Craziest thing that happened at your school?

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

stayed in school after it closed to
and chill with some friends. we must have triggered the alarm somehow. (silent) Police showed up, flashing lights from the outside of the glass looking in.
Dude spotted me and 2 of my boys, we start running through the halls trying to get out of view, we ended up going out the side doors of the school where there was like 20 -25 people playing B-ball on school grounds
We just run up, pick up a ball and start shooting at the side goal on the court. Different cop comes running through there asking everybody if they had seen anyone out here. to our surprise no one ratted. Just 25 people shaking their head no, and looking confused. Never saw the cop that spotted us, but I no he didn't get a good look at us, Just saw something or someone in the dark school. we were really lucky

I can just imagine the adrenaline
Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

stayed in school after it closed to
and chill with some friends. we must have triggered the alarm somehow. (silent) Police showed up, flashing lights from the outside of the glass looking in.
Dude spotted me and 2 of my boys, we start running through the halls trying to get out of view, we ended up going out the side doors of the school where there was like 20 -25 people playing B-ball on school grounds
We just run up, pick up a ball and start shooting at the side goal on the court. Different cop comes running through there asking everybody if they had seen anyone out here. to our surprise no one ratted. Just 25 people shaking their head no, and looking confused. Never saw the cop that spotted us, but I no he didn't get a good look at us, Just saw something or someone in the dark school. we were really lucky

I can just imagine the adrenaline
On 4/20 (Hitler's B-Day), a German kid that had Nazi roots brought in a Nazi flag and a cake that said "Happy Birthday Hitler".

Everyone on campus was buggin.. 
In 6th Grade, Riverdale Middle school Our teacher used to come to class and go straight to sleep. She gave us the easiest assignments and it was free play everyday. Come to find out she was blazed off weed everyday and the Police arrested for growing weed in here house. She had major dope in the crib. It was all over the papers and news. We had a sub for the rest of the year that also didn't do ##% . Best year ever.

Oh and I was also expelled for setting the school on fire in the 10th grade
Few that I remember:

-I remember when all the Hispanics walked out of school and started protesting something during my sophomore year.
My high school was on the news and everything for it.
-After Hurricane Katrina, a lot of kids from New Orleans that lost everything got transfered to my high school. A Houston v.s. New Orleans thing started going. Mad fights every day.

-One day at school there was no water,
. We couldn't even use the restroom at school that day.
Originally Posted by damedash06

middle school.. (dang that was 10 years ago..) we had a bomb threat, took fire drill procedure and stood at the corner of the street for like 3 hours... like that's far enough to survive a bomb blast... smh


What kinda bombs you thought they was bringin? Atom bombs for your middle school?
For the most part everyone left after like 2 classes when I was in high school, so nothing big other than probably smoking in class, snuffin yayo, or a couple of fights.

It was the stabbings and shootings after school at parties that was wild.
Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

one of the teachers who helped the special needs kids he touched a kid

the janitor lured girls into the restroom and wouldnt let them out till he felt up there breast & chest

had a hit-list with names of people they was going to kill & brought a tank of gas to school to set it on fire ..fbi had the school bugged for any cellphone that rang or text
good ol' american high

-some guy jumped off the roof of a 3 story bldg last year & died on impact in front of a dozen students (supposedly, he was having an affair with the honors coordinator and the man was trying to break things off with him)

-a coworker/classmate was arrested on that a&e show first 48 literally on campus for shooting & killing someone.. all for 50 bucks & a dub sack

-last year, our school was all over the internetz for having our security pull a gun out on a group of students who were acting reckless

-barrington irving finally *+%@*%% graduated this spring 
(post aviation expedition)

-music videos shot here, i guess (brisco
nothing happened in high school for real.

this year we had a professor shoot 6 people killing 3 because she was denied tenure. The woman was seriously flat out crazy
NY Times link
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

one of the teachers who helped the special needs kids he touched a kid

the janitor lured girls into the restroom and wouldnt let them out till he felt up there breast & chest

had a hit-list with names of people they was going to kill & brought a tank of gas to school to set it on fire ..fbi had the school bugged for any cellphone that rang or text
good ol' american high

-some guy jumped off the roof of a 3 story bldg last year & died on impact in front of a dozen students (supposedly, he was having an affair with the honors coordinator and the man was trying to break things off with him)

-a coworker/classmate was arrested on that a&e show first 48 literally on campus for shooting & killing someone.. all for 50 bucks & a dub sack

-last year, our school was all over the internetz for having our security pull a gun out on a group of students who were acting reckless

-barrington irving finally *+%@*%% graduated this spring 
(post aviation expedition)

-music videos shot here, i guess (brisco
thats fckn crazy. your school is poppin
In either my sophomore or junior year of high school there was an ongoing race war between black and mexican students.
Nothing interesting happened in college that I can think of.
some kid brough a gun to school and shot a teacher cause he didnt like the grade they gave him
- At Howard University, people getting robbed in broad daylight by dudes with AK's
campus police was laughable

- in high school, my US History teacher was banging the Science teacher. I remember coming into his classroom for 7th period one day and it smelled like some open butt cheeks in there. He was sweating like a runaway slave wearing a cutoff shirt and hooping shorts

- My PE teacher got fired for chokeslamming a student

- Dc Sniper killed someone a few blocks away from my school, so we had that Columbine type lockdown one day. Another of the DC sniper shootings happened while I was on the way to school on the bus, shut down Silver Spring Maryland for miles and the bastards still got away cuz they were looking for a "white van"

- This girl got caught giving neck in the bathroom

- Crazy white dude pulled a %$%!#@! type stunt during the pep rally one year and hopped over the fence running from security. Luck would have it he wound up finding a dead body in the bushes
ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg wrote:
- in high school, my US History teacher was banging the Science teacher. I remember coming into his classroom for 7th period one day and it smelled like some open butt cheeks in there. He was sweating like a runaway slave wearing a cutoff shirt and hooping shorts

-a dude took a dump in the school pool in high school as a freshman, he ended up graduating as his class valedictorian, lol the students that graduated a year ahead of him came back to his graduation and as he's headin up for his trophy and stuff, they yell out "stooly stooly stooly" .
-there was a bunch of campus robberies in college, ppl gettin pistol wiped, ppl was so shook had campus security escorting them back to their dorm room
-a security guard got killed on night
-ppl committed suicide
-girl and her boyfriend was havin relationship problems and one night during an argument she jumped from her two story apartment, left her paralyzed from the waist down, it was a trip seein her pushin a wheel chair round campus
Originally Posted by luxurious24

-girl and her boyfriend was havin relationship problems and one night during an argument she jumped from her two story apartment, left her paralyzed from the waist down, it was a trip seein her pushin a wheel chair round campus
what in the hell... if you're gonna be a nut & attempt it, @ least get the job done correctly 

edit: i realize i'm being insensitive, but COME ON.. TWO STORIES?!
Elementary school- Kid climbed into the ceiling, fell out the ceiling, hit his head on the water fountain. He was "making sure the school was Y2K compliant"
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