Do you regret not voting?

One of the hardest things to do is to get people to admit that they are wrong. Messes with their pride. So I'm guessing you won't get anyone to regret anything.

They won't admit that they are wrong until it hits them personally. At this point, they don't mind seeing other people suffer and getting run over by cars on TV because they don't know those people personally, and therefore gladly use them as "just shows what this country is really like" pawns. I bet that they wouldn't offer their own mother getting killed by a white supremacist to show "what this country is really like" though.
As a Muslim and a black man, in no shape or form do I benefit from having Trump in office or the Republicans in power. He's trying to ban my people from entering the country, from having decent healthcare, and from being able to fight these cases of civil rights abuses in our courts system.

Every damn appointment he made is to the detriment of us minorities, from DeVos trying to defund public schools, to Sessions basically telling local police their backs are covered no matter what they do. His bro Ben Carson thinks the slaves were "involuntary immigrants". Forget benefitting black people, Trump is out here making a mockery of all of us. We have nazis openly marching in the streets, and the President doesn't have a damn thing to say about it. A white nationalist is the president's top advisor.

All this is why I voted for Hilary. I would've voted for anyone who isn't Trump, Hilary didn't make me go to the polls like Obama did before her. That being said, to say the outcome for black people would have been the same under Clinton (and presumably a more balanced congress) is lazy and just wrong. Sir San Diego Sir San Diego has said a lot of things over the years I agree with, but this one I can't.
At this point, they don't mind seeing other people suffer and getting run over by cars on TV because they don't know those people personally, and therefore gladly use them as "just shows what this country is really like" pawns. I bet that they wouldn't offer their own mother getting killed by a white supremacist to show "what this country is really like" though.

When has this ever NOT BEEN a reality in America?

This sudden fear of being black in America post-election has been hilarious. When have you ever NOT been in the crosshairs of white supremacy?

If it took Donald Trump for people to realize **** is real...I say good. Hopefully...this scares us into saving ourselves.
If it took Donald Trump for people to realize **** is real...I say good. Hopefully...this scares us into saving ourselves.

"Saving yourself" by giving more power to white supremacists? Brilliant logic.

Then why not go all the way and flat out return to slavery? Just have white people posses black people like objects and farm animals. That ought to create such outrage among black people that a revolution would surely come.
I only wish that all the rednecks who voted for the orangutan were that STUPID to use the same logic: "Hey Cletus! Let's help elect the most lib'ral candidate imaginable. Such a candidate winning the election oughtta show our fellow hillbillies all the things wrong with this country!"
I've been living abroad for 10 years now and haven't participated in any elections since.

It's just been procrastination on my behave though. It felt great to vote. Can't rock with people not voting just because of poor candidate choices though. Hell, write that (;&¥ in.

I'm kinda vexed about this one. Votes count, if not even just for statistical purposes, they have a purpose.
This is just gonna turn into a: Hillary Clinton shadefest, a strawmanfest of claiming voters are emotional and think politicians care about them, hot take fest about how our political system "actually" works, and diet conspiracy theories .

-BTW, I hope some of you dudes have a change of heart, especially if you lean left or care about Civil Rights. The GOP is two state houses away from being able to call a Constitutional Convention. In that, they would be able to pass amendments that could void out Civil Rights legislation. Article II is definitely gonna be in the cross-hairs

With everything that is going on right now, if you stay home you might as well sell your belongings and put your *** on the road to exile. Don't believe the vote suppressors will think about minorities just because they are currently flapping their lips about Trump's neo-nazism. They love the ideas behind it as long as they get mentioned through dog whistling.
Are there any examples in recorded human history of an oppressed people gaining their independence/sovereignty through the political system of it's oppressors?

