Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Hopefully they see me wearing Foams that they will do a Brooks Bros edition having the whole Martha Vineyard in them :pimp:
I rarely post in this thread since im new to dressing better, but always checking this thread out for deals and info. Just want to say thanks to the more frequent posters who always reply to guys like me and provide tons of information. I typically only post in here asking for help on sizing or where to find items.

Ive been looking for some all black or mainly black leather sneakers. Really love the Balenciaga Arenas but they're soldout and im not sure I want to shell out 545 right now. I'm willing to spend but anybody know of cheaper alternatives that would suit me and look just as nice?
I rarely post in this thread since im new to dressing better, but always checking this thread out for deals and info. Just want to say thanks to the more frequent posters who always reply to guys like me and provide tons of information. I typically only post in here asking for help on sizing or where to find items.

Ive been looking for some all black or mainly black leather sneakers. Really love the Balenciaga Arenas but they're soldout and im not sure I want to shell out 545 right now. I'm willing to spend but anybody know of cheaper alternatives that would suit me and look just as nice?

Common Projects?
anyone able to point me in the direction to some duffle/toggle wool coats ? in the ideal world i'd buy a burberry one, but i don't want to spend $1k+. anything half decent in the $2-300 range ? might just wait on a uniqlo one if anything.
JW double black is pretty good as well. Now that I've started drinking single malt though its hard to go back.

forgot about JW double black. that stuff is good, and they have it at the JW tasting as well. I'm really curious about the new JW platinum though. totally agree on drinking single malt and not going back to blended scotch.

I was a big Hennessy drinker before scotch.

Pinoy732 you said you drink Jack Daniels? Have you tried Gentleman Jack?

Any bourbon drinkers in here as well?

Sorry, hope i'm not derailing this to "drinking better".

But my contribution to the theme of the thread:
2nd day wearing these but the pic is from yesterday
Brooks Brothers MacNeil chili grain
I've been enjoying this conversation about drinks. I'm still a novice and want to learn as much as I can about whiskeys and wine.
The bars I go to are typically college bars, a couple don't even have cognac so I know not to ask for scotch :lol:. The only place I know of that actually has a nice selection of scotch is the bar that's inside a movie theater here.
Awesome Macneils. Beautiful classic shoe.

And yes, GJ is pretty outstanding. Only get it with my homies on occasion though. Perhaps next time I'm at the store, I'll pick up a bottle :smokin
I've actually been thinking of making an official scotch thread since I'm fairly new to it. I love going to a bar and asking bartenders for their recommendations. 9 times out of 10 it's a great choice.
[h2]RETURNBAMA thanks for the number. I just copped the daltons.[/h2]
The associate was like how'd you get this number lol
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I was a big Hennessy drinker before scotch.
Help me transition into scotch then. My friend was trying to put me on but I got lost with the names and was too drunk to remember any way. I'll trust your taste since you used to be a big Hennessy drinker.
Struck out on the Dalton's something serious.

All the stores were sold out, warehouse had 1 but there's a waitlist of 5 people I was told.....

Feelsbatman :frown:

Tried Walnut and Bourbon.
HM sale online..

Use code 0560 first for 20% highest priced item, followed by code 0835 for 30% off everything, free shipping after $50

sold out of the quilted jacket :smh:

Good looking out...had a few things sitting in my cart for about 2 weeks.

Hopefully I got the right sizes :nerd:
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Help me transition into scotch then. My friend was trying to put me on but I got lost with the names and was too drunk to remember any way. I'll trust your taste since you used to be a big Hennessy drinker.

you should do the JW tasting event along with these guys if they are all doing it. it's a great introduction to scotch and you learn a lot on how to enjoy the drink. otherwise, start with glenfiddich 12. it's smooth and light to start drinking with. then try glenlivet 12 or macallan 12. from there, try oban 14 which is my favorite. there's a difference when you drink it straight vs. a drop of water or vs. a few cubes of ice, that you should notice release some of the flavors. drink it how you like it, but i used to always have scotch on the rocks but now I drink it neat and enjoy it even more.

it always puzzled me why the nyc guy's never just met up at a happy hour after work or something.
ive been wanting to get into scotch/whiskey because its a "networking" drink, if that makes sense.

its a conversation piece a lot of the circles i was around really like it, especially the Hill / K street people i know.  

ive tried it a few times and it was impossible to keep down without a hasty chaser. i grew up around old school Polish people with heavy roots to the old country so it was wodka or bust but you can really only talk wodka with certain folks. 
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Pic Stitch app working for anyone else? It crashes instantly on my iPhone 5 S. Reinstalled 2 times but no help.
start off on the rocks or with a splash of water or soda. i also found that inhaling while taking a sip made it a bit easier at first. as you get used to it you will be able to tolerate it and ultimately enjoy it more. now for me its 1-2 ice cubes or neat and im good
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