Don't Simp. It does not work

there has to be balance with everything. i think being naturally laid back has always worked for me. no girl likes a push over or a dude that always compliments her. there is no challenge in knowing that u are head over heels for her,she will go on to the next challenge
there has to be balance with everything. i think being naturally laid back has always worked for me. no girl likes a push over or a dude that always compliments her. there is no challenge in knowing that u are head over heels for her,she will go on to the next challenge
1.  Simping is ok if the chick is worth it.
2.  Most chicks aren't worth it.
3.  If you're going to simp, don't overdo it, and come off looking like a lame.
1.  Simping is ok if the chick is worth it.
2.  Most chicks aren't worth it.
3.  If you're going to simp, don't overdo it, and come off looking like a lame.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

we like you until you become too clingy, then when you don't show us any attention, we want you to be clingy. get used to it
thytkerjobs wrote:
No but seriously, though....had to come back in here and say...moderation is key. Every girl likes the sweet stuff from time to time, but nothing is worse than a clingy dude. Makes you look desperate, and we don't feel special if we feel like you're desperate to have a girl. Make her think you're wanted by many and you chose her, even if that's not the case.
 @ actually contributing to a thread. 
Who didn't already know this tho?
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

we like you until you become too clingy, then when you don't show us any attention, we want you to be clingy. get used to it
thytkerjobs wrote:
No but seriously, though....had to come back in here and say...moderation is key. Every girl likes the sweet stuff from time to time, but nothing is worse than a clingy dude. Makes you look desperate, and we don't feel special if we feel like you're desperate to have a girl. Make her think you're wanted by many and you chose her, even if that's not the case.
 @ actually contributing to a thread. 
Who didn't already know this tho?
I used to talk to 1 guy who was superrrrrr clingy. 1 day would be starbursts in the shape of a heart at my day rose in my day love letter in my mail cmon son. I'm not saying don't be a gentleman on the regular, but stuff like that every. single. day. is too much.

This right here is the definition of the actions of a simp or a Ronnie Romance type dude.  Take notes guys, this is the way NOT to go.  At the end of the day, you want a women either mentally or physically to be chasing you, even if your in a serious relationship.  You want her to think and know that your a stand out guy and desirable to other females as well.  You can't be that if your always around her playing kissy face and what not. 

Also, if you dudes didn't know there are more females in the world than there are men, so no guy truth be told should ever really have to chase after any female.  Just from a numbers standpoint the odds are in our favor, keep that in mind. 
I used to talk to 1 guy who was superrrrrr clingy. 1 day would be starbursts in the shape of a heart at my day rose in my day love letter in my mail cmon son. I'm not saying don't be a gentleman on the regular, but stuff like that every. single. day. is too much.

This right here is the definition of the actions of a simp or a Ronnie Romance type dude.  Take notes guys, this is the way NOT to go.  At the end of the day, you want a women either mentally or physically to be chasing you, even if your in a serious relationship.  You want her to think and know that your a stand out guy and desirable to other females as well.  You can't be that if your always around her playing kissy face and what not. 

Also, if you dudes didn't know there are more females in the world than there are men, so no guy truth be told should ever really have to chase after any female.  Just from a numbers standpoint the odds are in our favor, keep that in mind. 
Originally Posted by Boi

 @ actually contributing to a thread. 
Who didn't already know this tho?

once again, who are you?? why do you follow me around threads, use my government name, etc. get off my ##%!
Originally Posted by Boi

 @ actually contributing to a thread. 
Who didn't already know this tho?

once again, who are you?? why do you follow me around threads, use my government name, etc. get off my ##%!
Originally Posted by proper english

a lot of these stupid posts really stem from how much u dudes care about how other dudes perceive you. 
Originally Posted by proper english

a lot of these stupid posts really stem from how much u dudes care about how other dudes perceive you. 
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Boi

 @ actually contributing to a thread. 
Who didn't already know this tho?

