Did Jay Cutler quit on his team??? vol. NFL Players Think So

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by 430AM

If you can walk it off and stand on the sidelines... YOU SHOULD BE OUT THERE PLAYING. PERIOD.

From what I saw yesterday... Cutler has no HEART whatsoever.

Emotional comments continue.

If he was not CLEARED to play, what was the man supposed to do?
He should've never came back out in the second half if the injury was that serious... Cutler standing on the sidelines with a blank stare didn't help his cause, he should've just stayed in the locker room.

For the record, I'm a big Jay Cutler fan... But like someone else posted here "perception is reality" and alot of people perceived him to be SOFT BATCH yesterday.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Perception is reality, that's all I have to say.

So my perception that Wade is a ({}) because he was carted off in a wheel chair for a shoulder injury is in fact reality then right?
Perception may not be reality, but its the "reality" people choose to live in when making assumptions and opinions on certain people...Most of the accusations on Cutler were already predetermined based on what people perceived him to be in the first place so his fate was set regardless.

Sports media/critics could care less about what's real or not..they will spin a story or perception of a person and deem it fact based on their behalf
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Perception is reality, that's all I have to say.

So my perception that Wade is a ({}) because he was carted off in a wheel chair for a shoulder injury is in fact reality then right?
Perception may not be reality, but its the "reality" people choose to live in when making assumptions and opinions on certain people...Most of the accusations on Cutler were already predetermined based on what people perceived him to be in the first place so his fate was set regardless.

Sports media/critics could care less about what's real or not..they will spin a story or perception of a person and deem it fact based on their behalf
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

The bottom line to me is if you wanted to win a World Championship, would you want Cutler at the helm?

I say no way.
I mean if I had my choice no I wouldn't want him as my QB. But that is being he isn't the best and most clutch QB in the game.

So what is the point of this hypothetical question?

The point was for those that were putting me on blast, that the ultimate point I'm trying to make was that the overall perception and aura of Cutler means I would not want this guy as my QB.    

I was quoted on rebutals of specific topics, which looked like I was swaying my opinion on that issue, but in reality, put all those snippets together and you'll see my whole reasoning as to why I don't like Cutler any more.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

The bottom line to me is if you wanted to win a World Championship, would you want Cutler at the helm?

I say no way.
I mean if I had my choice no I wouldn't want him as my QB. But that is being he isn't the best and most clutch QB in the game.

So what is the point of this hypothetical question?

The point was for those that were putting me on blast, that the ultimate point I'm trying to make was that the overall perception and aura of Cutler means I would not want this guy as my QB.    

I was quoted on rebutals of specific topics, which looked like I was swaying my opinion on that issue, but in reality, put all those snippets together and you'll see my whole reasoning as to why I don't like Cutler any more.

Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by 430AM

If you can walk it off and stand on the sidelines... YOU SHOULD BE OUT THERE PLAYING. PERIOD.

From what I saw yesterday... Cutler has no HEART whatsoever.

Youre not a very smart person, huh?
Shut The *#*@ up.. That's all I'm gonna say to you bruh.
I think you just confirmed my question. 
Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by 430AM

If you can walk it off and stand on the sidelines... YOU SHOULD BE OUT THERE PLAYING. PERIOD.

From what I saw yesterday... Cutler has no HEART whatsoever.

Youre not a very smart person, huh?
Shut The *#*@ up.. That's all I'm gonna say to you bruh.
I think you just confirmed my question. 
Cutler's personality reminds of the exact opposite of carmelo's.

I remember Reggie miller blasting carmelo in a playoff loss b/c he was smiling. In reality, dude is always smiling.
Cutler's personality reminds of the exact opposite of carmelo's.

I remember Reggie miller blasting carmelo in a playoff loss b/c he was smiling. In reality, dude is always smiling.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by 430AM

If you can walk it off and stand on the sidelines... YOU SHOULD BE OUT THERE PLAYING. PERIOD.

From what I saw yesterday... Cutler has no HEART whatsoever.

Youre not a very smart person, huh?
Shut The *#*@ up.. That's all I'm gonna say to you bruh.
I think you just confirmed my question. 
Why you TROLLIN tho? You tryin to get banned for no reason?

