Delete/Lock...Draft talk over in JPZ's thread....

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

So being able to push the ball, make jump shots, get to the rim and find the open man is considered one dimensional

Talkin about Nash or Curry? If you have to hide them on defense, thas one dimensional. If you have to put Curry on Bruce Bowen cuz he can't do anythingwith the ball like they do with Nash, yeah that's one dimensional. May not be one dimensional on offense, I understand that, but overall game is just one.

Curry going to be that much better then JJ Reddick? Reddick isn't tearing up the NBA. Del didn't tear up the NBA. He can be a nice peice ofa puzzle, certainly dangerous as all hell like his father was, but run a team? Run the offense, run the franchise? Stretch to me.

Now if he plays along side Bron............
Curry and Reddick are two totally different players. Show me ONE instance in his 4 years at Duke where they ever just isolated JJ on the wing and told him togo to work.
Originally Posted by Weaponry Expert

Dominated college ball? What Kevin Durant did was dominate, what Blake Griffin did was dominate, Hansbum was far from dominating. His teams were superior to most, he was not.

the players you mentioned had good REGULAR seasons. They didnt carry their team to anything in the tourney.

20 pts and 8 rebounds per game for 4 straight years, when you were constantly double teamed is pretty impressive to me. In his freshman year, two teams singlecovered him: Georgia Tech and Duke. The verdict? He averaged over 30ppg.

Griffin is good, ive said that for about 4 posts. He's not cant miss. To say that you know for a FACT that he's a perennial all star is ridiculous. HeCOULD be, but he has to work at it. He's a beast physically, but he doesnt have the height like a guy like Dwight Howard. He's not going to be able tophysically dominate NBA players at 6-8.

If you disagree with my opinions thats one thing, but to simply dismiss any thought I have in regards to UNC players as, "hes just a UNC homer" lendsitself to me thinking you are just UNC Haters
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Stephen Curry will not be one dimensional under Mike D'Antoni.

Offense only = one dimensional. Curry ain't gonna defend no one.
didnt know that there were only 2 dimensions to basketball
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

So being able to push the ball, make jump shots, get to the rim and find the open man is considered one dimensional
Talkin about Nash or Curry? If you have to hide them on defense, thas one dimensional. If you have to put Curry on Bruce Bowen cuz he can't do anything with the ball like they do with Nash, yeah that's one dimensional. May not be one dimensional on offense, I understand that, but overall game is just one.

Curry going to be that much better then JJ Reddick? Reddick isn't tearing up the NBA. Del didn't tear up the NBA. He can be a nice peice of a puzzle, certainly dangerous as all hell like his father was, but run a team? Run the offense, run the franchise? Stretch to me.

Now if he plays along side Bron............

I was talking about Curry's role in D'Antoni's offense (guess Nash can fall under the same statement).

Am I expecting Curry to be a franchise player? Nah.

Do I expect him to be a reliable contributor? Yes.

With some added strength and experience, there's no reason why Curry can't be the next Mo Williams (pre-Magic
Curry going to be that much better then JJ Reddick?

Hansbrough carrying them in the tourny? Ty Lawson was that teams best player, easily.

And Ed Davis became their most valuable post player in the 2nd half of the year.
CP1708 wrote:
Curry going to be that much better then JJ Reddick? Reddick isn't tearing up the NBA. Del didn't tear up the NBA. He can be a nice peice of a puzzle, certainly dangerous as all hell like his father was, but run a team? Run the offense, run the franchise? Stretch to me.

Im speechless
Steph Curry will be fine in the NBA. He is wiry/slim but he always has been. It didnt keep him scoring on teams that had players bigger and stronger than him.

To compare he and Redick is laughable. Redick wasnt even the best 3 pt shooter in the conference at Dook.

Curry played some point in high school and some last year at Davidson. He is good ball handler and knows the game. Not enough can be said about having a formerNBA player as a father.

He cant defend the best 2 guards in the NBA, but most players can't. Seriously, he will put up decent scoring numbers. In some ways, he reminds me of amore offense version of Juan Dixon. They basically tried to turn Dixon into a point guard, but I dont think teams will do that with Curry.
/\ Juan Dixon? He's even smaller than Curry and cannot handle the ball WHATSOEVER. That too is a bad comparison.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Hansbrough carrying them in the tourny? Ty Lawson was that teams best player, easily.

And Ed Davis became their most valuable post player in the 2nd half of the year.

did I say that? He was SUCCESSFUL in the NCAA tourney. No UNC fan would argue that the team got better when Tyler started passing out of the double teams, andguys deferred to Lawson taking over games.
If you think Ellington, Green, Lawson, Thompson, Davis etc didnt benefit by having a guy on the floor that the other team double teamed 90% of the time, youare delusional.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

/\ Juan Dixon? He's even smaller than Curry and cannot handle the ball WHATSOEVER. That too is a bad comparison.

they are similar in frame, even if the height isnt the same.

You ought to download or find some Maryland games from when Dixon was there. People tend to forget just how good that kid was in college
Originally Posted by Al3xis

wow. hansbrough and griffin

Why are people sayin the 6OT game has scouts in love? little bit smarter than that, don't ya think?

