
[h2]Warriors/Amare trade trouble-shooting: Try to get 2011 conditional pick back, freeing them to trade 2010 No. 1 to Phoenix?[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on June 29th, 2009 at 2:47 pm | Categorized as NBA, Warriors

* In a surprising move, Milwaukee chose not to make a qualifying offer to PF Charlie Villanueva today, making him an unrestricted free agent and if you've been reading me at all, you know he's an interesting player for a Don Nelson team.

I wouldn't in any way call Villanueva a franchise-changer, obviously, but he'd fit with the Warriors either way: With Amare Stoudemire at center or with Andris Biedrins, whichever way the trade winds blow.

Depends on the price. Villanueva is a unique guy-on and off the court-but young shooting 6-11 guys don't come up for free very often. Villanueva will get interest, even in a stretched economic climate.

-I've heard a lot of different suggestions about how the Warriors could re-spark the talks with Phoenix about Amare Stoudemire, but nothing solid and nothing that seems to get over the big hurdle.

Phoenix wants Stephen Curry (in addition to Andris Biedrins, Brandan Wright and Marco Belinelli) and the Warriors won't put Curry into the deal.

Phoenix also probably would take Anthony Randolph, and that is definitely not happening on the Warriors' end.

So… Phoenix needs something to replace 2009 No. 1 pick Curry, something that has equal value but adds no more salary. Hmm. Let me think.

I do have an idea to add value to the Warriors deal that could possibly work, strictly plucked my own brain, not anything I've heard from any official sources. This is just me. You decide if it has any merit.

Follow my thinking:

-Finalizing a Stoudemire deal would be a whole lot easier if the Warriors could just add their 2010 No. 1 pick to the Suns package, but they can't, because leagues ban trading back-to-back No. 1 picks and the Warriors sent a conditional 2011 No. 1 to New Jersey last summer for Marcus Williams.

That's a huge road block.

It's a lottery-protected 2011 pick, but because there's a chance the Warriors might have to ship it to NJ in 2011, they can't trade their No. 1 in 2010 right now, for back-to-back reasons.

This also prevents them at this point from trading their 2011 No. 1 to Phoenix and 2012 and on many years into the future, so far that there is no way the Suns would be interested in what the Warriors could give them…

-But what if… The Warriors went to New Jersey to re-acquire that conditional 2011… which would allow the Warriors to trade their 2010 No. 1 (presumably unprotected) to Phoenix, possibly to cinch this Stoudemire deal?

Would the Nets be interested? Well, the Warriors' 2011 pick is a conditional pick that, if the Warriors are bad, might never get New Jersey a No. 1-turns into two No. 2s if all the protections are met through 2013.

So it's not like it's a sure-thing for the Nets, and it might take some time to deliver. If the Warriors get better, it could also be a non-valuable No. 1.

Meanwhile, the no-pick problem could be gumming up the Stoudemire works for the Warriors.

The Nets are shedding salaries like crazy these days, hoping to get under for 2010 and/or 2011.

They don't have many commitments past this summer, but they might be happy to dump one of the few they have-say, Eduardo Najera, who is due to make $3.1M this year $2.8M next and $2.6M in 2011-12.

Najera would not be a terrible extra forward in a Nelson system, his next two seasons are declining salaries, and Najera already played a half-season in '04-05 for the Warriors, by the way.

The Warriors have an identical match for that salary slot: Kelenna Azubuike makes $3.1M this year and $3.4M next year. He's not ideal for NJ because he won't expire until 2011, but he's one year shorter than Najera and he's a very useful player.

The Warriors matched Azubuike's restricted free-agent offer from the Clippers last summer, which means they can't trade him until the one-year anniversary of the matching (July 24), unless they get his consent.

But July 24 might be the right timing for a Stoudemire trade-there's all the contract stuff with Amare and the haggling with Kerr… it might take that long just to figure this out, anyway, and the two teams might not even be done by then.

July 24 is no big issue.