once again, who are you?? why do you follow me around threads, use my government name, etc. get off my ##%!


dude is on creep mode. 
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Boi

 @ actually contributing to a thread. 
Who didn't already know this tho?

once again, who are you?? why do you follow me around threads, use my government name, etc. get off my ##%!


dude is on creep mode. 
I love how cats like Dirtylicious and such go out of their way to question and shoot down their fellow male-brothers when simping is mentioned

When the truth is, as men we are correct in NOT wanting to simp. The reason for that is because simping is considered to be excessive waste of time, stress, and money with no benefit. Why in the world should we willfully simp in order to satisfy some outdated template for dating that may not suit either party?

Simping involves taking an emotional L, and unlike women, it isn't beneficial for us to take L after L after L in the dating world in order to find what we like. It's not the same. IT IS NOT THE SAME
Simping is leading yourself on, not actively pursuing a realistic romantic goal.

Simping isn't being nice or being courteous. It is wasted action on your behalf that is spent on a woman who does not return the same interest. It is blind hope in the imaginary future scenario of love or sex with the person in front of you. It is NOT doing nice/costly things with a person who genuinely feels the same way and will show it. If she's your girlfriend or wife, a good deed is NOT simping at all, and for you to call it simping just makes it disrespectful to what yall have. Simping is at a much lower level than regular romantic interaction.
Simping is a part of every man's life. At one point we all go through it, get burned, get heart broken, whatever, but the difference between the men and the children is how you learn from it and move on. Yes, a while back I got caught up, simped, and today I just say I charged it to the game, a lot more experience now.

I don't think opening doors, pulling chairs out, or saying "you look beautiful today" is simping. I think any act where you sacrifice your dignity or self worth for another human being is simping. It can be in the form of money, time, or morals, whatever it may be, if you have to change who you truly are for another person or act a certain way outside of your normal character in any circumstance where it isn't at least mutually beneficial to you, you are simping/being taken advantage of.

Relationships/dating can be complex but the root of it is pretty much give and take and balancing between the two. In the end your own self interest should be at the forefront or at least be in line with hers, if then, no matter what, you will be OK.
Simping is a part of every man's life. At one point we all go through it, get burned, get heart broken, whatever, but the difference between the men and the children is how you learn from it and move on. Yes, a while back I got caught up, simped, and today I just say I charged it to the game, a lot more experience now.

I don't think opening doors, pulling chairs out, or saying "you look beautiful today" is simping. I think any act where you sacrifice your dignity or self worth for another human being is simping. It can be in the form of money, time, or morals, whatever it may be, if you have to change who you truly are for another person or act a certain way outside of your normal character in any circumstance where it isn't at least mutually beneficial to you, you are simping/being taken advantage of.

Relationships/dating can be complex but the root of it is pretty much give and take and balancing between the two. In the end your own self interest should be at the forefront or at least be in line with hers, if then, no matter what, you will be OK.
I love how cats like Dirtylicious and such go out of their way to question and shoot down their fellow male-brothers when simping is mentioned

When the truth is, as men we are correct in NOT wanting to simp. The reason for that is because simping is considered to be excessive waste of time, stress, and money with no benefit. Why in the world should we willfully simp in order to satisfy some outdated template for dating that may not suit either party?

Simping involves taking an emotional L, and unlike women, it isn't beneficial for us to take L after L after L in the dating world in order to find what we like. It's not the same. IT IS NOT THE SAME
Simping is leading yourself on, not actively pursuing a realistic romantic goal.

Simping isn't being nice or being courteous. It is wasted action on your behalf that is spent on a woman who does not return the same interest. It is blind hope in the imaginary future scenario of love or sex with the person in front of you. It is NOT doing nice/costly things with a person who genuinely feels the same way and will show it. If she's your girlfriend or wife, a good deed is NOT simping at all, and for you to call it simping just makes it disrespectful to what yall have. Simping is at a much lower level than regular romantic interaction.
Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
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