Dressing Better Vol 2.0

I didn't ask you about gaining fame either.

I asked you about being approached on the street, and what was the background of those of you who are doling out this advice.

Perhaps you may have worked in Barney's, Bergdorf, or some other retailer, as did the bloggers on Street Etiquette.

I'm a therapist, I dress in scrubs 70% of the time, I have 0 fashion background, I simply always liked clothes and found what works for me, I read this thread and pick up from what other members post, simply because I post my own fits does not make me some elite dresser, simply because I tell someone "yo my dude, don't wear stripes" does not place me on the same tier as the sartorialist...if you read the advice I do give, it's extremely simple stuff....

It's not about being sensitive, if you call me out ill respond, simple as that.
Well, clearly people can wear whatever the hell they want.
As long as it's not oversized with obnoxious logos, varsity jackets can be worn well and in a lot of settings. I have one though I don't wear it that often.
Like, this...it's a little too much and more of typical sneakerhead streetwear to me:

I think of this thread as an opportunity to dress a little more mature than streetwear. Doesn't mean I'm right, just that it's been the focus for the most part since it started.

That jacket is tight
Been on a heavy sweatpants hype lately...and with Yesterday being Sunday aka my lazy-go-do errands day, I rocked with this:

I'm a therapist, I dress in scrubs 70% of the time, I have 0 fashion background, I simply always liked clothes and found what works for me, I read this thread and pick up from what other members post, simply because I post my own fits does not make me some elite dresser, simply because I tell someone "yo my dude, don't wear stripes" does not place me on the same tier as the sartorialist...if you read the advice I do give, it's extremely simple stuff....
It's not about being sensitive, if you call me out ill respond, simple as that.

I appreciated the advice....:D
I'm a therapist, I dress in scrubs 70% of the time, I have 0 fashion background, I simply always liked clothes and found what works for me, I read this thread and pick up from what other members post, simply because I post my own fits does not make me some elite dresser, simply because I tell someone "yo my dude, don't wear stripes" does not place me on the same tier as the sartorialist...if you read the advice I do give, it's extremely simple stuff....
It's not about being sensitive, if you call me out ill respond, simple as that.
The problem is, nobody called you out. I simply asked you a question. I didn't say, oh, you are skinny, no physique, and you can pull that stuff off, stop telling people what they should wear...

What I did state was that your pics are influenced by those in GQ, and they are, and your wardrobe choices are indeed influenced by, as many people out here currently are, by J Crew. I didn't hate on you, I simply said that it wasn't original. The reason is the everyone is doing that look right now, as J Crew and the look that they promote, is incredibly popular these days.

So from the way you've responded to my simple question, it seems that if someone approached you in public due to your postings here, then said something bad about what you were wearing, am I incorrect in thinking that you would not react very well?

I'm just sayin'...
Once again, you deflect AND with a statement that more likely applies to yourself. No, I'm not in any sense in need of attention, I've posted my thoughts on others who post pics and they're free to do so.

Once again, where were these claims of expertise you conjured up in your beautiful mind?
Perhaps it is in your beautiful mind, that being called an expert, is seemingly an insult.

Again, the question wasn't posed to you, so I don't see how it's any of your concern.

Both Sarteaga and KSteezy responded, so I am good with that.

Why you continue to address my supposed intentions, is beyond me.

Pretty sure I'm free to post what I want and respond when I have an opinion. I couldn't care less if anyone insulted and I am not personally, I just felt your statements and questions were baseless, like this one:
who taught you, or where did you study or what did you study, in order to make you guys experts in the matter of actually Dressing Better?
Once again, were there any clams of expertise and regardless, would they need to have been taught or studied? No, being called an expert in and of itself is not an insult but you requesting credentials surely doesn't seem to back up a belief that they actually are and that you're complementing them with that label. Kind of evident by,
It seems that on a board filled with sneaker heads, the term of Dressing Better and then being an expert in such matters, seems to be used rather loosely.

