Destiny 2 Thread!

Did/Will you preorder Destiny

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 59.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • Still on the fence

    Votes: 10 16.9%

  • Total voters
Do y'all dismantle everything ?

I keep a lot of different guns and armor. I don't keep 2 things that do the same thing though. If I have 2 gauntlets that give me faster cooldowns for a void subclass, I rip one down, but I like to keep pieces for weapon types I use a lot and all the subclasses. Especially for MP when you have to go against MLG tryhards. It might help me a tiny bit. :lol:
Tried the Nightfall Strike with some buddies last night. Got to Bracus Zahn on first try but ran out of time. Definitely not as hard as some people said it was. Gotta clean up some areas where we were sloppy and wasted too much time.
Made it to lvl 20 199 light last night so happy with D2. Will probably be playing for the next 2 years lol
We beat the NF last night. Not bad at all honestly. We were all 260+ light

Just to reiterate what big j said. NT TMT is not just for us. We are trying to make it the NT clan so please don't hesitate to join the clan.
Save your flashpoint and nightfall for when you're 265+ or get lucky w/ drops.

There's also hidden challenges in the nightfall that will give you engrams and you get another good engrams when you complete the last crucible milestone.

As long as you're 265-270 you'll be fine for the raid, I wouldn't worry too much about not being 280+.

Also, TomBradysTheGoat... please stop sending me random messages about Fallout 3.

That game is old as dirt and I'm trying to grind, bro.

I was 275 when I asked. At 277 right now. I know I'll be fine for the raid but if there's room to move up I want to do it. Milestones done and every Nighfall challenge outside of die only 3 times. Think I'm just gonna take the fire team drop boost things and grind public events/crucible/strikes.
Mini Tool has been very popular in Crucible
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Slowly but surely working my way up
Save your flashpoint and nightfall for when you're 265+ or get lucky w/ drops.

There's also hidden challenges in the nightfall that will give you engrams and you get another good engrams when you complete the last crucible milestone.

As long as you're 265-270 you'll be fine for the raid, I wouldn't worry too much about not being 280+.

Also, TomBradysTheGoat... please stop sending me random messages about Fallout 3.

That game is old as dirt and I'm trying to grind, bro.

:lol: Yo the first day I got the game I get a message from this dude talkin about "Destiny trash":rofl:. I forgot he had my PSN
I'm stuck at 265 right now. I don't have any exotic engrams that have dropped for me. How the hell do I get over the 265 plateau?
Also, there's a quest line for an exotic that requires you beating the Nightfall w/ 5 min remaining on the clock.

That's another way to get your power up.
Both of you have done the milestones for powerful gear and flashpoints already?

Did you both do the nightfall as well?

Ive done every side quest and have done the nightfall challenges. Short of starting a new character I dont know what else to do.
Both of you have done the milestones for powerful gear and flashpoints already?

Did you both do the nightfall as well?
haven't done the NF yet because I wanted to wait until 270 but I just might run it now. I did the crucible challenge way too early. :smh: what milestones and flash points are you talking about? Idk what that is.
Also, there's a quest line for an exotic that requires you beating the Nightfall w/ 5 min remaining on the clock.

That's another way to get your power up.

If you don't have the Rat King quest I'd wait to do that until you do and do it with someone else that has it to get that part of it done.

Having 6 with Rat King in the raid will be extremely beneficial.
So yeah, you can't SOLO Crucible matches anymore thanks to the new 4v4 teamshot meta...........literally. Even in Supremacy where you use to be able to pub stomp easily SOLO, you can't win a game solo anymore.

If Bungie wanted to make team play hardcore, they should've just locked Crucible out to solo players and force us to LFG for teams on it too IF THIS WAS THE CASE.
What guns have you all been using?

Call to Serve

Call to Serve has been great until I decide to get the MIDA and Perseverance might be the best auto I've found so far
So yeah, you can't SOLO Crucible matches anymore thanks to the new 4v4 teamshot meta...........literally. Even in Supremacy where you use to be able to pub stomp easily SOLO, you can't win a game solo anymore.

If Bungie wanted to make team play hardcore, they should've just locked Crucible out to solo players and force us to LFG for teams on it too IF THIS WAS THE CASE.

Desperately DESPERATELY need some sort of mercenary mode
LOL, while I was trying to find ways to "git gud" since I can't be successful in the Crucible SOLO................I discovered that Bungie has returned the PvP weapon meta back to Vanilla Destiny levels again.

Autos are the current meta, and pulse rifles are BLEH. The fact that my two legendary pulses in Lincoln Green and Nightshade can barely generate a kill streak in the Crucible, BUT my low leveled blue auto-rifle can get me 3-4 kills in a row off the bat..........yeah, AUTO RIFLE META IN CRUCIBLE.
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