Destiny 2 Thread!

Did/Will you preorder Destiny

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 59.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • Still on the fence

    Votes: 10 16.9%

  • Total voters
Who runs the NT clan? Might have to join up until I find one that's better suited for me
Honestly we are tryi77thng to make it the NT clan not just the TMT clan so xbox is welcome too

I guess I should have asked y'all if you wanted 1 NT clan bc I figured y'all wanted to be exclusive ...also didn't know these stupid clan rewards would be so important in D2.

My bad PS4 TMT brethren. If y'all wanna combine into 1 official PS4 clan then give Jr. a holla in chat.
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Originally, most of us had the same impression as quad in terms of the TMT clan being least now @zero23 and biggie62 biggie62 are being more open about it now.

Granted, the original NT clan from D1 was pretty dead in terms of unified communicaiton. I have more faith with Zero and Biggie as clan admins to keep a unified line of communication for the NT fam on here for D2 than the original D1 admin did.
Man I'm open to a merger hit me up tomorrow, and we can talk about it.until then NT Blood Orbit recruiting across all platforms .We believe that no Guardian should be left behind and that every week every Guardian should be able to complete the raid ,Nightfall, and any other event that needs to get done before reset. No matter skill lvl or time that you can play there will always be some one to give a helping hand.
- You work you lose -
Finally got these leg piece for my Nightstalker. :pimp:

Finally wrapped up the story, got to 20 and hit 220. I need to start knocking out these adventures and doing more public events. It seems like there's plenty of activities to do, even for a solo player.

Does anyone know how Guided Games will work though? I'm interested to see how that plays out.
I mean im late to the party. But i rather help NT affiliated clan rather than some random.

I do have a question though. When doing raids do you need to be all in the same clan or it can be diverse?
You can run with other people not just in the clan. Quad got online and talked to us the other day, we told him to join our clan and then he went and made his own quadjr quadjr is a damn Judas out here on us :rofl:

Just make NT clan for PS/XB/PC so we can all eat and gain XP easily for everyone. We already have the Crucible and NF engrams unlocked. ~20k more XP and we will be level 2. :smokin
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