Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

I think "distractions" are the reason why folks aren't on RPGs as much now. (If even true).

People have SO many other things to do opposed to investing the hours needed to really get into an RPG

As of 2016(couldn't find anything later)

Yes it's top 3, by 10%.

you must still be typing off that dreamcast keyboard. you buggin. When the PS2 dropped wa nights out for the you see a dreamcast 2..3..4 today? no. The Dreamcast was innovative but it lacked support and game devs weren't making money off the system since people were duplicating games on the dreamcast.

I agree with you point .
This article explains how the bad top leadership messed it up
I miss the arcadey type racing games like Need for Speed Underground. Now they're mostly real world like strategy.
Don't agree with this either lol.

If anything, arcade gaming, which fighting and racing excelled at, died out.
I dont understand what your saying, I said racing games as an individual genre fell off in my opinion and you disagree and say arcade games including racing died out. What are you disagreeing with exactly?
Gran Tourismo is beautiful, but is that it on consoles? (Aside from the cartoon type ones)

i wish i had PS4, to play the latest GT, the game great once you have the nice wheel and pedal setup. My friend had the Logitech wheel it was good as novice user. Not a thrustmaster but still good.

Racing games will always be good, but idk i think they have died off just a little. Its not like 90's cursin USA games that's true arcade game. Not these high tech Gran tursimo games which i doubt will venture down the arcade game route when its built/designed to be a simulator.

he right is in marketing but, not really Jordan himself did the marketing by wining all those championships and just being the greatest player to play the game. but that's a troll post don't fall for the finesse.
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Street Racing games died with mainstream street racing culture. The tribal tats and DUB Edition ****. Burberry interior typa **** :lol:

that latest nfs was like a fast and furious movie

I remember when the first F&F movie came out, every game tried to emulate that movie (NFS underground was dope) but as the films moved away from racing the genre itself stopped being pushed. Not sure if its related
I remember when the first F&F movie came out, every game tried to emulate that movie (NFS underground was dope) but as the films moved away from racing the genre itself stopped being pushed. Not sure if its related
Its related. The movie was block buster hit,
I remember trying to make a paul walker gt-r skylline in nfs pro-street. great on ps2 more so on the ps3 at the time. i had it for both systems
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