Nah real talk, why you mad at me??? Did I smoke trees with your girl or something? 

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by 430AM

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by 430AM

If you can walk it off and stand on the sidelines... YOU SHOULD BE OUT THERE PLAYING. PERIOD.

From what I saw yesterday... Cutler has no HEART whatsoever.

Youre not a very smart person, huh?
Shut The *#*@ up.. That's all I'm gonna say to you bruh.
I think you just confirmed my question. 
Why you TROLLIN tho? You tryin to get banned for no reason?

Nah real talk, why you mad at me??? Did I smoke trees with your girl or something? 

[h2]Cutler cried when told about player's criticism of his toughness[/h2]
When Jay Cutler was told that other players around the league had questioned his effort and toughness in the wake of the recently discovered sprained MCL he suffered in the NFC championship game, the Chicago Bears quarterback showed a side of himself we haven't much seen: vulnerability.
Jim Trotter writes on SI.com:
Cutlerappeared genuinely hurt when asked about the comments, saying: "Nocomment on that." He then turned his back to reporters, fiddled withsome things on a shelf and bit his lip as tears welled. He had beenbattered and beaten during the early part of the season[. ...] Yet henever complained or pulled himself.

Though some have already used Cutler's tears to prove their pointthat he's a wimp, shouldn't the opposite hold true? (This isn'telementary school. We should know by now that crying isn't necessarilya sign of weakness.) If I was someone who doubted Cutler's injury (andI'm not), the fact that he cried about it would indicate to me that hecared more than I thought. An apathetic man doesn't tend to cry. Aquitter would probably feel the need to defend himself. Those tearssuggest he's neither of those things.

MJD is right when he says it was unfair to call Cutler a quitterwithout knowing the full extent of his injury. And now that we know itwas an MCL sprain that didn't fully rupture, it's still not fair tospeculate whether he could have played. Some have suggested that he could have gone on the injured kneebecause other people have done so in the past. That's ridiculous. It'slike saying he should be able to run under 10 seconds in the 100-meterdash because Usain Bolt can. Everyone has different limitations. Ifdoctors, trainers and Cutler himself didn't think he could go,shouldn't that be enough? (And that's what reportedly happened. Doctors advised Cutler not to go back in the game but he did anyway. He pulled himself when he realized he couldn't plant.)

Allof this Cutler talk raises another question: Why is it bad form toquestion a player's toughness? Should it be off limits? Why is everyother negative trait about football players fair game, but not this?(Again, I'm not talking about Cutler here.) We can criticize aquarterback's inability to get rid of the ball or the decision-makinginvolved in throwing into triple coverage or how he runs the two-minuteoffense, but we can't question ability to play through injury? Isn'ttoughness the foundation upon which football greatness is built? Wecelebrate Jack Tatum for playing on a broken leg and revere EmmittSmith for his dominant performance with a separated shoulder. If youcan be tough, surely it reasons that you can be soft too. You don'tthink someone, somewhere hasn't milked an injury to avoid getting ontothe field?

The familiar refrain is "we don't know how injuredhe is." OK. We also don't know what Bill Belichick knew that caused himto call a fake punt at the end of the first half last week or why theJets were so ineffective at stopping the Steelers' rushing attack orwhat was going through Jim Caldwell's mind when he called that timeoutin the wild-card game. That didn't stop anybody from ripping them,though. Why do we get self-righteous about injuries?


IMO, the reason he is getting such harsh, unfair criticism is because his demeanor is such that he comes off as standoffish and pompous. If Peyton Manning had gotten injured, and stopped playing because he felt he couldn't go, would he get the same criticism? 

A similar situation occurred a couple years ago in the Stanley Cup Finals. Sidney Crosby got hurt and stopped playing in the game 7, yet at the end he was celebrating, and holding up the trophy like nothing happened. Yet no criticism because by all accounts he's a good guy, and also because they ended up winning.
[h2]Cutler cried when told about player's criticism of his toughness[/h2]
When Jay Cutler was told that other players around the league had questioned his effort and toughness in the wake of the recently discovered sprained MCL he suffered in the NFC championship game, the Chicago Bears quarterback showed a side of himself we haven't much seen: vulnerability.
Jim Trotter writes on SI.com:
Cutlerappeared genuinely hurt when asked about the comments, saying: "Nocomment on that." He then turned his back to reporters, fiddled withsome things on a shelf and bit his lip as tears welled. He had beenbattered and beaten during the early part of the season[. ...] Yet henever complained or pulled himself.

