Dressing Better Vol 2.0

im saying $16 is cheap as ****. im sure there are worse quality polos available for $16. and if they end up being horrible at least they only cost the same price as 3 value meals
really shouldn't spend on myself right now. have me and my gfs anniversary, her birthday and law school graduation coming up in the next few weeks
looks like you might have been able to go a size smaller

+1 Could benefit from a size down. Looks pretty wide in the shoulders


Looks like the suit is too small for him.

There's already pulling at the front button, making the chest bow out. This might also be contributing to the collar gap. There's pulling in the back under the collar, There's pulling in the back at the waist. The upper arm area is slightly tight, creating those shoulder divots. The pants are too long. There's pulling in the butt and thigh area. Calves look tight as well.

I expect a lot more from a made-to-measure suit. but it's indochino... $75 in alteration credit is not going to be enough to fix everything that's wrong with this suit.

The suit won't fit him if he goes with a smaller size. He looks like he has an athletic or stocky build and the suit simply doesn't fit his body type.
HM had these for 20 or 30 bucks. The pic is from about a month or two ago though so I don't know if they still have them. I think they had a couple styles, but if I remember correctly these were the closest they had to what you posted.

Goodluck finding em. I cant find them anymore everywhere.

I suggest trying on EVERY pair of these, as in the sizing is inconsistent. I bought 3 pairs, all size in medium in different colors. One fits just right, one is too loose, and the other fits like a S. Damn you HM.

Let me get the smalls! Hahah

Same thing happened to me, I got one that fits perfect and two that are colored that fit way different
first thing i look at is the shoulder width on a blazer/suit jacket. his seems to be a bit wide there. that is the most difficult part to have alterations made. almost anywhere else can be slimmed or let out depending on how much needs to be done.
Yup. Always check the shoulders first because you can have most other parts of it tailored. If your shoulders don't fit right there's not much you can do about it.

edit: I watched the music video for PSY's new song "Gentleman". He has a really cool style and shows it well in the video. He's wearing a really nice leather jacket in a few of the shots and I want it :lol:
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Just checked out the NTsCollective e-mail. Gonna post up a few of these pics later tonight hopefully. Just wondering, TypeR and UNKNWN, I see your names from the e-mail and was wondering if you guys would rather us keep using your NT identity to reference you in the thread or are your real (first) names allowed. Completely understand if you choose to remain anonymous but just figured I'd ask since you guys a regulars in the thread.

(UNKNWN...would you rather stay "unknown" :lol: )
Use my name man! Wouldn't have included it if I didn't want you to. :smile:

I would just make my own posts but that seems kinda lame. :lol: It's interesting to know what other people will say about you in their write ups. Currently working on a few posts now.
Alright well just to clarify...UNKNWN are you Manuel or Rob? Saw that it changed from the initial e-mail and was just curious if one was a middle name or whatever.

Either way, Great to meet you Rob (TypeR) and Manuel (UNKNWN).
at $16 a pop you could do worse

And there is a 25% off code from Gilt City, may have an extra one, PM me.

if i could get married again id do it in a nicely tailored Jcrew suit, some of the suit combos i come up on a fly now that i have a couple of ludlows completely blow out the water my BS suit i got from Mens Warehouse, wish i was more into this thread 3 years ago....

btw submitted some stuff to the blog...

Man can I relate to this so much. I've told this to so many people about getting married that I would something completely different. My suit's jacket was ventless...yea......

Steezy didn't know what he did then so he probably really liked the way he looked that day :lol: . While I do agree with your sentiment about splurging, since I wasn't sure if it was an option, I wanted to work within his budget. Even the suits at the higher end of his budget (SuitSupply, J. Crew) will require probably and additional $100-200 in tailoring.

Speaking of which, I'm not sure of your location, wedding date or suit size (they don't make larger than a 42) but Thick as Thieves is another made-to-measure (MTM) option: http://www.thickasthievesla.com/ . Per Scar's suggestion, if you tell us your location, maybe some members can offer you the names of MTM clothiers in your area.

I think $200 in alterations is a bit excessive, anything over $150 is I think too much.
Alright well just to clarify...UNKNWN are you Manuel or Rob? Saw that it changed from the initial e-mail and was just curious if one was a middle name or whatever.

Either way, Great to meet you Rob (TypeR) and Manuel (UNKNWN).
Nevermind...two Robs

My dude TypeR and I :pimp:


I was actually wondering where you've been. Saw your job title on your email. Very impressive man!
This transitional weather is the worst. Cold one hour, warm the next. I never know what to wear. :\
Thanks for the input guys! I'm taking it to the tailor tomorrow to see what can be done.  Overall, the jacket is a bit tight,but the shoulders seem fine.  This tailor is good, so hopefully he can work some magic.

On the flipside, just copped a Ludlow from JCrew too.  Got it for $327 with the 30% off sale and the 15% student discount.  I tried it on a Ludlow cut suit in the store just now and it fits like a glove.  
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