No hate, just wondering, especially since you guys leap at the chance to respond to the questions of others

YOU apparently got your wittle feelings hurt because unsound advice was given to a brother until you stepped in and made everything better, saving the day for someone who might've otherwise stepped out in an outfit not suited for a man with a darker hue but then you didn't get the recognition you deserved. You were right and they were wrong. Congrats.

And what are you really trying to do with this statement?
Again, no hate, but the question isn't about the goofy faces, humility, or the lackthereof, it's really about notoriety.
Goofy faces and lack of humility? No hate? Not passive-agressive? :rolleyes

I addressed your intentions because I think you're off base. I can see through your thinly-veiled shots and I think you're corny. Keep posting suggestions as you see fit, especially if it pertains to men of color and others can't give the proper advice or expert opinions that you can.

I definitely agree that NiiDawg is a pretty impeccable dresser and it's unfortunate that he doesn't frequent this thread anymore.

My last response to you, you got your 2 pages of glory.
appreciate this might just finally get me to pull the trigger. I have 2 pairs of alpha khakis and they may be the best pants i own.

You and me both! I have 4 pairs already. I want them all. Best fitting pants off the rack that I have ever found.
Pretty sure I'm free to post what I want and respond when I have an opinion. I couldn't care less if anyone insulted and I am not personally, I just felt your statements and questions were baseless, like this one:
Once again, were there any clams of expertise and regardless, would they need to have been taught or studied? No, being called an expert in and of itself is not an insult but you requesting credentials surely doesn't seem to back up a belief that they actually are and that you're complementing them with that label. Kind of evident by,
YOU apparently got your wittle feelings hurt because unsound advice was given to a brother until you stepped in and made everything better, saving the day for someone who might've otherwise stepped out in an outfit not suited for a man with a darker hue but then you didn't get the recognition you deserved. You were right and they were wrong. Congrats.
And what are you really trying to do with this statement? Goofy faces and lack of humility? No hate? Not passive-agressive?

I addressed your intentions because I think you're off base. I can see through your thinly-veiled shots and I think you're corny. Keep posting suggestions as you see fit, especially if it pertains to men of color and others can't give the proper advice or expert opinions that you can.
I definitely agree that NiiDawg is a pretty impeccable dresser and it's unfortunate that he doesn't frequent this thread anymore.
My last response to you, you got your 2 pages of glory.
You can think that I am corny.

See how that works?

Also, the comment about goofy faces came from here,
I cant imagine how many notable people I have brushed shoulders with when walking around in NYC.
I met Ksteezy in real life. he's a humble dude.
longstroke, i havent seen your face but based off your willingness to stand by your opinion i'd prob assume ur a cool dude to. even thoug we got each other suspended lmao.
The thing w photography is that, it captures a freeze frame.
I would hate people to deduce an opinion on my personality when i purposely make goofy faces when pics are taken.
so again, you are commenting on things that have nothing to do with you.

Now, I could hurl an insult or two toward you, but I am not going to do it. I could, especially after you calling me names. But that would only suggest that my question toward Ksteezy and the others, were what you are suggesting they are.
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beel lurking for about a week now...great stuff guys!!!!

picked up these at 6pm for $63 and change. wanna know your thoughts and ideas on what i could do with these. bday dinner w/the wife:smokin and wanna look good!

The problem is, nobody called you out. I simply asked you a question. I didn't say, oh, you are skinny, no physique, and you can pull that stuff off, stop telling people what they should wear...

What I did state was that your pics are influenced by those in GQ, and they are, and your wardrobe choices are indeed influenced by, as many people out here currently are, by J Crew. I didn't hate on you, I simply said that it wasn't original. The reason is the everyone is doing that look right now, as J Crew and the look that they promote, is incredibly popular these days.

So from the way you've responded to my simple question, it seems that if someone approached you in public due to your postings here, then said something bad about what you were wearing, am I incorrect in thinking that you would not react very well?