While voting won't result in outright sovereignty, not voting won't help much of anyone either and will affect a great deal of people. I mean a great deal, from education, health care, public reform, environmental conservation to just about anything policy related. Those votes or non-votes will deterministically shape generations... It's sorta irresponsible not to. I was in the same frame of mind about voting as it pertains to black, brown problems but those specific and various issues aren't all that matters. If anyone's able to look past all the lives it will affect in protest then I'm cool with it but hiding under a rock, waiting for the Armagedden and at the will of supposed WS isn't progress on any front
Think it comes down to believing in this system. Per usual dudes on here can't digest any viewpoint other than their own. I'm a voter myself however I get why ppl don't vote & it's largely due to no faith in this system. Can't say I blame them either. Dudes wanna slander other points of view while placing faith in a system designed to ensure your black *** remains a second class citizen :lol
"Saving yourself" by giving more power to white supremacists? Brilliant logic.

Then why not go all the way and flat out return to slavery? Just have white people posses black people like objects and farm animals. That ought to create such outrage among black people that a revolution would surely come.

So true. The strategy behind NOT voting once you get a statement out of some of these dudes is just as *** backwards as it gets. Somebody said it best in the political thread....."marginal gains are better than huge losses". Instead of getting marginal gains with Hillary Clinton we are now getting huge losses with Trump. Dudes hustling backwards out here in these streets.
Think it comes down to believing in this system. Per usual dudes on here can't digest any viewpoint other than their own. I'm a voter myself however I get why ppl don't vote & it's largely due to no faith in this system. Can't say I blame them either. Dudes wanna slander other points of view while placing faith in a system designed to ensure your black *** remains a second class citizen :lol:

It's understandable not to have faith in the system that doesn't have your interest first at heart but the latter doesn't help anyone and is a pretty defeatist mindset. Headless and far from harmless revolution to do nothing
I guess you could argue that neither choice would've furthered minority rights (not true if you inform yourself, explore beyond talking points), but it's clear as day that there's one side that wanted to/is going to set us back. It's easier to fight when there are less obstacles. Get out your egos and try not to make that mistake again.
I don't get not voting at all.

There are other things on the ballot.

Do non-voters skip local elections as well?
For all these so called "woke" individuals out here that stayed home and didn't participate in voting on Election Day.....when you don't vote you are doing EXACTLY what the white supremacists want you to do. Go ahead and take that thought process to the grave. When you upset a white supremacist that means you are doing something right.
Now, certain folks upset and scared that Trumps in office? They ain't got no one to blame but themselves. No sympathy. Deal with it
First time voting was in 2000....See my signature. :stoneface:

Last time I vote I just moved to another part of town, like 6 months prior. I filed for a Chang of address, all that. The only thing I didn't do is get s new drivers license.

I go to the polls with my mom, they ask for my ID and the lady tells me I'm in the wrong district. I tell her I've been living here for months now. I should be a resident in this county by now. She pulls me to the side, tell me to hang out while she makes some phone calls. I'm standing off to the side for about 30 minutes. She made at least 5 calls. Finally, she gives me the thumbs up. I go do my ballot thing. "Yay! I did my part!" About a week later, I get a letter in the mail saying my vote didn't count. :stoneface:

This time I opt out. Hilary wins the popular vote and Trump still wins. If I understand the electoral college correctly, the electors for some states saw what people wanted and voted another way ANYWAY.:stoneface:

F. T. S.
At least AZwildcats AZwildcats called my name. I'll give respect for that. I don't remember saying it would be exactly the same under Clinton, but I'm not going to argue over that. I said these white supremacist were coming either way.

We had the Tea Party, the birthers and Alt-Right all gearing up WHILE Obama was in office. Would if have gone exactly the same? No. But was this coming regardless? Yes. If you understand why they're mad it's obvious what's going on.

White people are becoming minorities and it scares the racists to death. They expect payback for what they did or allowed to happen to black and brown people.

As for deuce king deuce king and @RustyShackleford what are your thoughts on this short video?

As a black man in this country, I voted because it was a right that people died to afford me with. I voted Hillary because she was the lesser of two evils. My conscience is clear. I expect a lot more of us who didn't vote this time around to be way more active from here on out. So Trump scaring the **** out of people has some very small benefit.
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