to my school now, a orchestra teacher sexually harassed some girl and then was fired.

There was a bomb threat during 8th grade? it was all a false alarm, but we had to wait outside the school for like 40 mins until everything was secured.

Of course the fights and when students talked back to the teacher... so funny

Jean Panzo-Montalbano, 54, a former teacher’s aide for special-education students at Downey High School, in Downey, California has been sentenced following her guilty plea to one count of unlawful sex with a minor.


Panzo-Montalbano who admitted that she had engaged in repeated sex with the 16-year-old student has also said her actions had been misconstrued and that she had been “railroaded
-2 people got caught with guns in my high school parking lot. Same day
-Admins found a gun in the soda machine where your drink falls.
-Some dude bought a blunt and the cop at our school seen it and made an overly dramatic tackle.
-The middle school security guard got in a fight with a kid from the high school right up the street.
-The high school is primarily one mexican gang (School was 90% latino) and when this one dude from another gang got transferred to our school he was outnumbered like 50 dudes to himself so when he came out they all threw open pop bottles at him and #$%+ cause he was scared to throw down with this one dude.

I'm sure theres more they're just slipping my mind at the moment
Originally Posted by bigtomgetsgwap

Middle School
-Two guys I knew got in a fight and the next morning the guy who lost step-father came to school and said to kid " listen punk if you touch my son again i'm @%$+ you up do you understand" and it was in front of damn near the whole school"
-I saw someone get hit by a metro bus then hop right on it

High School
-I had just left when I heard the schools power went off for 3 hrs...i heard admins were gettin dropped and everyone was gettin it in in the back stairwells
-One of the admis got caught messing with a student
-Someone got caught having a three-some in a bathroom
-A lot of football players (including myself) got in trouble for drinking at a school dance....they tried to say I sexaually assulted an admin but all I did was put my arm around her and ask her how she was doing...rumors were goin around saying I was feeling on her breast
(Funny thing is nothing happened to me cause I never got in serious trouble before)
On senior prank day. during a food fight of 200+ someone threw a water balloon full of pee that landed on principals head. Not the wildest. Just first thing that came to mind.

During one fight, one kid caused the other to have a heart attack by hammer punching him in the chest. Mad ambulances and cops when I walked up to school. No one got expelled.
Some friends caused a lockdown and police search for playing with airsoft guns in the neighborhood behind my school. No one got expelled.
Murder/Suicide threat note. Kid got expelled.
This one girl had a seizure during 9th grade orientation.
One day a guy with no extremities came to my school for some inspirational speech. He played a piano at the end.
- Girl got raped in restroom after school.
- Teacher's car was stolen from the front parking lot,in broad daylight,in the middle of the school day.
- Fight everyday. Expect weave on floor.
- Special needs child beat up counselor after food fight. He constantly gets bullied,and the counselor s pushed him aside.He got food thrown at him by
some kids who regularly bullied him he ran to counselor she started wagging her finger and jumped out of her seat he reacted,she fell unto the floor he got
on top and starting hitting her. Students watched,police came. He was also a Senior too I don't even know what happened to him 'cause I didn't go to graduation.
- Varsity BBall team wanted to jump an AP and it nearly happened.
- Someone was friends with an AP on FB and posted a video of a rap battle in class, AP saw video and teacher was fired.
- Teacher had a relationship with one of the students.
- Old Band director stole money from the program and various female students visited his house regularly. He was fired.
- Sex/Dome regularly in the band hall
- Slim Thug is an alumni and he shows up at games...but sits on the other teams side.
- Lloyd came and I think singed or gave a speech telling us to stay in school or something like that? I choose not to attend.
- Smoking in the boys restroom and it caught on fire. So we got a free day.
- A bunch of kids used to skip in the restroom as usual and they would climb into the vents,one kid fell his arm landed on the toilet and broke.

I'm sure there's more.
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