Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

im convinced da 3 piece suit still only exist in its current form cuz of forced societal norms, and not cuz people still wanna wear em...
Fellas, you are not going to "good guy" you way into p***y. That's game she running

i mean you can, but to agree with your overarching point, its a inefficient way to bag...however, its integral to keep.

once a broad knows you're a actually solid up and down good, she'll be afraid to lose you, however you're threat becomes ger ger single friends who are jealous of her stability.
Define "good guy"

A pushover. A man that will let a woman walk all over him. A man that won't let his nuts hang. He's thinks being this accommodating will qet home closer to some p***y but in reality he ain't close at all. That women is exploiting his appearances of a "good guy" to her advantage. He lacks confidence and she knows it. As soon as he steps up and tries to get the draws or dates her she is going to put him in the friend zone. Now, at the same time she put him in the friend zone she will expect him spend $$$ on her, give her a ride to work or school etc.

You see, that "good guy" is nothing more than her gay best friend. She is getting everything she wants out of him without giving up the booty. That's why that "good guy" routine does not work.
The only reason those kids stay in college 3-4 years is because they aren't good enough to leave after their 1st or 2nd year.

But oftentimes they're more developed players. Alot of these one-and-done guys can barely play NBA basketball at all. There are some exceptions of course like Kevin Durant and KAT but teams pretty much know the first year or two will be a wash because most of these one-and-done players are still figuring out how to play in the NBA.
Fellas, you are not going to "good guy" you way into p***y. That's game she running.
Chicks only want a "good guy" when they get old, fat and fall off.

Bruh, this is gobbledy****.

IF you check all the boxes, devastatingly handsome, charming, intelligent, etc. You can be a perfectly nice guy and have chicks left and right.
lol it's true but people are too caught up to realize it
Lebron isn't even a top 3 player in the league.

He's still the best player in the league. Name 3 better players. No player in the league carries the load he does. He has to do so much and play so well for his team to win. Durant saw what it was like carrying a Lebron-type burden and he ran to Golden State. :lol::lol::lol:
You could make a case for it this year. AD, Harden, Curry, The Greek. Not out of the realm to rank Bron outside the top 3.
He's still the best player in the league. Name 3 better players. No player in the league carries the load he does. He has to do so much and play so well for his team to win. Durant saw what it was like carrying a Lebron-type burden and he ran to Golden State. :lol::lol::lol:

Cleveland bench is actually really good. One of the best in the league. Those guys are doing their job.

All LeBron had to do was carry a starting line up with another all-star in it, and he couldn't even do that. Now that Love is out, the starting lineup somehow looks even worse.

He's not going to the finals this year. Kyrie and the Celtics are washing him in the CF.

1. Curry
2. Durant
3. Harden - more impact at this stage in their careers
4. Giannis is arguable as well
Cleveland bench is actually really good. One of the best in the league. Those guys are doing their job.

All LeBron had to do was carry a starting line up with another all-star in it, and he couldn't even do that. Now that Love is out, the starting lineup somehow looks even worse.

He's not going to the finals this year. Kyrie and the Celtics are washing him in the CF.

1. Curry
2. Durant
3. Harden - more impact at this stage in their careers
4. Giannis is arguable as well
Thier is a lot bias in his top 3 lineup. All 3 are in the west and play 2 out of the 3 play on same team. Yeah okay your smoking crack. I'm sure ur an okc fan which is cool. But cmon that's not a realistic list.
lol that's an objective list.

Curry/Durant playing on the same team doesn't mean they can't be better players. Any time the other one is out, they play like it.
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