And there was no stereotpye with Chase, everybody knew about his athletic ability.

probably because NOBODY was talking about Flynn going lottery in February. Suddenly he's lotto after March?

His charisma has helped him as well. He's a great kid, great communicator and im sure hes done really well on his interviews with the teams.

No I dont think all of the NBA GM's are smart. JJ Redick? Renaldo Blackmon? cmon dude, not all GM's are good at what they do
meh, some us called Flynn potentially the best PG in the country before the year started..

his hype didn't start overnight. Just cause Johnathan Ginvoy, Chad Ford and aren't with it means little.

my point was the thought of GM's and scouts getting excited over 1 game...
I live in DC...I was watching Juan Dixon back when he was @ Calvert Hall. Juan Dixon has always been a mediocre ball handler and was always questionableagainst man to man defenses. Those faults just got verified when he hit the L. It was even worst when teams realized he wasn't quite the dead eye shooteras advertised either. Refer to the last 5 minutes of Davidson vs. West Virginia...when they had 3 different guys from 6-6 to 6-8 on him...all NBA levelathletes...and he tore each one of them apart...that's what separates Curry from a Juan Dixon or a JJ Redick.
again, Griffin is the better NBA prospect, but heres a little stat that may surprise you guys

in there only head to head game ever, Griffin scored a whopping FOUR POINTS against Hansbrough. Hansbrough, who you all said had a better team around him, had8 pts in a foul trouble ridden game. The way some of you talk, Griffin shouldve killed him, yet he didnt.
Can we stop with the Griffin vs. Hansbrough argument? I don't even know how that picked up legs at all. Ya'll realize how foolish that debate is?
Originally Posted by manamazing55

Originally Posted by Al3xis

wow. hansbrough and griffin

Why are people sayin the 6OT game has scouts in love? little bit smarter than that, don't ya think?

And there was no stereotpye with Chase, everybody knew about his athletic ability.

probably because NOBODY was talking about Flynn going lottery in February. Suddenly he's lotto after March?

His charisma has helped him as well. He's a great kid, great communicator and im sure hes done really well on his interviews with the teams.

No I dont think all of the NBA GM's are smart. JJ Redick? Renaldo Blackmon? cmon dude, not all GM's are good at what they do

Originally Published: January 15, 2009

[h2]Draft Watch: Getting to the point[/h2]

7. Jonny Flynn, Syracuse

Flynn is the little engine that could. His toughness and fearlessness have scouts buzzing. He has hit a bit of a slump lately, but earlier in the season manyscouts and a few GMs began mentioning him as a lottery pick, despite his lack of size and questionable defensive ability. Right now he's looking like apotential mid-first-round pick.

People have been talking about Flynn possibly being in the lotto all season long, he just cemented it with the run they made in the postseason.
ummm Blake had 23 and 16.

only four scored against Tyler you mean?

If so, Wonder why Roy wouldn't give him that assignment.
Originally Posted by manamazing55

again, Griffin is the better NBA prospect, but heres a little stat that may surprise you guys

in there only head to head game ever, Griffin scored a whopping FOUR POINTS against Hansbrough. Hansbrough, who you all said had a better team around him, had 8 pts in a foul trouble ridden game. The way some of you talk, Griffin shouldve killed him, yet he didnt.


what logic is that?
Manamazing is quickly becoming thee most ridiculous poster in nasketball related threads ..
Originally Posted by Al3xis

ummm Blake had 23 and 16.

only four scored against Tyler you mean?

If so, Wonder why Roy wouldn't give him that assignment.
you obviously know nothing about basketball. Roy Williams put his NPOY on the current NPOY because he knew that by putting him on Griffin, he'd be able toattack him on the offensive end, while hold his own on the defensive end.

go back to rooting for the Irish.

Deon Thompson was Carolina's best post defender this year. Hansbrough started on Griffen, who was scoreless for the first 11 minutes of the game.

7. Jonny Flynn, Syracuse
Flynn is the little engine that could. His toughness and fearlessness have scouts buzzing. He has hit a bit of a slump lately, but earlier in the season manyscouts and a few GMs began mentioning him as a lottery pick, despite his lack of size and questionable defensive ability. Right now he's looking like apotential mid-first-round pick.

People have been talking about Flynn possibly being in the lotto all season long, he just cemented it with the run they made in the postseason.

I stand corrected. I didnt know a "few" said that "earlier" in the season. I dont know what month that was. Funny that the article youpulled that from says he's only a mid first round pick NOW.
Originally Posted by manamazing55


Deon Thompson was Carolina's best post defender this year. Hansbrough started on Griffen, who was scoreless for the first 11 minutes of the game.
He took one shot...which was a putback the first 11 minutes and was doubled every time he touched the ball. Stop making it seem likeANYONE did a good job on him. He finished 9-12.
I think people are totally exaggerating how bad Curry's defense is. He has decent length and athleticism and on an NBA team where he won't be asked toshoulder the scoring load I'm sure he will be fine as long as he isn't asked to shooting guards.

The funny thing is nobody talked about Derrick Rose as one dimensional despite his terrible defense and players who were good defenders in college may not turnout that way in the pros. (OJ Mayo)

If Curry plays the point in New York he will be fine defensively.
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