I'm just sayin'...:lol:

just because i said you called me out i didnt mean it in a bad way, you simply directed your post towards me so i responded....wasnt being sensitive as you called it.

i dont think i ever said i was an originator, so i dont know where you get that from, i dont know many people actually walking out there being "original" do you know of any??...what do you consider originality??.....do you think Nii originated how one should wear a suit??...it kiils me when people speak on originality...lol

its funny you say extremely popular based on what you see on the internet bro or within the confinements of soho, downtown bk, majority of people out there are not bloggers, follow fashion blogs or are even subscribed to one fashion mag....a very small percentage of people even care, at work i can account for 2 dudes who i see and can tell, this dude has to be subscribed to some fashion mag, or follows fashion blogs because of the way they are dressed, both surgeons who also obviously have the budget, other than that, people are just dressed as regular as can be.

if someone approached YOU in public and said "fam you look like an idiot" how the hell would you react, specially some stranger?...i mean cmon what kind of stupid question is that :lol: i really think you are reaching into another galaxy with this, how many people actually step to complete strangers and call them out on their wardrobe?...hell you think if i bumped into Ian Connor in soho im going to go out my way to tell him he should shower?....

Can y'all stop this personal back and forth and forth and go back to talking about clothes though
if you hit up the outlets, stores like BR/GAP have like 50-75% off, and everything else is usually 25-40% off(RL, jcrew)
You need to find blazers that are size S (Short) instead of R (Regular) if the blazer is too long. Usually the smallest size i see around are 36S.

Thanks, I figured this. how big of a difference is going from a 34 to a 36, though?

Guess I'll have to see for myself.
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Also, your shots are very reminiscent of those featured in GQ, and your style of dress most definitely comes right out of pages of J Crew. Neither are very creative or original, so what I am wondering, and this is actually a question for RFX and Sarteaga as well, who taught you, or where did you study or what did you study, in order to make you guys experts in the matter of actually Dressing Better?

It seems that on a board filled with sneaker heads, the term of Dressing Better and then being an expert in such matters, seems to be used rather loosely.

No hate, just wondering, especially since you guys leap at the chance to respond to the questions of others

I wouldn't call myself an expert at all, visit other sites like Styleforum and you'll see people who knows fabrics and construction and even they aren't expert but are much more knowledgeable. I wouldn't say I jump at the chance to answer the questions but if I know the answer on the spot then why not give it? It helps people and moves the thread forward so if I can give an answer and help out, I try to do so. I actually just started active in this thread again when the forum moved, I was pretty much away from the old one for a few months (maybe even a year?) but the new forum invigorated the thread again so I try to help as much as possible.

Again, I never called myself an expert and for the most part, JCrew isn't my favorite brand but it is a good starting point and a good place to look when moving away from the baggy tee and jeans look. It is also referred to because their price are reasonable for the most part and they do have sales often. JCrew, H&M, Zara, Banana Republic, etc... are all good starting points at a good price.

Traditional or Americana isn't really my style anymore and that is mostly why I do not post pics in this thread much but I do know the basics and the rules and that is why I try to answer any questions others may have. I actually think WJ4 answers more questions and helps out a lot more than me, which is perfect because he is more into the trad style than I am. You can also see we can have conflicting ideas and style as well and that is good for the thread because it is a good example that it doesn't limit you to one style, you can have others and for the most part it can take time to find your identity and the look that works for you and where you can be comfortable in.

It's all about making that transition, for some, no transition is even needed. Like KSteezy, from his old pics, his style isn't really a big different, he seems to still be the jeans and tee and jacket and sneaker kind of guy except now the clothes actually fit him properly. And I imagine most here are trying to accomplish the same thing, maybe add a dress shirt or two and a suit to their closet for varying events/occasions but it's all about finding what works for you and the thread is merely a guideline that you can use (or not use) to get where you want to go.
RFX: I need you to bring back the dress shirt, tie, LV sneakers and Levi's chinos look ASAP :lol: :tongue:

I just logged on to see the last few pages, and I hope we can all leave it at that.
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Finally picked up the bracelet earlier today, courtesy of Wisith :smokin


Thanks again man, it looks great!
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