Destiny 2 Thread!

Did/Will you preorder Destiny

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 59.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • Still on the fence

    Votes: 10 16.9%

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Sucks you cant store engrams in the vault. At 8/10 and trying to hold off to 255, at 220 atm.

Whats the postmaster and glimmer max?
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Try to find a Perseverence

I heard Uriel's Gift is the auto rifle to aim for at the moment

Sucks you cant store engrams in the vault. At 8/10 and trying to hold off to 255, at 220 atm

If it's a purple legendary engram, just go for it............there is a level cap of 270 on that thing AND you'll see plenty of those purples drop at least once a day.

Exotics on the other hand, those you can hold onto for your post 265 grind.

If you're that paranoid, just encrypt at least 3 purple legendary engrams.

If they're all exotics though, I don't ******* blame you to hold onto that ****.
What guns have you all been using?

Call to Serve

Call to Serve has been great until I decide to get the MIDA and Perseverance might be the best auto I've found so far

Mida combo has been nice
Rat King if my fireteam all has one
Vigilance Wing in PVP
What guns have you all been using?

Call to Serve

Call to Serve has been great until I decide to get the MIDA and Perseverance might be the best auto I've found so far

Annual Skate, Scathelocke, Nergal, Uriel's Gift, Hawthorne's Shotty, Retrofuturist, and Show of Force. Trying to get a Better Devil's, but Shaxx is tripping. :smh:
bigjny88 bigjny88 do you know if engrams get overridden if you level up the reputations?
If i remember in D1 if you level up rahool without decrypting the engram then you lose it if you leveled up again.
bigjny88 bigjny88 do you know if engrams get overridden if you level up the reputations?
If i remember in D1 if you level up rahool without decrypting the engram then you lose it if you leveled up again.

From what I've seen so far from any of the vendors and vanguards and shaxx, once you've hit the reputation limit for a new legendary engram cannot continue advancing another reputation level UNTIL you pick up that engram. Once you accept that engram reward, then you can continue leveling up reputations again.

So you won't have that overidden problem since the engram reward itself will lock you out from going another reputation level.
LOL, while I was trying to find ways to "git gud" since I can't be successful in the Crucible SOLO................I discovered that Bungie has returned the PvP weapon meta back to Vanilla Destiny levels again.

Autos are the current meta, and pulse rifles are BLEH. The fact that my two legendary pulses in Lincoln Green and Nightshade can barely generate a kill streak in the Crucible, BUT my low leveled blue auto-rifle can get me 3-4 kills in a row off the bat..........yeah, AUTO RIFLE META IN CRUCIBLE.

Was wondering why my guns felt super weak smh
You can still get pulse rifle kill streaks, I did in a few of the Crucible games I played today..........but if you end up on a Supremacy or Control game mode, no chance in hell you getting Ws. In Supremacy, you need strictly an auto rifle to land those easy, quick kill streaks so you are able to reach enemy crests without have 2-3 people team shotting you. And obviously zone capping in Control, an auto rifle can stop you dead in your tracks while you try to claim a zone before a good pulse rifle does.

I played the Survival game mode, and I found that pulse and autos both work fairly easily in the Competitive Crucible if you prefer your pulse, stick to the "competitive playlist."
From what I've seen so far from any of the vendors and vanguards and shaxx, once you've hit the reputation limit for a new legendary engram cannot continue advancing another reputation level UNTIL you pick up that engram. Once you accept that engram reward, then you can continue leveling up reputations again.

So you won't have that overidden problem since the engram reward itself will lock you out from going another reputation level.
Damn good to know. Id be playing myself by not scooping those up then :smh:
freshpairs freshpairs , The vendors you wanna avoid are the ones that have the "Powerful Gear" rewards..........those are the weekly/lifetime milestones that drop the over 270+ level gear. In some cases, that would be Hawthorne at the moment (Clan Rewards drop "Powerful Gear" rewards)
The quickplay playlist is whatever. I don't want to run clash. There's full clans playing you and a team of randoms even there. I like the modes in the competitive playlist better too.
The quickplay playlist is whatever. I don't want to run clash. There's full clans playing you and a team of randoms even there. I like the modes in the competitive playlist better too.

Prior to this game's release, people thought the competitive playlist was going to be the "sweaty playlist" while quickplay was going to be typical "chill Destiny pubstomp."

So far it has been the complete opposite, there are **** ton more tryhards in the quickplay than there is in competitive. Competitive was more chill because everyone in that playlist were "competent players" for the most part.......even the person that was dead last on the losing squad even had a good idea of how to play. Compare that to the quickplay playlist, and it is apparent who the n00b is on the losing squad.

Granted, I only played 1 competitive Crucible match in comparison to the 20-30 quickplay random Crucible more competitive playlist matches may show that it is truly the "tryhards" mode.
The grind to 20 isn't long...........I have heard that people that beat the main campaign at under level 20 were able to level up to 20 immediately after the campaign after visiting either Shaxx or Zavala (forgot which one).

The grind to max power level on the other hand.......hehehe :lol: :rolleyes

Man I just want to get up there so I can raid with people and do the strikes and stuff. Playing this game solo is a snoozefest :lol:

Bruh Ricky D Ricky D , we got a clan set up for NT guys that use PS4 (2 clans if you are considering linking up with @quad over @biggie62 / @zero23 )........just join up and we'll have folk to guide you through this LOL
Are clans platform restricted?

From what I just researched a minute, the clans are actually cross-platform (Xbox 1, PS4, and even PC players can all be in the same clan).

With this information being discovered though, the decision will be up to the clan admins/leaders on whether they'll let you in or not.
(Translation: For @zero23 's TMT clan, I doubt he'd want Xbox 1 folk to freeload off the efforts of the PS4 guys LOL)

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