Did you see G.I JOE ?

Hopefully the Hollywood CGI generation of the 2010's will finally get it together and stop trying to add their own twists on Comic Book and Fanboyfilms...It hasn't worked, won't work, and never will.

Everybody in Hollywood wants to make themselves famous by reinventing something classic.

If some "new twist/take" on a character was successful its because of pure luck. Yup...I said it. Heath Ledger's Joker wouldn't have been sosuccessful had he been alive....and this is coming from one of the biggest Batman fans you'll ever meet. He did the role justice, but it wasn't thebest villian in a comic movie ever. And everybody praises Jack Nicholson for his Joker...when in actuality, he bombed the role and many people will agree withme. (An overweight Joker? Huh?!)

When you make a characters stick to their classic roots it goes so well and smooth and beautifully....Doc Ock in Spidey 2, Lex Luthor in 80's and 2006,Magneto in X-Men. Not always though...Ghostrider, Daredevil, Elektra, Judge Dredd, Batman Forever, (Most of) Watchmen etc... just sucked....flat outsucked...It's like they were making fun of the characters by taking them soooooo serious. I think the only movies we can take kinda serious is whenthey're done like the Dark Knight, V For Vendetta, 300, Punisher War Zone. They did what Frank Miller and Alan Moore did to comics, they introduced allthese psychological and socialogical elements that draw us in because...*dun dun dun*...We're human*$&#&$ beings and it made a point...we're not kids here....we're not stupid.

Yea wanna watch these movies but not just for karate flips, CGI, costumes, tities, gadgets, etc. If we can't relate to the protagonists of the movie,We're gonna walk out saying "This sucked" and we ain't gonna buy the DVD and go on the internet and talk $#*% that will make other people notwanna see it either. I can only compare these crappy movies to like all these crappy Detective, Criminal Law and Forensics shows on TV...They know stuff likethat gets out attention...but if the plot and story/character development sucks....No amount of weird death scenarios or hot big titty cleavage milfs in heelsis gonna make me go out of my way to watch it. I'm gonna get bored after a while....I feel this is what these comic book and CGI movies are doing...theymaking me not excited about anything.

I didn't even go see Transformers 2 or Terminator 4 this year and I'm one of the biggest fans of that stuff. Why? I feel like I just came from work andI sat down at the dinner table and I look at my wife like "Meatloaf....Again!?"

Yea yea yea...I know. "Get a blog"...You're mother....
Movie was pretty cool to me. I wasn't expecting it to be amazing and all.

What was up with the Brandon Frasier cameo?? And it sucks to know that the little kid from 3rd Rock From the Sun is Cobra.....smh..

Sienna Miller has swiftly moved into my top 10....
One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Even the little kids that sat next to me were shaking their heads.
Originally Posted by chengdizzle

Movie was pretty cool to me. I wasn't expecting it to be amazing and all.

What was up with the Brandon Frasier cameo?? And it sucks to know that the little kid from 3rd Rock From the Sun is Cobra.....smh..

Sienna Miller has swiftly moved into my top 10....
Brendan Fraser is there cuz the director is the same director from the Mummy. still kinda random though.
Originally Posted by Streetballer23

I didn't follow the G.I. Joe series and what not so I don't know much about how it relates to it, but as a movie fan, it was entertaining but not a good movie, imo.
Yea I agree, Entertaining but not a good movie.

That whole Baroness and Duke subplot wasn't needed at all.
but the 1 thing that really bugged me, besides "Dukes" acting was the mouth on Snakeyes mask. That was SO disturbing.
yea why did they add the mouth anyways? Not like he's going to say anything...
The mouth is there because they originally intended for SE to have a line in the movie, but Hama talked them out of it. but that's the least of this moviesproblems.
damn im getting a lot of mixed reviews....personally i never watched the cartoon series neither transformers and i love both of the transformers movies, so illgive it a try
Originally Posted by john23friend85

The mouth is there because they originally intended for SE to have a line in the movie, but Hama talked them out of it. but that's the least of this movies problems.
Oh yea. I heard that too. That was in the script where they had a character named Cool Dude I believe. Latino Review nearly blew a gasket whenthat was talked about
Originally Posted by chengdizzle