Would the Warriors move Azubuike for Najera and the rights to the 2011 conditional pick they traded NJ last year? Maybe, if they knew this was the way to get Stoudemire.

I think Steve Kerr is trying to figure out how to make this work with the Warriors. I think the Warriors are trying to figure it out, too.

Getting back the rights to that 2011 pick-and put it in the package to Phoenix, unprotected-seems like a potential way to break through the stalemate, doesn't it?

Or it's crazy. One or the other.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Does anybody know what this converts to in $ £197.00?

around $119?
Wrong way.

stupid yahoo converter

but heres a cool vid
Originally Posted by daprescription

so it's about 1.5, thanks.
Honestly, it's going to depend on the, and use.
And method of payment.

I need to start charing the Euro since I've read/heard August/September won't be a good time (ie - dollar pooping against it) and that's whenI'll need it.
Early in the season Rob Kurz was killing Anthony in practice which is why Coach Nelson played Rob ahead of Anthony in games, what made Anthony finally turn it around?

He came to me to vent about the situation and I told him that if Kurz is playing ahead of you than he's going harder than you. I told Anthony, that maybe Kurz is better than him and he wasn't ready for all this. That's nothing against Rob Kurz, that's simply me knowing Anthony and what he's capable of. Anthony knew exactly what I was doing and got the message loud and clear.

(Randolph's HS coach)

Acie Law: Man, honestly I don't know how to feel. One moment I'm happy and the next I'm sad. I'm happy because it feels good to be wanted and I feel like I will get a chance to play. Lets be honest Coach Woodson never respected my game. I feel like a rookie again. Fresh new start excited for what's about to come. You can say I got a chip on my shoulder cause I do. Mark the day I return to Atlanta on your calender. I know I'm waiting for the new schedule to come out.
[h2]With Stoudemire deal in limbo, Warriors still itching for a deal: How about Michael Beasley?[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on June 28th, 2009 at 4:51 pm | Categorized as NBA, Warriors

I'm not saying the Miami Heat have put second-year forward Michael Beasley on the market. I'm not saying any talks of any kind have started up between the Warriors and Heat about anything.

I'm definitely not saying the Warriors are ready to start tossing names at Miami to see if the Heat will bite. This is a lull time. There's no great rush, with the draft completed.

What I'm saying: The hot-and-heavy discussions to send Amare Stoudemire to the Warriors for a package including Andris Biedrins, Brandan Wright and Marco Belinelli (and perhaps some guy named Stephen Curry, oops!) seem to be at a stymie point.

And, according to one high-placed league source, the Warriors sound like they're more than willing to bypass Phoenix and Stoudemire, if they need to, in order to try to fill the GSW's desire for a scoring big man.

It's not just Stoudemire or bust. There have always been other names on the Warriors' wish list, and there are other names now. If they can't get Stoudemire without Curry, Larry Riley, Don Nelson and Robert Rowell seem prepared to go in other directions.

The only certainty: They want a big man who can score, and are willing to give up two or three players to get him.

The other: They feel like they've got a lot of assets that are attractive to other teams.

Now, can the Warriors put those two things together and get the big man they believe is essential to springing the franchise towards a playoff berth?

Chris Bosh, obviously, might be the best fit for Don Nelson's offense, but there are major questions about his availability and his willingness to talk contract extension beyond his 2010 free agency.

There are other names. One I heard today: Beasley.

By the way, this doesn't mean the Stoudemire deal is dead. It can always be revived. They want him. The Suns want a lot of the things the Warriors have. It could still happen, with or without Curry.

Steve Kerr and Don Nelson came oh-so-close on draft night, and there's no reason they can't get things started again soon, after a cooling off period.

In fact, if the Warriors do jump into immediate and serious trade talks with other teams for a big man, and if the Suns start collecting other strong bids for Stoudemire, that might be the perfect way to get Kerr and Nelson back on track.

But let's take a closer look at Beasley… Could he be an answer for the Warriors?

He was the second pick overall in last year's draft (after Derrick Rose), and started only 19 games last year for Miami, playing way too recklessly to put alongside Dwyane Wade in the Heat starting line-up.

