Dallas Mavericks Off-Season Thread: Welcome Dominique Jones.

really lovin the way Dallas is playing right now. I hope we can continue this, and somehow maybe get Big Z...unlikely...but I think teams are scared of Dallas...especially if Kidd plays like he did the other day

Best Modern Day PG
Mavs fan.. what if we face Thunder in the Playoffs? Do you guys think we'll struggle? From past experiences, I believe so. We lost to athletic teams such as Heat, Warriors, and the Nuggets.

Even with the addition of Haywood and Butler, how do you guys think it will turn out if we play Thunder?

Also, who do you guys want to face in the first round?

Nice win by our Mavs tonight, I love Dirk.
smh at us blowing that 25 pt lead. And i knew Collison would hit that 3 at the end, spread was 8...and he made me push...%%*%**$
Originally Posted by PLAYOFF12

Mavs fan.. what if we face Thunder in the Playoffs? Do you guys think we'll struggle? From past experiences, I believe so. We lost to athletic teams such as Heat, Warriors, and the Nuggets.

Even with the addition of Haywood and Butler, how do you guys think it will turn out if we play Thunder?

Also, who do you guys want to face in the first round?

Nice win by our Mavs tonight, I love Dirk.
The way we are playing, I don't think it'll matter too much.

I'd like to play the Suns or Spurs
i'm not trying to nitpick, but caron butler has the worst behind-the-back dribble i've ever seen.

and when he double-pumps his jumpshots, they're all air balls.
Man, these 2 games in a 24 hour period are making the team look sluggish. Yall see that ugly $@% outfit M.J. is wearing?

Dude has lit it up in the fourth, I don't care if he was crap the first three quarters, we ain't sniffing a Win in this game if it wasn't for him. Dirk wasn't hitting, Kidd wasn't doing anything, JET took control, we got a game.
Its a solid win IMO. Yeah, Mavs didnt look great, but it was the second night of a back-to-back against a Charlotte team that plays really good at home. I will take em any way they come. Keep that winning streak going.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Its a solid win IMO. Yeah, Mavs didnt look great, but it was the second night of a back-to-back against a Charlotte team that plays really good at home. I will take em any way they come. Keep that winning streak going.
Yeah definitely. As long as it's against a bad team that we know we can come back from, I'll be okay with it. Things like this won't fly against a BOS, LAL, or DEN though.
im not a mavs fan but damn they are playing good.

if they play like this They have a small chance to over come the fakers.
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