
People that believe in these conspiracies and that the govt. is out to get us are have the same mindset and mental capacity of the people who commit these crimes.
People that believe in these conspiracies and that the govt. is out to get us are have the same mindset and mental capacity of the people who commit these crimes.

You think a government that deems constitutionalists and people who cite the bill of rights as terrorists really has the interest of the citizens in mind?
People that believe in these conspiracies and that the govt. is out to get us are have the same mindset and mental capacity of the people who commit these crimes.


Over the course of history, the government has proven itself untrustworthy. McCarthyism, Nixon, Nuclear testing on civilians, etc.

The government isn't the nice collective of people that want to help you, if that is what you think.

Over the course of history, the government has proven itself untrustworthy. McCarthyism, Nixon, Nuclear testing on civilians, etc.

The government isn't the nice collective of people that want to help you, if that is what you think.
You do realize if this was a government setup and that if the people found out how that would unwind this country. What good was it doing in killing 3 people?
Furthermore... Is the gov really that strapped for cash that they're using some RC-Heli-from-best-buy C battery taking detonators that the dudes need to be a stones throw away to detonate?

We got a damn robot on MARS with some nerd making 6 figures controlling it in real time but when it comes to pulling something off that if truly uncovered would turn the country upside down they're using tech that you can cop at Target...

Over the course of history, the government has proven itself untrustworthy. McCarthyism, Nixon, Nuclear testing on civilians, etc.

The government isn't the nice collective of people that want to help you, if that is what you think.

You do realize if this was a government setup and that if the people found out how that would unwind this country. What good was it doing in killing 3 people?

IF IT WAS, they would just play it off as a conspiracy theory and say anyone who disagrees is either brain dead or a terrorist. as is usually the case for anyone who questions any "official story".

IF IT WAS a setup, what news organization would report it? have you noticed what happens to whistleblowers in this country? they end up on the run, or locked in a prison off US soil without a trial.

have you never asked yourself why this country is seemingly at war with people who simply want to televise the truth? hell, at war with the people in general?

Over the course of history, the government has proven itself untrustworthy. McCarthyism, Nixon, Nuclear testing on civilians, etc.

The government isn't the nice collective of people that want to help you, if that is what you think.

You do realize if this was a government setup and that if the people found out how that would unwind this country. What good was it doing in killing 3 people?

I never co-signed with this theory, but going as far as to say that conspiracy theorists and people who don't trust the government are foolish is ignorant in itself.

There could be a lot of possible reasons behind this possible conspiracy. Seeing that when a tragedy happens, people get together, when people get together, they spend money. When people spend money, money circulates so on and so forth.

Or to get support for foreign affairs. When people die on American soil, people get mad and pumped up. Whereas war is usually a tired concept for most people, once it hits home people are up and ready for battle. Just how it works. It could be for support.

There was a lot of important people at this race as well, I don't have the list anymore, but they were high ups. All at this race. Someone could be targeted.

As I stated above, reasons are unknown, but having little trust for the government is a given. It has done a lot of wrong in the past, present, and it will in the future.
Furthermore... Is the gov really that strapped for cash that they're using some RC-Heli-from-best-buy C battery taking detonators that the dudes need to be a stones throw away to detonate?

We got a damn robot on MARS with some nerd making 6 figures controlling it in real time but when it comes to pulling something off that if truly uncovered would turn the country upside down they're using tech that you can cop at Target...
Why in the world would the government set these dudes up with weapons that aren't easily accessible?  Do you see how ridiculous your comment is?  You want the government to let these dudes set off military-grade explosives, which would make it even more obvious of their involvement, than explosives made from material you can get from Target

It's always funny to see dudes try to laugh at "conspiracy theorists" when they don't even know how their own country works.  Most of you dudes don't even know that $.70 of every dollar in your pocket goes to the Federal Reserve or why our government doesn't own its own currency...
The Waco explosion has to be connected to the Boston incident. Im not sure about the rules on posting links to videos on here but go to youtube and look up " WACO UP!!. Texas was hit by missile"
The explosion was a temporary distraction to what was going on in Boston so they could figure out some new story to tell us all since infowars and those other guys busted them in a lie about who did it all. Funny how the cop who posted something on a forum a few days ago about how the suspect was going to be caught friday was right. I expect them to blame it on someone later today since they said there was a shootout going on last night. This country makes me sick, no wonder other countries dont like us.
How dudes will put blind trust in the word of anyone is beyond me let alone the word of a country that lied about the murder of one of its own presidents, has experimented on its own citizens, conveniently killed the boogie man but refused to prove it, what ever happened to those wmds? Lol I'm not saying believe every nut case with a YouTube video but to not put any independent thought into these stories and just take whatever the news says as gospel that fellas is crazy
Furthermore... Is the gov really that strapped for cash that they're using some RC-Heli-from-best-buy C battery taking detonators that the dudes need to be a stones throw away to detonate?