Though some have already used Cutler's tears to prove their pointthat he's a wimp, shouldn't the opposite hold true? (This isn'telementary school. We should know by now that crying isn't necessarilya sign of weakness.) If I was someone who doubted Cutler's injury (andI'm not), the fact that he cried about it would indicate to me that hecared more than I thought. An apathetic man doesn't tend to cry. Aquitter would probably feel the need to defend himself. Those tearssuggest he's neither of those things.

MJD is right when he says it was unfair to call Cutler a quitterwithout knowing the full extent of his injury. And now that we know itwas an MCL sprain that didn't fully rupture, it's still not fair tospeculate whether he could have played. Some have suggested that he could have gone on the injured kneebecause other people have done so in the past. That's ridiculous. It'slike saying he should be able to run under 10 seconds in the 100-meterdash because Usain Bolt can. Everyone has different limitations. Ifdoctors, trainers and Cutler himself didn't think he could go,shouldn't that be enough? (And that's what reportedly happened. Doctors advised Cutler not to go back in the game but he did anyway. He pulled himself when he realized he couldn't plant.)

Allof this Cutler talk raises another question: Why is it bad form toquestion a player's toughness? Should it be off limits? Why is everyother negative trait about football players fair game, but not this?(Again, I'm not talking about Cutler here.) We can criticize aquarterback's inability to get rid of the ball or the decision-makinginvolved in throwing into triple coverage or how he runs the two-minuteoffense, but we can't question ability to play through injury? Isn'ttoughness the foundation upon which football greatness is built? Wecelebrate Jack Tatum for playing on a broken leg and revere EmmittSmith for his dominant performance with a separated shoulder. If youcan be tough, surely it reasons that you can be soft too. You don'tthink someone, somewhere hasn't milked an injury to avoid getting ontothe field?

The familiar refrain is "we don't know how injuredhe is." OK. We also don't know what Bill Belichick knew that caused himto call a fake punt at the end of the first half last week or why theJets were so ineffective at stopping the Steelers' rushing attack orwhat was going through Jim Caldwell's mind when he called that timeoutin the wild-card game. That didn't stop anybody from ripping them,though. Why do we get self-righteous about injuries?


IMO, the reason he is getting such harsh, unfair criticism is because his demeanor is such that he comes off as standoffish and pompous. If Peyton Manning had gotten injured, and stopped playing because he felt he couldn't go, would he get the same criticism? 

A similar situation occurred a couple years ago in the Stanley Cup Finals. Sidney Crosby got hurt and stopped playing in the game 7, yet at the end he was celebrating, and holding up the trophy like nothing happened. Yet no criticism because by all accounts he's a good guy, and also because they ended up winning.
Did I smoke trees with your girl or something? 

This is quickly becoming the most overused "comeback" on NT. I'm not talking about just in this case, I mean in general.

"Did (insert name here) do (insert activity here) with your girl??? OMG ZING!!!!11!"

Jesus. At least make an effort to be creative and original.


And then you combine that with one of the most overused/meaningless words on the internet.

Nice post.
Did I smoke trees with your girl or something? 

This is quickly becoming the most overused "comeback" on NT. I'm not talking about just in this case, I mean in general.

"Did (insert name here) do (insert activity here) with your girl??? OMG ZING!!!!11!"

Jesus. At least make an effort to be creative and original.


And then you combine that with one of the most overused/meaningless words on the internet.

Nice post.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Yeah, did he smoke trees with your girl or something? 
The disrespect, it is nonexistent. 

This threads puts it all into perspective even more. Thank you, fools. 
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Yeah, did he smoke trees with your girl or something? 
The disrespect, it is nonexistent. 

This threads puts it all into perspective even more. Thank you, fools. 
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