
So killing thousands of our people and spending trillions on war was some sort of inside job?
You can't only look at it from that side, a lot of different policies were justified by 9/11, and even though I hate to say it, if it was planned or whatever (which I seriously doubt), it worked because I am never scared to go on a plane because I know you gotta damn near swallow some **** to get thru the airport to try and hurt me

But that's pretty much the motivation for any hypothetical "false flag"

Event > People get patriotic and want a reaction > New questionable policy that is justified by "making sure said event does not happen again"

Like I said though, I feel a lot safer on airplanes though
You know in that NBA apparel commercial? Where people are in NBA gear doing different things?

Well, the guy in the Boston Celtics gear is RUNNING!!!!! And they made this commercial BEFORE the attacks!!!!!!


View media item 375596
could it be that we are all that cyclical? What will it take for one of these events to go down without more eyebrows raised at the government than the people that were behind this ? Not saying it not an inside job, but it just seems like we are always going to question why why why and regardless what we are told we are going to paint the picture we wanted to see anyway. It just seems like a never ending argument. Not saying it cant be made, it just has no end it seems. :/
So killing thousands of our people and spending trillions on war was some sort of inside job?

The ends justify the means.

Google things that have changed since 9/11. Google what laws were drawn up and passed since then. Look at the pretext for invading the middle east.

We needed the Patriot Act and Trapwire to save us from terrorism. Terrorist became a buzz word. Suddenly the entire country was afraid of anyone who spoke a different language and had brown skin. People started giving up liberties in the name of safety.

Division and submission are the name of the game. If we think we need them to protect us from the big bad terrorists, we'll let whatever laws they come up with pass. Meanwhile the two party illusion is purposely dividing the nation on things that shouldn't even be national issues.

The American people are the only ones who lost money due to invasions. That trillions spent was made back tenfold and is collecting dust in off shore accounts.

I wouldn't call 911 an inside job. I would call it certain people exploiting a national tragedy they may or not have had prior knowledge about for personal gain.
So because I said his take was interesting now I'm moronic? Smh, way too many fake tough guys on NT. Relax man, you don't even act that way in everyday life. Be yourself.
Didn't say you were moronic, just thought you brought forth a moronic argument. And I wouldn't have even said anything if you hadn't created a new paragraph just to type your s/n as if that verified your argument on some level.

Btw last I checked I didn't threaten you(which I don't do in real life), but yes I am overtly sarcastic and condescending in real life. 
Younger bro darts from the car early
Older bro goes down
When did the car run him over?
Hear a shot after the cuffs were on?
I honestly think these guys did it and dude and his brother were framed. I mean why were these dudes even there in the first place?

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Yeah they removed his tonsils because he got shot in the neck maybe? Lol dude is a moron.
He wasn't framed. That photo above is photo shopped.
I honestly think these guys did it and dude and his brother were framed. I mean why were these dudes even there in the first place?


You can easy see that is a light colored tan backpack near the feet of those people like the one in surveillance video and you can see him heading in the opposite directions. That black backpack is most likely his brother.

View media item 375919
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Dudes are being framed yet his brother was willing to blow himself up? Okay.
Yeah they removed his tonsils because he got shot in the neck maybe? Lol dude is a moron.
He wasn't framed. That photo above is photo shopped.

You signed up a few days ago solely to antagonize posters theorizing about the Boston bombing? Out of your 250 posts in 4 days how many would you say were about the bombing? 200? 225? Oh and the pic is not shopped by the way but I would have thought were smart enough to come up with something better than that. :D
paid shills on NT?

If people in this thread think conspiracy are for 'loons' or 'nutjobs' look @ FrankMatthews avy, the biggest KNOWN conspiracy out there.
Ive been lurking this site for years. And no I am not here to antagonize anyone. More than 150 of posts came from thursday night and friday morning updating those who whose police scanners were not working.

5 of my posts were questioning why people think this is a conspiracy.
Its not shopped yet the photo is perfectly clear and non pixelated at 100x enlargement? Okay.
Dudes are being framed yet his brother was willing to blow himself up? Okay.

how do you know he actually had a bomb jacket on like they say? i dont believe one way or the other that its a conspiracy or not but i like to keep an open mind. just cause the media says he had one of those bomb jackets on does not necessarily mean he actually had one on him.
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