We got a damn robot on MARS with some nerd making 6 figures controlling it in real time but when it comes to pulling something off that if truly uncovered would turn the country upside down they're using tech that you can cop at Target...
Why in the world would the government set these dudes up with weapons that aren't easily accessible?  Do you see how ridiculous your comment is?  You want the government to let these dudes set off military-grade explosives, which would make it even more obvious of their involvement, than explosives made from material you can get from Target

It's always funny to see dudes try to laugh at "conspiracy theorists" when they don't even know how their own country works.  Most of you dudes don't even know that $.70 of every dollar in your pocket goes to the Federal Reserve or why our government doesn't own its own currency...
My comment is dumb about the government setting off bombs in broad daylight with literally thousands of cameras in a 2-3 block radius and these guys are out there wearing the same outfit with "detonators" 3 times the size of my TV remote? Really?

I'm not just laughing at "conspiracy theorists"... I'm laughing because its a TERRIBLE theory.

The "military grade explosives" isn't even what I've been talking about.  Its the detonator.  A govt funded operation could figure out how to rig up a cell phone detonation which wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities to keep their operatives from standing 100 feet away in the middle of the street.  Or maybe... I don't know... A timer?

Answer me this:

Which would make it more obvious of military involvement?

A) Uniformed men standing in the middle of the street with detonators?

B) Higher tech detonator that would make it impossible for "government agents" to have 50 pictures taken of them as they set off 2 bombs in broad daylight?
View media item 373380
REAKING: Photo surfaces of 'The Craft' mobile communications van at Boston marathon
Thursday, April 18, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) A detailed, hi-res photo of more "The Craft" operatives and what appears to be their mobile communications van has just surfaced. "The Craft" is a group of private military operatives who have been revealed through a fast-growing number of photos published by Natural News and Info Wars.

The mainstream media is engaged in a total blackout and refuses to run any photos of "The Craft" operatives. This story is quickly becoming the biggest media cover-up in history.

Natural News was the first to identify the brand of the radiation detector being held in the hand of one "Craft" operatives. Now, we appear to be the first to run this photo of what looks to be an extremely high-end mobile communications van with seven more "Craft" operatives.

The van clearly has a foldable satellite dish as well as what is possibly a microwave communications dome. The vehicle is a Chevy Escalade that has been outfitted with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of roof racks and communications equipment.

Note: We can't be 100% certain this vehicle belongs to The Craft team, but it fits their M.O. While all the other emergency vehicles on the scene are clearly marked, this vehicle is unmarked. The proximity of The Craft members to the van is also an indication that this vehicle may be a "rally point."

Learn more:

View media item 373384View media item 373386View media item 373387View media item 373388View media item 373389
Now obviously these people could have been hired to simply monitor the event... My question is why then would their be several of these guys around and clearly POSTED at the scene but unable to miss someone dropping a bag wit explosives and running off.

It's just funny to me that the media would run with all these asinine stories prior to the revealing of the real suspects but not even mention a private task force at the race or the numerous claims that were reported of people being told that there was a drill going down before the actual explosions.

Is that not worth atleast a small convo?
The Waco explosion has to be connected to the Boston incident. Im not sure about the rules on posting links to videos on here but go to youtube and look up " WACO UP!!. Texas was hit by missile"
The explosion was a temporary distraction to what was going on in Boston so they could figure out some new story to tell us all since infowars and those other guys busted them in a lie about who did it all. Funny how the cop who posted something on a forum a few days ago about how the suspect was going to be caught friday was right. I expect them to blame it on someone later today since they said there was a shootout going on last night. This country makes me sick, no wonder other countries dont like us.
Oh you mean the Anonymous post on some forum that was supposedly someone who works for DoD?  The one that knew there was a government coverup but wanted other people to blow up the story because he couldn't do to the fact that he'd "lose his job"?

Sounds like someone thats really concerned. Seems legit.

I guess these 2 kids that have now killed an officer and have been on the run are just under instructions by the government?  Every single one of the hundreds of police/state troopers/FBI are all in on this too?

They've all been just letting this 19 year old "get away" until Friday where they could shut a city down and capture him?
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How dudes will put blind trust in the word of anyone is beyond me let alone the word of a country that lied about the murder of one of its own presidents, has experimented on its own citizens, conveniently killed the boogie man but refused to prove it, what ever happened to those wmds? Lol I'm not saying believe every nut case with a YouTube video but to not put any independent thought into these stories and just take whatever the news says as gospel that fellas is crazy

No you are telling us to believe in these nutcases.

nothing can ever happen without the government being involved.

dudes always trying to blame somebody for something.

how you can tell anyone that they are putting blind trust in anyone is humorous.

take the foil hat off bro. looks like your blind trust is being given to off the wall wackos with too much time on their hands
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