Delete/Lock...Draft talk over in JPZ's thread....

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Curry's potential in D'Antoni's offense >>> Flynn's potential in D'Antoni's offense.

You base that on what, exactly? What does Curry do that Flynn cant? Explain it to me. Tell me something Curry did that Flynn didn't do against way better competition.
Shoot...which is the one skill that will guarantee you a job in the NBA.

In an uptempo offense predicated on shooters and ball movement...I don't see what Flynn brings to the table that Curry can't. Maybe in a typical offense I'd probably rather have Flynn. When looking at prospects in a specific system...the "all around" player doesn't always make the most sense. Chris Paul is the best point guard in the NBA...better than Nash was...even in Nash's prime. Replace Nash with Paul on the Run N Gun Suns teams and they aren't the same. Why? Because Nash's skillset is just a better fit for the system. Same thing I see with Curry and the Knicks right now.

Well put
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Curry's potential in D'Antoni's offense >>> Flynn's potential in D'Antoni's offense.

You base that on what, exactly? What does Curry do that Flynn cant? Explain it to me. Tell me something Curry did that Flynn didn't do against way better competition.
Shoot...which is the one skill that will guarantee you a job in the NBA.

In an uptempo offense predicated on shooters and ball movement...I don't see what Flynn brings to the table that Curry can't. Maybe in a typical offense I'd probably rather have Flynn. When looking at prospects in a specific system...the "all around" player doesn't always make the most sense. Chris Paul is the best point guard in the NBA...better than Nash was...even in Nash's prime. Replace Nash with Paul on the Run N Gun Suns teams and they aren't the same. Why? Because Nash's skillset is just a better fit for the system. Same thing I see with Curry and the Knicks right now.

Let me get this straight, you're saying a One-Dimensional player makes sense in a team rebuilding? Those players you just mentioned aren'tOne-Dimensional players, the only thing you have said that Curry has over Flynn is a long range jumper. Flynn had a higher FG% than Curry, Flynn gets to thehoop and takes the contact. I don't want Curry to just have a "job" to just shoot on the Knicks, we have that already.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Let me get this straight, you're saying a One-Dimensional player makes sense in a team rebuilding? Those players you just mentioned aren't One-Dimensional players, the only thing you have said that Curry has over Flynn is a long range jumper. Flynn had a higher FG% than Curry, Flynn gets to the hoop and takes the contact. I don't want Curry to just have a "job" to just shoot on the Knicks, we have that already.
Flynn is really that good in your opinion? You must think hes A franchise changer. I just dont see it if you feel thats what he is. I dontunderstand how people are still saying that Curry is one demensional. If youll take a PG that may or may not develop a consistent jumpshot instead of thenations leading scorer who clearly fits your system and will thrive in it then I dunno. Ill take Steph
Well...part of the problem is that you think Curry is "One-Dimensional" because his shooting was the most publicized part of his game. You'retotally ignoring the fact that Steph showed last year...and is showing RIGHT now in workouts that he can put the ball on the floor and get past guys. He'squick, and very crafty with the ball. He's obviously still progressing as far as running a team goes but he made it work as much as possible with a teamthat didn't have single player on the floor that would play at a high major.

I don't know why people are pretending like this dude just lives behind the 3 point line every game. People disregard how he's able to shake taller,longer defenders off him and finish (ask Bob Huggins).

Obviously a guy like Steph who had to shoot so much in order for his team to win would have a lower FG% than a guy like Flynn who had legit high major D1players on his team. Curry showed that he could get to the rim and finish too.

You're not giving him enough credit in terms of his ability...he's far from "One-Dimensional"
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Let me get this straight, you're saying a One-Dimensional player makes sense in a team rebuilding? Those players you just mentioned aren't One-Dimensional players, the only thing you have said that Curry has over Flynn is a long range jumper. Flynn had a higher FG% than Curry, Flynn gets to the hoop and takes the contact. I don't want Curry to just have a "job" to just shoot on the Knicks, we have that already.
Flynn is really that good in your opinion? You must think hes A franchise changer. I just dont see it if you feel thats what he is. I dont understand how people are still saying that Curry is one demensional. If youll take a PG that may or may not develop a consistent jumpshot instead of the nations leading scorer who clearly fits your system and will thrive in it then I dunno. Ill take Steph

Flynn isnt a franchise player, he makes more sense than Curry. My boy Keke Clark led the nation in scoring in 2005-2006 at St. Peters averaging 27 a game andwhere is he now? Who cares if you led the nation in scoring.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Curry's potential in D'Antoni's offense >>> Flynn's potential in D'Antoni's offense.

You base that on what, exactly? What does Curry do that Flynn cant? Explain it to me. Tell me something Curry did that Flynn didn't do against way better competition.
Shoot...which is the one skill that will guarantee you a job in the NBA.

In an uptempo offense predicated on shooters and ball movement...I don't see what Flynn brings to the table that Curry can't. Maybe in a typical offense I'd probably rather have Flynn. When looking at prospects in a specific system...the "all around" player doesn't always make the most sense. Chris Paul is the best point guard in the NBA...better than Nash was...even in Nash's prime. Replace Nash with Paul on the Run N Gun Suns teams and they aren't the same. Why? Because Nash's skillset is just a better fit for the system. Same thing I see with Curry and the Knicks right now.

