Did you see G.I JOE ?

movie was better than the previews looked, but still hot garbage. only a 12 year old could be so convinced it was "awesome".
movie was so wack. girls were what kept it alive. all in all it was cheesy acting all around
Originally Posted by Baalnood

I think this movie was freaking awesome!

What movie were you watching?!! This movie sucked bbbbbbaaaaaaaaaallllllsss!!!! the acting was terrible, the storyline was lame, and there was too manyflashbacks. the only good thing about this movie was snake eyes, storm shadow, and the CGI was OK, other than that it sucked.
Stopped and saw it on my way back from Virginia Beach. Yes, this movie was TERRIBLE. And if "Knowing is half the battle" then I wish I knew that thismovie blew because it would have saved me time and money. I'm upset now!
Snake Eyes was the coolest part of the movie, it wasn't terrible though.
what do you expect?
it's a summer flick. lots of explosions, corny jokes, and women in tight clothes.
i paid ten bucks. it was too much.
but i still enjoyed the hot girls and ninjas.
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