Discussion on cheating on tests, exams etc

not cheating unless you get caught

Generals and $%%!? HELL yeah, ain't nobody worried about earthquakes and volcanoes and thats real talk.

But when you get deep into your major its just not worth it. Studying hard and actually knowing the ends an outs of your soon to be profession could possiblyset you apart from everyone else.
hell ya i do. i rather cheat and pass then have to fail and repeat the class. Every time i walk into class i juss think cheat and pass or get a bad grade onthe test and repeat the course.
How do you guys pull off cheating during tests?

If I cheat, it's before the test. I've never used a phone or an unauthorized note sheet during an exam.

Homegirl pulled out a Blackberry and searched for answers? Damn.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

How do you guys pull off cheating during tests?

If I cheat, it's before the test. I've never used a phone or an unauthorized note sheet during an exam.

Homegirl pulled out a Blackberry and searched for answers? Damn.

for my hist class the final were two essays. pretty much wrote the outline/ pre essays and emailed to myself on my phone.
my homie and I got caught cheating 3 days before graduation.

It was pretty stupid and they tried to make an example out of us, we had to take a month leave and finish a week of class then we got to graduate.

We were taking our exit exam and opened up google and got caught - not even typing anything in

This was for a private school we went to for RN school

All good I passed my boards and if you're ever going to the hospital and gettin an IV, it could be me doing it.
i cheated on home work back in high school, saw nothing wrong with it

never had any hw in college other than one math class which i never cheated on

as for tests and exams, i never cheated on them in either college or high school
Like last week we were taking a test towards the end of class, then my teacher told us we could finish tomorrow in class.
So I just took the test with the questions on it, did some of it at home, this girl did the other half.
I end up getting a C on the test, which I was happy about because all of the other tests I got an F on.
Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

i believe in cheating in any classes that dont really have anything to do with your major. otherwise your just cheating yourself. your gonna go into your field without sufficient knowledge and skills

Not if its engineering, when recruiters actually say that you only need roughly 10% of the crap you know from your major courses at your job. Besides that,most engineering field have super computers that calculate the systems of equation in seconds that usually takes the person by hand 20-30 minutes.
Originally Posted by JPioneer

I used to type all the formulas in the memory of my calculator in high school

one of my teachers would go around and erase everything from the calculator before each test...snake and all
this works

type out the formula/definitions with font size 4 on word
cut then place it inside the window of the pen

i just straight up use my iphone to cheat, wether its looking up an answer
or emailing myself the answers on PDF files and then looking at them during the test

teachers just dont care
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

i believe in cheating in any classes that dont really have anything to do with your major. otherwise your just cheating yourself. your gonna go into your field without sufficient knowledge and skills

Not if its engineering, when recruiters actually say that you only need roughly 10% of the crap you know from your major courses at your job. Besides that, most engineering field have super computers that calculate the systems of equation in seconds that usually takes the person by hand 20-30 minutes.

Get the highest GPA you can by any means necessary so you can get the job at Exxon, Cisco, Microsoft,GE, etc. Then once you get their, you'll learn most ofyou're stuff on the job. Leave school with the basic theory and you're good to go.

Dudes actually trying to learn these complex formulas. Yall need to get an internship and see what real engineers actually do
I swear, the computer does all the work.
Back in like 6th through 8th grade I'd have a rubber band, stretch it around a book, then write all the +$@$ i needed for the test. Then you can wear iton your wrist, and if it's not stretched it just looks like lines drawn on the rubber band. When it's time to take the test you just need to stretchthat back out. Worked better than a normal cheat sheet cuz there was way less risk involved.
I wish I could cheat. My prof sent out an email to all of us saying USE THE BATHROOM BEFORE THE TEST, NOBODY CAN LEAVE THE CLASSROOM, and NO PHONES IN USE.
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