Basically, Beasley turned into Miami's second-unit microwave: When Wade came out, Beasley got to jack it up at will for limited minutes, sometimes effectively, sometimes not. The jury is out about his future as an NBA power/scorer starter.

Beasley, 20, is listed at 6-foot-10, same as he was in his one year at Kansas State, but 2008 pre-draft measurements had him closer to 6-8, and he certainly didn't play very big as an NBA rookie.

Beasley averaged 13.9 points and 5.4 rebounds, shooting 47.2% from the field (but a very good 40.7% from three-point and a very good 77.2% from FT line), and had 38 more turnovers than assists.

Nelson has to love the three-point and FT percentages, by the way.

Beasley's performance as Miami's sixth man in the Heat's seven-game loss to Atlanta in the playoffs was a perfect example:

* Went for 22 and 15 in the Heat's Game 6 victory to force Game 7, and was +16 in the plus/minus.

* Went for 17 and 11 (shooting 7 for 12 from the field) in the Heat's Game 7 loss, and was +10 in the plus/minus. (Wade was -20.)

* But he scored only 46 points combined in the first 5 games of the series, including a 2-point (0 for 3) clunker in Game 4, when he was -17 in a 10-point Miami loss.

One big advantage to Beasley over Stoudemire: Beasley is under team control for several more years, unlike Stoudemire (or Bosh), who can become a free agent after next season and would either be free to walk away if the Warriors traded for him or would demand a monster contract extension.

Beasley is certainly a talent. He can shoot. He might fit nicely around Monta Ellis, Stephen Jackson, Anthony Randolph and maybe Curry (though I'd think the Warriors would have to give up Curry and maybe even Randolph).

I'd figure Andris Biedrins stays in this scenario, but he's an either/or with Randolph if the Warriors get a shooting big man. You pair the shooting big man with either Biedrins or Randolph and trade the other. That's just a guess and it does seem to be the thinking of the proposed Stoudemire package.

Anyway, it doesn't look like Beasley plays much defense (just 37 blocks in the regular season) and his low-rebound totals are worrisome. But he's a name to remember.

Maybe Miami hears about this report and laughs. Maybe Miami is willing to talk about Beasley since Pat Riley hasn't seemed enamored of Beasley's head-down, no-pass, low-rebound game so far.

I'm sure there will be more name emanating from the Warriors' wish list. And I'm sure they'll be chasing 'em all until they get a big man who can score.
stop posting TK blogs.. i was able to stand em back then but this is just stupid

I'm not saying the Miami Heat have put second-year forward Michael Beasley on the market. I'm not saying any talks of any kind have started up between the Warriors and Heat about anything.

then why the hell would you waste your time and ours by writing that?
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

stop posting TK blogs.. i was able to stand em back then but this is just stupid

I'm not saying the Miami Heat have put second-year forward Michael Beasley on the market. I'm not saying any talks of any kind have started up between the Warriors and Heat about anything.

then why the hell would you waste your time and ours by writing that?

That's why I don't care for Tim K's stuff. He never reports something that hasn't been reported by someone else. Then he goes andmakes false statements or says something without saying anything. "I'm not saying this, but I'm not saying that." I hate that crap because itdoesn't mean anything. I'd rather read MT's stuff, but I try to stay away from most of it to tell you the truth.
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

i know it means nothing, but i'm excited to watch some summer league games
I get excited for Summer League too. When there are no playoffs, I would kill for any basketball. Last year with the Olympics and Summer League
I can't wait till there's basketball again. Even if it is just summer league it's better than nothing. Summer is definitely sports purgatory
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

i know it means nothing, but i'm excited to watch some summer league games

word, i'm dying without basketball. i turn on ESPN and all they can talk about is baseball. don't get me wrong, i like playing baseball but i hatewatching it.

anyone down to ball though?

haven't balled in a week and i already feel fat

Am I the only one that finds these little girls very attractive? They are over 18, but really tiny. Just something about them
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