Did you see G.I JOE ?

it actually wasn't THAT bad, action scenes were crazy and the women were hot (red head chick is so damn fine

there were cheesy lines and bad acting, but it was a decent entertaining popcorn flick
It was better than TDK. Yeah, I said it. I fell a sleep on TDK. G.I. Joe action and plot kept me entertained. Anyone who says it was terrible is in denial.
Originally Posted by playacet

It was better than TDK. Yeah, I said it. I fell a sleep on TDK. G.I. Joe action and plot kept me entertained. Anyone who says it was terrible is in denial.
GI Joe was corny as hell.
Originally Posted by playacet

It was better than TDK. Yeah, I said it. I fell a sleep on TDK. G.I. Joe action and plot kept me entertained. Anyone who says it was terrible is in denial.

u srs?
The animated cartoon movie made back in the day is way better than the new movie - its even more graphic than this latest rubbish..
I was high also, and this movie was 0 star terrible. Ninja scenes was the only part I could watch without thinking about how bad I wanted to leave.
it was ok, i liked it..... remember it was the first one so they really couldn't do that much but build up the characters......... and IMO they actuallydid a good job at it.
IDK man, I'm not really that big on movie adaptations of my favorite childhood games/cartoons
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

x 10000 it was aesome

yeah I heard it was made for kids

are you kidding me ? you know what you must be mad im still a kid and i can be able to appreciate this movie
Random Thoughts about the movie:
1.Acting was Horrid
2. The action scenes were decent.
3.Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow were
We need more movies with Ninjas
4. Marlon is always smacking dudes on the backside

It wasn't that bad of a movie. If you have nothing else better to do I say see it(Matinee of course)
Movie wouldn't have been THAT bad if they didn't try to throw that STUPID Rex being the bad guy twist thingy. That was sooooooooooo Stuuuupid!
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