Let me get this straight, you're saying a One-Dimensional player makes sense in a team rebuilding? Those players you just mentioned aren't One-Dimensional players, the only thing you have said that Curry has over Flynn is a long range jumper. Flynn had a higher FG% than Curry, Flynn gets to the hoop and takes the contact. I don't want Curry to just have a "job" to just shoot on the Knicks, we have that already.
Curry also took about a million shots a game on a !@@*!+ Davidson team, plus Curry has shown he is quick enough to get to the basket just fine.

If you look at the situational stats(via nba draft xpress) Johnny Flynm was one of the worst guards operating the pick and roll at .86 points per possession,while Stephan Curry was one of the best at 1.3 points per possession.

In a Dantoni offense it seem to me you want a guy who can run a pick and roll, not a point gaurd who excells in iso situations.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Fede DPT wrote:

There is NO reason why the Knicks should not take Flynn.
Theres NO reason why the Knicks should take Flynn if Curry is there at 8

There's no way that I take Curry over Flynn at the 8 spot.
Originally Posted by manamazing55


he has more upside because he has more explosion.

Shooting? Tyler
Rebounding? Griffin
Passing? even
Speed? Tyler
Winning? Tyler
Ballhandling? even
on ball defense? Tyler
weakside defense? Griffin
blocks? Griffin

Why do you continue to argue with this guy? Dude is the ultimate UNC homer and it blinds him.

First it was,

Ty Lawson > Jonny Flynn


Ty Hansbrough > or = Blake Griffin

Originally Posted by manamazing55

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by manamazing55


he has more upside because he has more explosion.

Shooting? Tyler
Rebounding? Griffin
Passing? even
Speed? Tyler
Winning? Tyler
Ballhandling? even
on ball defense? Tyler
weakside defense? Griffin
blocks? Griffin
You might be the only person in America who will be upset when Tyler Hansbrough doesn't go #1 overall....

And you REALLY think all that separates TH from Blake Griffin is "explosion????" Seriously?

he shouldnt go top 5 because he doesnt have top 5 explosion and jumping ability.

I hope he goes to a team in the late first round that needs his experience and skills.

Blake Griffin is better in that he is a year younger and is more of an elite leaper, rebounder. Blake Griffin is NOT a cant miss prospect however. This is a weak draft class and he might have the best upside in the minds of the NBA teams, but it is not a shoe in that he will be a perennial all star. He has ALOT of work to do to be a reliable low post scoring option for a team. A top 5 is expected to be able to be a go to guy at some point.

Pointing out that there isnt such a disparity between their abilities doesnt mean Im trying to say Hansbrough should be #1 or his better in the long run than Griffin.

QFT. Griffen has potential I just don't think he is an #1 pick in any other draft. Dude can jump and is strong. His shooting game and handles are trash
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Let me get this straight, you're saying a One-Dimensional player makes sense in a team rebuilding? Those players you just mentioned aren't One-Dimensional players, the only thing you have said that Curry has over Flynn is a long range jumper. Flynn had a higher FG% than Curry, Flynn gets to the hoop and takes the contact. I don't want Curry to just have a "job" to just shoot on the Knicks, we have that already.
Flynn is really that good in your opinion? You must think hes A franchise changer. I just dont see it if you feel thats what he is. I dont understand how people are still saying that Curry is one demensional. If youll take a PG that may or may not develop a consistent jumpshot instead of the nations leading scorer who clearly fits your system and will thrive in it then I dunno. Ill take Steph

Flynn isnt a franchise player, he makes more sense than Curry. My boy Keke Clark led the nation in scoring in 2005-2006 at St. Peters averaging 27 a game and where is he now? Who cares if you led the nation in scoring.

He also didn't have high majors lining up to get on his teams schedule...nor did he standout on the biggest stage. The tourny. He also was 5'6. Notsure why you brought him up.
Originally Posted by MrDills

Originally Posted by manamazing55

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by manamazing55


he has more upside because he has more explosion.

Shooting? Tyler
Rebounding? Griffin
Passing? even
Speed? Tyler
Winning? Tyler
Ballhandling? even
on ball defense? Tyler
weakside defense? Griffin
blocks? Griffin
You might be the only person in America who will be upset when Tyler Hansbrough doesn't go #1 overall....

And you REALLY think all that separates TH from Blake Griffin is "explosion????" Seriously?

he shouldnt go top 5 because he doesnt have top 5 explosion and jumping ability.

I hope he goes to a team in the late first round that needs his experience and skills.

Blake Griffin is better in that he is a year younger and is more of an elite leaper, rebounder. Blake Griffin is NOT a cant miss prospect however. This is a weak draft class and he might have the best upside in the minds of the NBA teams, but it is not a shoe in that he will be a perennial all star. He has ALOT of work to do to be a reliable low post scoring option for a team. A top 5 is expected to be able to be a go to guy at some point.

