Don't Simp. It does not work

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Originally Posted by youngj00

Super Producer J wrote:

I did this for the first time ever about 2 months ago. Took shorty to a nice Brazilian restaurant, then to a bar. Really though, had no intentions of spending $100 that night (hurts my soul just repeating that). I had no idea what the prices were for the spot. <-- My fault there.

How did that pan out? We held hands while she pulled from her cigarette (didn't know she smoked) as we walked around to find a taxi for her -__- It's not as if this was our first meeting, I had already bagged like last year after seeing her at a few dorm parties at her school. Smashed, lost touch, then decided to see each other again that 1 night.

I’m confused. Why would you spend THAT much in one night on a chick that you already smashed? Was the box that sweet? Why not just get a couple of drinks and head back to the crib? As for OP, what the full story man?

She was ight. I wasn't thinking. She's not a J.O., but could be nothing more than that in my eyes from our previous encounters. I just effed up in the game, there's no excuse. As for the bill, shorty did not even THINK to pick it up. I tried playing the waiting game with her while finishing my drink to see if she would, but I'll be damned, not even a glance.

Happened once, and only once.

It’s okay man, I can respect you for keeping it real. A lot of dudes on NT front but you admitted you were wrong and you’ve learned from the situation and that’s all you can do about it.

what about when it works?

Spoiler [+]
Niketalk will be crushed if some one ever posts a "I simped hard and it worked" thread Simping has been getting men buns for ages people just get super salty when it doesn't work....WHY? because it is supposed to work thats why
what about when it works?

Spoiler [+]
Niketalk will be crushed if some one ever posts a "I simped hard and it worked" thread Simping has been getting men buns for ages people just get super salty when it doesn't work....WHY? because it is supposed to work thats why
I've been telling dudes this for the longest.  Simping is not the business, all dudes need to realize and recognize this.  We don't need any more Ronnie Romance type dudes out here in the world.
I've been telling dudes this for the longest.  Simping is not the business, all dudes need to realize and recognize this.  We don't need any more Ronnie Romance type dudes out here in the world.
No but seriously, though....had to come back in here and say...moderation is key. Every girl likes the sweet stuff from time to time, but nothing is worse than a clingy dude. Makes you look desperate, and we don't feel special if we feel like you're desperate to have a girl. Make her think you're wanted by many and you chose her, even if that's not the case.
No but seriously, though....had to come back in here and say...moderation is key. Every girl likes the sweet stuff from time to time, but nothing is worse than a clingy dude. Makes you look desperate, and we don't feel special if we feel like you're desperate to have a girl. Make her think you're wanted by many and you chose her, even if that's not the case.
Originally Posted by remix

%#* is simp?

basically going the extra mile to please a girl 
Like sacrificing  your time ,money and energy to please her even if you have to go out your move to do it

and kissing up to her like consistently giving her compliments 
Originally Posted by remix

%#* is simp?

basically going the extra mile to please a girl 
Like sacrificing  your time ,money and energy to please her even if you have to go out your move to do it

and kissing up to her like consistently giving her compliments 
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

we like you until you become too clingy, then when you don't show us any attention, we want you to be clingy. get used to it
 Even tho its the truth. Just the irony.

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

we like you until you become too clingy, then when you don't show us any attention, we want you to be clingy. get used to it
 Even tho its the truth. Just the irony.

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