What was up with the Brandon Frasier cameo?? And it sucks to know that the little kid from 3rd Rock From the Sun is Cobra.....smh..
I agree 100%, this is the person you pick to portray one of the most notorious villains ever? Seriously? But on to the movie, it was watchable,once. Would I watch it again? Maybe....with a lot of
But no way inhell is this worth another trip to the theater, or a Blu-ray purchase. Waaaaay over the top with the CGI, and I agree Scarlet and The Baroness kind of carriedthe movie. It was a semi-entertaining popcorn flick, if you went in expecting anything different you were very disappointed. My feelings are kind of"eh" I hoped it would be as good as the hype and previews, but I knew in my heart I was going to watch a watered down, CGI fest with lots ofexplosions and mediocre acting.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt isn't just "the kid from3rd Rock From the Sun" any more than Ryan Gosling is "the kid from YoungHercules" or Heath Ledger was "the guy from 10 Things I Hate About You", he's on his way to becoming of the best actors out.And Cobra Commander wasn't ever really intimidating; he was a buffoon, he Three-Stooged his way through villainy and no one respected him.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Joseph Gordon-Levitt isn't just "the kid from3rd Rock From the Sun" any more than Ryan Gosling is "the kid from Young Hercules" or Heath Ledger was "the guy from 10 Things I Hate About You", he's on his way to becoming of the best actors out. And Cobra Commander wasn't ever really intimidating; he was a buffoon, he Three-Stooged his way through villainy and no one respected him.

I'm not bashing his acting skills, calm down. He may be a damn fine actor, but Cobra Commander he IS NOT. Its not like he gave a Ledger-Joker typeperformance either, so chill...
Some of you guys may not have been old enough to watch these cartoons when they were new....so here goes....

Corba Commander has always been a buffoon. The 80's cartoon always made it clear because it showed how crappy his plans were and that the real leader ofcobra was really Destro (dude with the metal head).He just let Commander think he was in charge. This is why it makes sense to put in a weak looking dude forthe role.
Originally Posted by DR813

Originally Posted by Baalnood

I think this movie was freaking awesome!

What movie were you watching?!! This movie sucked bbbbbbaaaaaaaaaallllllsss!!!! the acting was terrible, the storyline was lame, and there was too many flashbacks. the only good thing about this movie was snake eyes, storm shadow, and the CGI was OK, other than that it sucked.

I hated this movie with a passion.

I had a few people clap in my theater when it was done....
I gave the movie a 5 out of 10 and I'm a little biased because I grew up with G.I JOE.

Cons(and this is what a fan boy at a GI joe convention rant version, bare with me):

- I was disappointed with the love interest between Duke and Baroness...this was very unnecessary

- W T F kind of Cobra Commander was that? In this context, I think the actually cartoon version of Cobra Commander would have been more realistic. I was hopingfor a mirror face shield with star screams voice...seriously.

- Could you pick a worse actor than the one who played Duke? John Cena would have been better...seriously

- Can we please stop the Nano-technology story lines, it's getting more redundant than inner city youth dance movies.

- What's the deal with G.I. JOE not getting along with US military?

- The invisible suit takes pictures from behind and projects it in front right....so then you should be able to see the back of the person wearing this suit...

- Dr. Mindbender was a fail of a spot character


- Zartan was entertaining...I wish the Dreadknoks where there though.

- Lots of action...a little much but it's ok...90% of the movie is action.

- The toys are pretty cool...not as good as the original 4 inch figs but good enough.

It's a G.I. Joe live action movie...I can only hope it gets better..I can't wait for serpentor , sgt.slaughter, sci fi, lady jane, shipwreck, flint,gung ho, Tomax and Xamot, Quick kick, Jinx

I think Marlon Wayans was decent as a character, he should have been road block instead of Rip cord...

I'm assuming it can only get better??!...right???

BTW: was there anything after the credits, like a spoiler or teaser??????
the movie was ok...i thought they could use more live action *see spoiler*

Spoiler [+]
FOR EXAMPLE: like when Scarlett was riding the motorcycle though the streets it was so not believable and when the planes landed, etc
the more I think about this movie, the more it sucks.
after seeing it I was pretty indifferent, but now that I actually think about it, this movie was as bad as I expected it to be for reason that I feel were easyto fix if the studio gave a damn

but whatever
Saw it last night.

Action was cool, never thought I would say this about a movie but it seems like it was TOO MUCH action

The guy who played Luke was really bad though
Question to all the Joe fans: Did Duke and Baroness have a relationship in any of the Joe media?
What the hell am i watching....!!!!!!!

is that Brendan Frasier...and the guy that played the Mummy in the first two Mummy movies???


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