Pointing out that there isnt such a disparity between their abilities doesnt mean Im trying to say Hansbrough should be #1 or his better in the long run than Griffin.

QFT. Griffen has potential I just don't think he is an #1 pick in any other draft. Dude can jump and is strong. His shooting game and handles are trash

I wouldn't quite agree with the bolded statement. His handles are actually pretty good for his size and position. He's also been working on hisshooting from what scouts have mentioned. His shooting skills aren't at his best, but I believe with the work ethic he has it won't be a problem forhim to fix that problem in the future.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Well...part of the problem is that you think Curry is "One-Dimensional" because his shooting was the most publicized part of his game. You're totally ignoring the fact that Steph showed last year...and is showing RIGHT now in workouts that he can put the ball on the floor and get past guys. He's quick, and very crafty with the ball. He's obviously still progressing as far as running a team goes but he made it work as much as possible with a team that didn't have single player on the floor that would play at a high major.

I don't know why people are pretending like this dude just lives behind the 3 point line every game. People disregard how he's able to shake taller, longer defenders off him and finish (ask Bob Huggins).

Obviously a guy like Steph who had to shoot so much in order for his team to win would have a lower FG% than a guy like Flynn who had legit high major D1 players on his team. Curry showed that he could get to the rim and finish too.

You're not giving him enough credit in terms of his ability...he's far from "One-Dimensional"

All nice points made. But I would still take Flynn over pretty much all of the pg's in this draft not named Rubio. The potential leadership this guy has tooffer is too good to pass up imo.
wow. hansbrough and griffin

Why are people sayin the 6OT game has scouts in love? little bit smarter than that, don't ya think?

And there was no stereotpye with Chase, everybody knew about his athletic ability.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Let me get this straight, you're saying a One-Dimensional player makes sense in a team rebuilding? Those players you just mentioned aren't One-Dimensional players, the only thing you have said that Curry has over Flynn is a long range jumper. Flynn had a higher FG% than Curry, Flynn gets to the hoop and takes the contact. I don't want Curry to just have a "job" to just shoot on the Knicks, we have that already.
Flynn is really that good in your opinion? You must think hes A franchise changer. I just dont see it if you feel thats what he is. I dont understand how people are still saying that Curry is one demensional. If youll take a PG that may or may not develop a consistent jumpshot instead of the nations leading scorer who clearly fits your system and will thrive in it then I dunno. Ill take Steph

Flynn isnt a franchise player, he makes more sense than Curry. My boy Keke Clark led the nation in scoring in 2005-2006 at St. Peters averaging 27 a game and where is he now? Who cares if you led the nation in scoring.
Im sorry but Stephen Curry is wayyyyy better than Keydren Clark.... Your comparing a 5'10 player whos game wouldnt translate to the NBA if heaveraged 40 for 4 seasons to a 6'3 dude who doesnt miss and fits a particular system to a tee.
For the players who didn't go through the combine, will they ever be tested in one later on in the summer? I know Rubio has a Euroleague tournamentsoon.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Stephen Curry will not be one dimensional under Mike D'Antoni.

Offense only = one dimensional. Curry ain't gonna defend no one.
Originally Posted by Gregory House

Originally Posted by FoShizzle

If Jrue Holiday gets drafted over Steph Curry or Johnny Flynn something is wrong with the world.
How? Jrue is bigger then both, has just as good pg skills as both, he's defensive specialist.....

How would that be wrong? If Rubio is not at 4 I wouldn't mind getting Jrue even though its a reach.
Jrue Holiday will be ready next year.....ready to make a bad team worse. He'll be ok in 4 years though, so if your team doesn't mindwaiting, then hopefullly they can re-sign him at that point.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Stephen Curry will not be one dimensional under Mike D'Antoni.

Offense only = one dimensional. Curry ain't gonna defend no one.
If that's the case then 90% of the NBA is one dimensional.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Stephen Curry will not be one dimensional under Mike D'Antoni.

Offense only = one dimensional. Curry ain't gonna defend no one.

Steve Nash is going to the Hall of Fame

Sad day for the NBA, but thas fine, Steve Nash = one dimensional. Was all I was sayin.

And Steve Nash goin to the hall with only his wedding ring on his finger too. If the Knicks just want a kid to go to the hall of fame, and no titles, thenthat's on them.
So being able to push the ball, make jump shots, get to the rim and find the open man is considered one dimensional
Originally Posted by FoShizzle

Originally Posted by Gregory House

Originally Posted by FoShizzle

If Jrue Holiday gets drafted over Steph Curry or Johnny Flynn something is wrong with the world.
How? Jrue is bigger then both, has just as good pg skills as both, he's defensive specialist.....

How would that be wrong? If Rubio is not at 4 I wouldn't mind getting Jrue even though its a reach.
Jrue Holiday will be ready next year.....ready to make a bad team worse. He'll be ok in 4 years though, so if your team doesn't mind waiting, then hopefullly they can re-sign him at that point.
You still didn't explain to me why. Sounds more like hating then anything.
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