Creepiest thing a girl has ever said to you? Vol. VA Girls Are Nuts....

Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

Her: "Would you $^%& a girl in the @ss?"
Me: "I dunno"
Her: [2 min later] "If a girl asked you to $%^& her in the ***, would you"
Me: "Maybe"
Her" "Wanna $%^& me in the ***?"

same girl also admitted to having some personal time with a dog

you better not leave me. If you do I'll kill myself in front of you. My ex said that and I was trying to get out of that *+$@ up relationship.....
Girly said "Your the love of my life. I've always pictured us getting married." And she was with her boyfriend. She even went into detail on thehouse
we were gonna live in and how many kids she wanted
lemme set up the situation first.. At the club one nite.. Met a random skeez.. She was on my jock.. Granted, this girl wasn't the best lookin but shewasn't night goes on and I say f it, haven't got my d wet n a WHILE. So we go back to her place, cause I'm not takin her home.. So weget down to business.. And she takes my condom off and is like it'll feel better this way. I think well obviously, so I play a long for a bit.. ThenI'm like we gotta throw a condom on cause it's bout that time. So here's the punch line.. She goes, No your the hottest guy i've been with, Iwant you to "come" inside me (I'm like w t f) then she says, even if you get me pregnant you'll never see me again
: ....... I gottatell u tho NT, still decided to get my nut, jus not how she wanted it, then went home
Hit off this one chic in Canada ... So 2 days later when i get back to NYC we had a convo

Her: whats up ? so when is the next time you coming up here to visit me
Me: I dont know
Her: what u mean you dont know
Me: I dont know , maybe for a weekend in a couple of months or somethin'
Her: So ... what !! You came up here just to spread your diseases and get me pregnant !!!
(off to the clinic) ..

Shorty was wild .
Originally Posted by 916kings

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

This was in the morning..

Me: *yawn* Good morning

Girl: Morning!
Me: When did you wake up?
Girl: I didn't...
Girl: I was just watching you while you were sleeping this whole time.


And guys say wayyy more creepier things to women btw
are you a dude? HOW DO YOU KNOW??
A female broke down into tears upon me saying good night and then threatened to kill herself if I got off the phone.

Another chick asked me the next day... "what if I poked holes in the condom"

Limited correspondence with either after said conversations
this whole thread has me laughing and also cringing at the same time. ya'll have dated or are dating some wild %#$ freaks.

i guess i should put in my .02 cents so i'm not outdone:

ex-girl: "i want to try anal."
me: "are you sure? let me get the lube in your drawer."
ex-girl: "if you hold on, i think i can let out a wet fart."
me: "**goes limp and leaves**"
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

A female broke down into tears upon me saying good night and then threatened to kill herself if I got off the phone.

Another chick asked me the next day... "what if I poked holes in the condom"

Limited correspondence with either after said conversations
The moral of your story is: Buy your condoms and keep them on you.....don't let her keep them.
Good timing on this thread...

For the first time since I've known this girl, it RRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY creeped me out last night that EVERY time I opened myeyes from sleeping, she was right there staring at me. She usually does her own thing when we lay it down. She'll tuen whichever way is comfortable, then Iadjust, and we end up spooning. But LAST NIGHT?!? She was face to face with me with a devlish look in those big !%! eyes. I feel like it had to be like 6 timesI caught her mugging me. and she's look away when I opened my eyes. I even did the fake-sleep thing and when she her look away, as soon as I started"snoring" sh was back at it. I'm sure NT taught me to think that it's weird to be watched in your sleep, cause I used to watch her sleep allthe time........ but still. I was totally disturbed. And this was like from 1 AM to like 4AM. It feltlike she was sleep, but her eyes were WIDE open and fixated on me and this was fresh off of a really good argument. I mean I know for a fact I be thinking,"Man I'ma !#@# around and strangle this @**@%" and of course she's always saying some !#%* that she ain't got enough nerve to do to me.But I really felt vulnerable last night...
Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

A female broke down into tears upon me saying good night and then threatened to kill herself if I got off the phone.

Another chick asked me the next day... "what if I poked holes in the condom"

Limited correspondence with either after said conversations
The moral of your story is: Buy your condoms and keep them on you.....don't let her keep them.

Yea thats basically what it comes down to. In my defense I had no intentions on participating in sexual relations when I went to kick it with her
this whole thread has me laughing and also cringing at the same time. ya'll have dated or are dating some wild %#$ freaks.

i guess i should put in my .02 cents so i'm not outdone:

ex-girl: "i want to try anal."
me: "are you sure? let me get the lube in your drawer."
ex-girl: "if you hold on, i think i can let out a wet fart."
me: "**goes limp and leaves**"

ne ways theres this girl that had a crush on me since HS that i heard was a freak so i tried 2 get @ her...bad mistake....she gets around so i wasnt tryna takeher out @ all or spend ne money...

her:so u gon take me to the movies n dinner this weekend?
me: naw i dnt think so...i really dnt like doin that stuff but u can jus come over.
her: i dnt chill @ dudes cribs n they dnt come 2 mines.
ok whatever
@#$% is u mad 4
Originally Posted by j0rDan23dunker

this whole thread has me laughing and also cringing at the same time. ya'll have dated or are dating some wild %#$ freaks.

i guess i should put in my .02 cents so i'm not outdone:

ex-girl: "i want to try anal."
me: "are you sure? let me get the lube in your drawer."
ex-girl: "if you hold on, i think i can let out a wet fart."
me: "**goes limp and leaves**"
what in the blue hell
She was lesbian for the past 3 years..She is the best friend of my friend who i smashed senior year
Met this chick a friday and ended up smashing the saturday

Me: how about some dome
Her: that was my first time giving dome

I thought that was weird but then:
Her: your the first guy i've had sex with
Me: ( i proceed to turn around and go to sleep)
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